geez sorry for the delay! I went looking trought all my file and i think one of my comrade as fallen i guess. cant find any trace of him on any site. he was theamazingfox and made a couple great video on marianna spring, russel brand and such in UK as gatekeeper. well this one is out. but i got more i'll shoot it here. all gatekeepers in a similar way.

here in comment section of a friend of mine i argue about this sinclair and Adl-tabatabai for being controlled op. many links in my response about what they were up to in 2016 and nowaday.


then the main event is hosted by amazingpoly who stoped for a while after being attacked by wellness company for discovering too early their scam. But lucky for us she got a change of heart recently and is back on the battlefield. I cant express how glad i am cause she is legit real and as a keen sens of observation.

her site is often shut down and she is mirrored by many keyboard warrior since her stuff goes down quite fast. like gematria video makers. so i'll link to bitchute. pay attention! she is worth it


Sorry i couldnt get the fox one about russel brand and marianna spring. but its the same, russel is nothing more than tucker, both pawn on the chessgame. One must be a tower tucker, and the other Russel Brand a guru bishop hehe

So put rogan musk icke bannon and many other in it too. i wonder about sacha tho and is ITNJ jury. For sure greta and vandana shiva are agents to. Well i got more but i'm not gonna bury us under that infinite flow of corruption.

psssst: some on substack are too, but i'm not gonna point to many finger... they mostly gravitate around the covid scam and fake virus here.

hope you will appreciate Poly, and maybe some of my stuff ;)

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tell me more about Icke please. I am intrigued.

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Here's the opening of the (very) slanted Wikipedia article on him (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke):

"David Vaughan Icke (/vɔːn aɪk/ vawn iyk; born 29 April 1952) is an English conspiracy theorist, author and a former footballer and sports broadcaster.[6] He has written over 20 books, self-published since the mid-1990s, and spoken in more than 25 countries.[7][8][9]"

Here's his website: https://davidicke.com/

Here's his stuff on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/search?query=David+Icke&kind=video&sensitivity_id=normal&duration=all&sort=new

And on Rumble: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=David%20Icke

Or Odysee: https://odysee.com/$/search?q=David%20Icke

Amazingly, he's still on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=David+Icke

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These "save the world" types are phonies of the highest order. Referencing Biblical prophecies as justification for their actions is in my opinion extremely naive.

I live by the mantra "it's not nice to fool Mother Nature" and we are all suffering at the hands of these technocrats as they get obscene on our blood.

World-destroying comets, asteroids, or meteors inbound? Oh well, see you on the next spiritual plane...

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Admittedly you can make the Book of Revelation mean whatever you want it to mean, but it's not as if they don't have lately, an over-abundance of material to work with... 🤔

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The book of revelations is a very difficult book to understand. In the Catholic and Orthodox tradition it is not quoted from in their liturgies. In fact some religions Revelations it seems is the only book that is quoted.

On different note I did come across an article (of can't remember off hand) a meteor is supposed hit Earth in 2032.

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You can also forge it😉 ask about julius piso. Im on this matter today

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I would say none of them are off the walls. They guard keepers on top of the wall. Seperating the inner circle from the outer. And by what mean? Deception! Thats where people start to nob on the messenger.

Its hard to see trough who is financed by deepstate to push propaganda and who is legit civilian trying to find the truth.

Ill show you one of a true citizen who on this video is exactly talking bout the gatekeeper scam. In fact ill go on my comp and get you a second one. I got the perfect thing to explain my point!

Ill be back 🔜😎

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Looking forward to it!

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Thanks again.

Contemplating the insanity of the globalist eugenicists, I am reminded of a Kurt Vonnegut story, one about visiting his physicist brother in his messy office. His brother, noticing Kurt's disdain of his surroundings, tapped his temple and said, "You should see what it's like in here!"

Can anyone imagine, even briefly, without developing PTSD or spraying their cookies on the wall, what a horror it must be to occupy the diseased craniums of those miserable psychotic subhuman motherfuckers?

Remember friends, a rope ain't a thing

if it ain't

got that swing

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When exactly did these useful idiots decided it was up to them to play GOD? And also, are they planning with offing themselves and their families first?

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Centuries probably, if not decades at least, Dr. Tina... plans were afoot in The City of London in the late 1880s to destroy Germany for example: "The WWI Conspiracy" by James Corbett -https://corbettreport.com/wwi/; the co-optation of America began in 1913 with the establishment of The Federal Reserve – A Rothschild Central Bank if ever there was one: "The Creature from Jeckyll Island by G. Edward Griffin - https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Published-Griffin/dp/B00NBJGFD8/ref=sr_1_1. The League of Nations and the United Nations were both creatures of the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate, and if you think they ever had Humanity's best interest at heart with either of those abominations, think again...

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If they prefix or suffix their narratives with God or Jesus is lord..then they are limited hangouts and effective gatekeepers, either willing or ignorant.

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