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Good interview to wake people up..Both Neil Oliver and Edward Dowd have excellent credentials.

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Only thing likely to wake those pinheads up will be a kiss from Prince Charming... 🙄💩

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"COVID" is a "case" based assertion predicated upon the detection of a few tiny fragments of nucleotide sequence, readily identified about anywhere or in anything in the environment. These guys are still wrapped up in the nonsense of an "assertion" of "COVID." There is no extant, contagious self-replicating intra cellular parasite (aka. "virus") as had been established elsewhere. It has not been found, identified, or isolated. It remains an 'in silico' fantasy that became the invidious terrible soul of the shots.

NO VACCINES can ever exist for the BigPharma "viral" fantasy. But these guys will simply not go there. Therein lies the absolutely final step in the elimination of fear.

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I don't know how this fraud could be any more obvious – or obnoxious. But almost no-one, even now, "gets it".

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Captain, I suspect that when you're standing in a queue to DIE, eventually whispers down the line tend to encourage some (?many) to quietly drift away from the line and merge into the shadows, while pretending they were never in the line. The entities in the power-play have gambled themselves toward incipient non-existence, "UFOs" notwithstanding. ;-) Fascinating times indeed.

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Dowd, "their all loyalists", in regards to Trump's cabinet picks, is he for real??? Has he ever really outed Blackrock after working for them? "make vaccines safer" BLAH BLAH BLAH. He is weak and possibly controlled op.

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Whom can you trust? I'm beginning to believe if they have ANY media presence, even if they're held up as examples of misinformation or called "antivaxxers" or some such, they are in fact controlled opposition, merely an other aspect of the psy-op; they're just Emmanual Goldstein from "Nineteen Eighty-Four".

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Thanks for sharing this video. I’m going to watch it again as there was so much information in there.

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Most of trump’s choice have dual citizenship with Isreal! It’s all about jews if you dare to search deep enough

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Yes Asha Logos is excellent. My comment about searching deep enough was more fir the Neil Oliver audience

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"search deep enough"? 🤔 More like what we call in the colonies a "no-brainer" 🙄💩

BTW Have you met "Asha Logos" (https://www.ashalogos.com) yet?

💣 "A Modestly Priced Weapon - Our Controlled Press" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2BNkmsR70oFM/

💣 "Our Fight Against the Malevolent Hatred of the 'Eternal Rebel'" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/sepY0zSDxLIa

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