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Brighteon Broadcast News, September 10, 2024 – Global Vaccine Mass Sterilization Plot Openly Admitted – Depopulation Goals Confirmed

By Mike Adams
Madison Jane, June 12, 2007 — October 22, 2023

Dr. William Makis posted on his Substack late last night “mRNA Injury Stories - 16 year old champion golfer Madison Jane Smith died on Oct.22, 2023 after a battle with Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer” –

COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis
mRNA Injury Stories - 16 year old champion golfer Madison Jane Smith died on Oct.22, 2023 after a battle with Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer
My Take…
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A 16-year-old girl dying of colorectal cancer? It’s just like the story I also read on Substack yesterday of a 15-year-old boy diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis!

Mary Kate Moranwas moved to write to me thus:

“Unfortunately, Capt. I’ve come to realize some people will likely never wake up, or can’t wake up, or don’t even WANT to wake up. It’s a lost cause. I keep reading and hearing how people are starting to “wake up” — and I hope this is true — but I’m personally not seeing it, at least not on any grand scale or among any of my family/neighbors/coworkers. Yesterday, I was in the surgeon’s office waiting with my brother (who has throat cancer). He just finished radiation treatments, to no avail. As we were waiting, he lamented how he’s getting over a really bad case of shingles (likely a “vax” injury I’m guessing, and from a compromised immune system), and how he now wants a shingles “vax”, and how I should get a shingles “vax”, too. (Mind you, he tells me this, knowing full well my anti-poison stance.) Long story short, he is very sick; he has a tumor on his liver and is facing a complete laryngectomy and possible chemo. My heart aches for him and I’m praying to God he doesn’t suffer. When I later discussed my anger with my ultra-pro “vaccine” mother at his insistence on getting more “vaccines”, she basically told me to shut up; to stop looking at the “internet”, and if he wants more “vaccines” he should get them, if that’s what his doctors recommend, as they’re the ones who are educated, etc. (Incidentally, I hold a master’s degree and also spent almost 3 years working for America’s Frontline Doctors.) I’ve never felt so isolated in my life, and I have NO ONE I can speak to who shares my values and opinions on this democidal de-pop/transhumanism operation. I’ve learned to lean entirely on Jesus for comfort and support. I don’t hold out much hope for the vast majority of those in my circle, or humanity at large. I think far too many are brainwashed; possibly possessed. It’s like living among a group of Munchausen victims who have been inducted into some demonic death cult of media/doctor/pharma idol-worshippers. I thank God every day I have discernment (and especially that I’m not a minor child under the care of my parents, who would have likely forced injections on me). The social pressure to conform to death shots had zero effect on me (despite having to lose a job, etc.). I told them to shove it and will do so again. I’d rather live in my car than ever compromise my values. I’ll help my brother, and the rest of my “vaccine” injured family, as best as I can, as I can’t abandon them. But I give up “planting seeds”, etc. As for the many poor, innocent, minor-aged child victims who were poisoned against their will by their MK Ultra mind-controlled parents, my heart aches for them, and their future offspring, assuming they can even have children.”

As I was responding to her, this snippet from Mike Adams’ presentation made me sit up and pay attention; from about 26:00 on:

“Don’t ever think that these people will wake up and change. They are incapable of being Red-pilled, because they’re vaccine-damaged: They can no longer engage in high-level reasoning; their cognition is gone. This is not something that they’re capable of. When you try to appeal to them with a sense of “reason”? It’s like talking to a brick wall. It’s not going to go anywhere, it’s just going to bounce off their thick skull because frankly the neurons of higher cognition have already been fried by the vaccines...”

Ἐρχούμενος Κύριος Ἰησοῦς,
Capt. Roy Harkness

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