Aside from a 'dodge' around the nonsensical readily falsified "COVID" / "case" narrative, ....on the nail. -

Neil Oliver and Ed Dowd explore just some of the details of “Covid-19” and the lethal injections.. A fraud so monumental, so all-encompassing, it simply beggars understanding, never mind belief. This particular discussion involves the stunning degree of financial malfeasance worldwide, but in particular, America’s debt, which is is now so overwhelming it cannot be repaid… Thus “Covid” and the bogus vaccines, as a means of imposing things like Digital IDs, Central Bank Digital Currencies and Chinese-style Social Credit as means of controlling humanity... Oh, and did I mention killing off as many retirees as possible to cut down on government financial obligations? This horror story is beyond monumental, it is truly phantasmagoric, indeed bordering on the psychedelic. But not in a nice way.