Sep 10Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Mary Kate, with the pretty name, hang tough. You are right and it may be your were meant to be with your brother at the time of his troubles. At the moment you were conceived, God gave you a spirit that is troubled now but is still soft, warm, tender and beautiful because you are a woman, God's most precious and beautiful creation. Do not feel alone by feeling misunderstood because you are not alone and everyone here loves you and cherishes who and what you are, including me. Though I am rough I have a very soft side and I am showing it to you.

It seems dear gal that when things are good, they can always be better and when things are bad they can always be worse. Stay close here, there are lots of lovely conservative women and men here though I expect I am the roughest. Stand in front of the mirror precious one and look at a beautiful woman who has things all figured out but never feel alone. You are loved in your hurt but never hurt in your love.

Always Edward

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HUG - Your words are beautiful, I am moved by the touch. Yet, we've so many people effected and so few to understand the labors of our deep and undying loves. Keep them coming, with devotion - Others are sure to follow!

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Depswah, the worst type of loneliness comes from those who feel alone because none understand them and worse, falsely judge and hurt them. This is what happened to my best friend. She found me on a Women and Abuse bulletin board and has never let me go and never will. Why? Because I had to enter into the fellowship of her suffering and feel it to understand it and her, and it tore big chunks out of my heart. it broke me and she saw that but more she felt it.

There are others like her everywhere feeling that they are all alone and nobody cares or understands them.

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Good on you and happiness to you both. HUG

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

There are times the words are not mine, they just seem to flow through me. I am telling the truth now. I am incapable of moving people in the way it does at times.

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Sep 10Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I read this as I was pondering how I should respond to a text I just received. It's too long to share here, but it begins with a list of people who went to bed on September 10, 2001 having plans for the following day which would never be fulfilled because of the 9/11 attacks. It continued, "In one single moment, life would never be the same. And since then, many more have lost their lives because of that day in 2001." It ends with an inspiring message, urging each of us to not take for granted one second of life, but instead react with compassion and love as NYC did on 9/12.

I don't minimize the human toll of that day, but my thoughts immediately went to the day in March 2020 when the covid lockdowns began. Far more lives have been taken or ruined by the covid plandemic than by 9/11. Unlike the days after 9/11, when I distinctly remember people coming together to comfort and support one another, there was no recognition of the losses suffered as the government's covid response bulldozed its way through the world. There are no memorials for those killed by hospital protocols or the vaccines, or for those who are now disabled.

Mary Kate Moran, I understand how you feel. Although society does not want to talk about it, those of us who understand need to find one another. We can't help those who are willfully blind, but we can support each other.

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Bingo. But let's not keep trying? It's very hard to preserve humanity and compassion in a World determined to erase both.

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Blessings ~

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I think Mary Kate echoes what many of us have likely felt over these 4 years of lunacy. Some days the reality hits more than other days especially when you see family/friends/neighbours having health issues or death. This is why these forums are so necessary. We aren't alone.

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Oh, it's been Hell on Wheels, when it hasn't been Hell on Earth... and that comment of Mike Adams (26:00 on...): "They can no longer engage in high-level reasoning; their cognition is gone"; the reality for me is hitting home, after a night's sleep... in a year or two, the Purebloods will be the only people functioning in a sea of zombies... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vun9jZTqaqg

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

The brainwashing is so complete in these people. They actually fear watching or looking at conservative news. I was at my sister's house years ago and pulled up Drudge Report (when it was still conservative) on her laptop. She just about had a heart attack and told me to get off immediately, like the gestapo would break through the door at any time. This is why they never hear the truth and fiercely stay connected to the msm propaganda.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Author


Then again I remember back when I was "progressive" and "liberal" in I guess the American sense – up here in Woke Canuckistan the political party that's usually in power ARE "The Liberals" 😱💩 – being concerned at what I was reading on Unz.com or LewRockwell.com ... And I recall the pissing contest I got into on Facebook while I was still on it, when I remarked the reason the MSM hated Trump so much was because he was a "Nationalist" and they're all "Globalists"...

OOPS! I instantly learned in no uncertain terms "globalist" is not a word to use in some places, because if you do it means you're some kind of a Neo-nazi Holocaust Denying Antisemite and I was very quickly banned from buddy's Facebook page...

And a "Nationalist" is even worse! The Nazis were "Nationalists," "doncha know Dear"... 🤔🙄

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I am so sick of their words game. They lie like demons, invert everything, and manipulate language as a weapon. Remember "logic is an enemy and truth is a menace" to those who follow the beast.

Globalist? I prefer self proclaimed and unelected masters of the universe, lol.

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I call them parasites.

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That works too!

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Oh Dear sweet you (all) - My sincere sympathies, hopes and dreams, stream out to you and others who are also living this disgusting shit!

Creator bless, with Love -


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In BC times (before covid), I was talking to a friend about vaccines. I've no idea why... She bit my head off when I challenged her on them. Being vax injured myself for 12 years now, it's a slap in the face to me. I do not understand this worship of vaccines. We have a neighbor with 2 autistic kids. People talk about autism as though it's just expected today. My cousin had 4 clots immediately, had half a foot cut off, just had 4 stents put in her heart, then had a massive stroke. The really sad part is that my compassion has run out. Perhaps that's the other side of the equation. Those of us who refused the poison are having OUR souls removed. Just in a different way, and that is something I thought I'd never say...

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The letter from Mary Kate is one of the most poignant and horrifying things I've ever read. She sounds strong and I wish she will always be so.

"As for the many poor, innocent, minor-aged child victims who were poisoned against their will by their MK Ultra mind-controlled parents, my heart aches for them, and their future offspring, assuming they can even have children.”

There aren't any words I can say or explain for the enormity of this crime

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I've observed significant changes in Australia. Population uptake of experimental injections - new ones and "boosters" - is low. More people are talking about vaxx adverse events that have occured to them or people close to them. Most people stopped wearing masks on the public transport system a few years ago despite recorded announcements every 5 minutes or so that masks are mandatory and people can be fined for not wearing them. That's all a significant positive change from the uncritical swallowing whole of the fearmongering propaganda of 2020-1. Once people see that government employees are harming them, a light goes on which is unlikely to go off.

The truth is also something that can't be defeated. It takes the globalists a lot of continuing investment to investment to suppress the truth and dictate the scope of discussion. Indeed they spend billions on propaganda every year.

Also, this is a spiritual battle and the victory is spiritual. What happens in the here and now of the material world is less important.

So, best to keep on keeping on.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

It is a spiritual fight. That doesn't mean there should be no accounting in the world we are in. Every single individual involved in this crime has to be prosecuted.

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And found guilty.

And publicly executed.

Or at the very least, life imprisonment in solitary.

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"at the very least."

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Amen brother.

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