Hello Capt.,

Speaking of Ted Levine playing James Gumb in Manhunter, there's a killer track by Q.Lazzarus entitled "Goodbye Horses" which is the music that overlays the final scene when Gumb finally meets his maker:


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My favorite exchange in the movie:

Clarice: "If you didn't kill him Sir, who did?"

Hannibal: "Who's to say? Best thing for him really, his therapy was going nowhere..." 🤔😳

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Dane knows his shit.

I listen to his podcasts weekly.

His demeanor has been increasingly alarmist, because he knows what we are heading towards.

I have tried telling everyone.

I try daily to inform others

No one, but a few, give a flying fuck about anything but their cell phones, their physical appearance, their physical possessions, and this insane idea that some Big Orange dude is singlehandedly will save us all

I do not see anyone, other than the cave dwelling evil zionist elites, surviving this.

When it comes to fruition, I will meet my family passed, and I take solace in this thought

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Is it them, or the mirror?

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That's them. Mike on the left, Dane on the right. The background is an AI Animation.

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31:00 - We had the technology for electric naturally. This grid has been broken, with the gutting of the structures called cathedrals, churches and other ancient sights, such as pyramids, temples, star forts, etc. These were integral parts of the original, electrical grid that worked with the earth. The destruction of our earth has been happening at the hands of this evil since the beginning of time. Each "Reset", is another notch in their belt, which holds their bag of dirty tricks. And yes, this may be the last notch!

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