A lot of people look along the end of their noses at people like Mike Adams, Alex Jones or David Icke. Then again consider the article I cross-posted yesterday, The Systematic Murdering Of Children In Brazil. November 2021, without a word of exaggeration, the Province of British Columbia in Canada, purportedly one of the most advanced countries in the planet, was literally between stages 6-7 of genocide progression. The people in power at the time? They’re still in power. They’ve not—likely will never—be held to account for the crimes they’ve committed. Our Mr. Adams opined late in 2023, “The way of Palestine will be the way of the West”; but if you speak out against the genocide being perpetrated in Gaza you’re instantly some sort of lunatic Neo-nazi.
I put it to you: Is Mike Adams really all that “off the wall”? Is what he saying really that extreme — or just plain silly? Back in 1973 Paul Erhlich wrote of our “computer-ridden, dehumanized society”; look where we are right now. Just give it time.
PS After 20:49 you’re listening to advertisements… 🙄
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