
Dane Wigington with Final Earth Warning

Dane Wigington in conversation with Mike Adams

It’s not just the fires… we must stop the biosphere destruction or perish!”
— Dane Wigington

This is sort of an addendum to my previous post which described the situation in California as “a Monty Python episode written by Franz Kafka”. Listening to Dane and Mike talking, I appear to have chosen the wrong author: This is a Monty Python episode co-written by HP Lovecraft and Thomas Harris. People older than 40 may remember the movie The Silence of the Lambs; meanwhile although I’m aware of Lovecraft’s influence on the zeitgeist of popular culture, I blush to admit I’ve not read anything by him… that I can think of… I’ll have to fix that, like so many other things I have to fix “as old age hasteth”.

With Lovecraft I’m afraid I’m going to have to restrict myself to illustrations of the Evil he writes of, in the form of the “Eldritch Abomination”, viz:

Or given the way our mainstream media deliberately trivializes these things, thus:

Both Mike and Dane speak at some length of the unimaginable horror of the Evil of the people manipulating our lives (our “elected representatives”), and more to the point, the (apparently) still-mortal creatures just behind the scenes manipulating them…

It seemed like Mike was leading up to a dénouement of the demonic… but it didn’t quite happen; Dane meanwhile restricts himself to a Nietzschean “human, all to human” description of the situation.. Still.. if this is what human beings are capable of — as if my reading of The Bolsheviks wasn’t already more than enough*. 😱

Thomas Harris writes of his character Jame Gumb:

CDN media
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again…

“He thinks he is transsexual because he hates his own identity you see: But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying.”

“At least two scholarly journals explained that this unhappy childhood was the reason he killed women in his basement for their skins. The words ‘crazy’ and ‘evil’ do not appear in either article.”

The insight I’m gaining lately is that this is the nature of the pathology of all our politicians; Harvey Cleckly in his classic The Mask of Sanity and M. Scott Peck in People of the Lie both speak of “The Pretense”; in Cleckly’s case an elaborate ruse created by the psychopath to hide the sickness within — Peck however speaks of the cloak hiding The Demonic within…

And this, gentle readers, is all our politicians on the International and National levels and in most cases, the Provincial and State levels; “there is no health in them”; you’re at their mercy; unavoidably you deal with them on your peril…

Meanwhile myself at this point, “the correct use of our own will” that Dane speaks of? Well… Battery and unexpected repair to the car was $787.04 instead of $241.01 like I was naively expecting… 😭 What the Hell is an “EGR valve” and why does it require a motor? 🤔 Thus I/we still owe the mechanic $400 which will come out of my pay, or rather my hide, on Friday, never mind Justin just opened his mouth a little wider and bit off a bit more of my latest paycheque than I already wanted him to chew on. “Lady Carlotta’s” oboe (she of the Schartz-Metterklume Method) having been repaired to her satisfaction she questioned me as to the wisdom of a bassoon purchase on eBay, despite my lukewarmness to the idea she bought it anyway… 😮

I’ll have some fun getting this poor beast resurrected:

The cleaning up of the top joint of my English horn done, tomorrow I start on the bottom joint…

… Then onto polishing up my 1924 New Wonder Alto Saxophone which is now kinda black from neglect:

IOW “situation normal”: Mending the deck chairs on the Titanic

Auf Wiedersehen!
Capt. Roy Harkness


* 💣 “What’s a Gentile to Do?”

💣 “What’s the Deal with Jews and Torture?”

Craig does not hide the geneology of Bolshevism; 50% of the rank-and-file, 80% of the management; pretty much all the leaders with the dubious exceptions of Lenin (of Jewish descent) and Stalin (a putative Georgian, none-the-less spoke Yiddish fluently, had 3 Jewish wives) were Jews; an ethnicity within Russia constituting at the time maybe 4% of the population. Deal with it.