
Many years ago when I still took that duplicitous douchebag Noam Chomsky seriously, I read a book-length panegyric about him in which whoever wrote it, advanced with limpid sincerity the contention that people who believe in such things as “angels” or “demons”, in other words “spirits” … are feeble minded! 😱 Mind you the academic playpen is replete with such block-headed brainiacs, who continue to espouse in the face of the last 140 years’ disintegration at least, the pernicious notions of such as Karl Marx or Sigmund Freud... Or numerous other charlatans such as Edward Jenner or Louis Pasteur; and thus besides the destruction of marriage and the family and the decline of Christianity, we now also have besides the twin slaughters / ethnic cleansings of Ukraine and Occupied Palestine, the fulminating catastrophe of the Covid Fraudemic and the murderous Lethal Injections; not to mention the blatant violation worldwide, for years, of every ethical principle worth mentioning under the bogus pretext of a nonsensical “pandemic response.”

Let me be blunt: The occult is very real. The supernatural does exist, the influence of disembodied spirits on humanity is everywhere — and they don’t always mean well. I’ve read and heard too much about the subject, experienced too many strange things to be in any doubt; especially of the influence of The Demonic; which latterly seems to have insinuated itself into all our institutions, especially it would seem, The Church.

But as for secular institutions such as the United Nations, The World Economic Forum or The World Health Organization? Allegedly created to benefit humanity? It takes only a few hours reading to understand these are, were only ever, emanations straight from The Pit.

And thus Nefarious, which opens with doctrinaire and plausibly Jewish psychiatrist Dr. Alan Fischer, an Atheist, contemptuous of God and Christianity, committing suicide when confronted with the reality of The Demonic. The equally worldly and atheist but Irish and therefore possibly nominally Catholic Dr. James Martin arrives to replace him and evaluate notorious serial killer Edward Wayne Brady; over the course of nearly 100 minutes achieves a fell epiphany …

Curious how the reviewers of Rotten Tomatoes panned Nefarious with 33% — but the audience loved it, giving it 96% … 🤔

What are any of us to do in the face of this incomprehensible evil? Not much, but as Strider said, every little helps. At the very least we can get informed and get fit, learn about nutrition, put food, silver and gold (and lead, come to think of it) aside, acquire ham radio gear and licence; obtain at least a shotgun and become proficient with its use. Meanwhile in the here and now? Life is not a video game without consequence as pontificator and braggart Jeff Berwick seems to think, but rather as Asha Logos said, our every thought and action has ripple effects beyond our comprehension into eternity.

Personally I believe we are living in the most cataclysmic period of recorded history. Will we be able to give a good account of ourselves when we’re standing before our Creator?

Auf Wiedersehen,
Capt. Roy Harkness

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