Excellent commentary! People are obliviously sleepwalking through life, paying no attention to what is happening, while accepting what they are told by the evil ones.

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Then try to wake them up up, alert them to reality.... experience the gratitude... 🙄

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Yeah, many people in my family. Hate my guts now. It’s sad. I moved away to different family.

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Welcome to the club. I have estranged all my sibblings. Greedy, selfish, fraudulent waifs I despise.

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July 14, 2014, the tender age of 55: I finally grasped my sisters, their spouses and children, couldn't have a shit about me, whether I lived or died, and never did. "Enlightenment" is not always a joyous, uplifting, soul-enhancing experience: It is however, always a necessary one.🤔

I've not seen nor spoken to these people since.

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I know a man and he told me he had not spoken to his brother in over three decades. I was not surprised.

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The women can be so aggressive, and the men completely completely the opposite. They have everything upside down.

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We might need one of those electric shock providers LOL. And I am not sure there is gratitude to be had

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I'd actually prefer one those TR-116 rifles from Star Trek... it had a miniature transporter in the barrel, you could beam the bullet to any place you wanted... and about 20,000 rounds of ammunition for it... 🤔

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Have you experienced the gratitude when you tried to do so? 😊 I can count two times when I did.

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What I experienced was the most grotesque ugliness and stupidity imaginable:

"Mending the Deck Chairs on the "Titanic" – Prelude" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/mending-the-deckchairs-on-the-titanic.

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There are no words adequate to respond to your description of what you've experienced. As Naomi Wolf wrote in her newest book, "I miss the Before Times." I don't think they're ever coming back.

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Oh my God I really miss the way. Things were when I was growing up in the 60s and 70s. Just to be a normal woman and to be treated like a lady. 😭 I loved it so much when men would be swearing with each other and then see me passing by and tell each other.shhhh shhh because they wouldn’t swear in front of a lady. The last time I heard this was 20 years ago. It makes me sick. They took everything away from us. Everything good

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No - The beauty, smiles, living and/or life and being love, was not taken from us. It was allowed to become snatched out from under the breath of babes!

May I suggest: Working like the dickens, to gain your freedoms back?

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gypsies have to ... gypsy

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I'd say Anne, what I described was about par for the course for most of the Red Pilled, and certainly many people experienced far worse.. I recall that Australian woman, pregnant, arrested in her pajamas at breakfast because their WEF government didn't like a Facebook comment she issued.. or another woman in England, a nurse, did a video at the height of the Fraudemic illustrating her completely empty hospital. The Thought Police were there the next day to arrest her... there's the story of on-line commentator Max Igan, escaping "Austjailia" literally hours before the Gestapo arrived to disappear him. Here in the Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan under our Dear Leader Justine Castreau (Praise and Blessings be upon her name)? I've seen the construction tenders issued by the government for their Quarantine Camps...

The "Before Times" or something like them could come back.. if only we could wake up the the Blue-Pilled Pinheads that are 98% of humanity... But when the Bird Flu scam starts up in November? They'll be just as suckered as they were with the Covid Fraudemic.

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Sadly, I believe you are right. Just as insane in this country are the people who hate Donald Trump so much that they were willing to vote for a senile puppet. Now the Democrat party, which has all but destroyed this country, has installed airhead Kamala and instantly turned her into a hero. I'm no big Trump fan, but I will vote for him and trust God for the results. That doesn't mean I trust Him only if my country is saved, but through whatever happens. That's the only way I can make it through this heaviness, always waiting and wondering when the black swan event will happen.

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Aug 4
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aha it was sarcasm LOL

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He was being sarcastic!

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The experience of gratitude, is when you, yourself achieve gratitude - Then it is a true experience of teaching and of love.

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I gave up trying some time ago. It was an exercise in futility.

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I have had success in finding good people to be close to outside of family but always remember if you are alone you are guaranteed to be in good company.

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Ain't that the truth? 🙄

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I must say all my friends are better than I am(especiqlly the gals) but we go way back.

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Yeah not much gratitude when using logic on zombies

Good friends becoming zombies before one’s eyes is a sight to behold

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They like their delusions I think

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You'll be showered in gratitude!

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Hello Capt Roy,

Nothing new here from Dowd.

Pretty much stating the obvious aka hack.

Isn't he involved in the insurance industry?

Like that isn't the ultimate scam industry.

He, like many others on the fake freedom movement, has made many dystopian predictions. Along with those prophesying depopulation on account of the covid injections, which simply hasn't happened.

You're way better than posting this sort of drivel.


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What was that line from Isaiah and John the Baptist? "I am a voice, crying in the wilderness"?🤔

You're right, it is nothing new, Dowd indeed has his share of critics, however I felt it bears repeating; perhaps you should tune into Mark Crispin Miller's or William Makis' substacks; they're sobering..

💣 https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/

💣 https://makismd.substack.com/

More in a bit I'm still recovering from my 10-day marathon.. this "getting old" business, idonno.. 🙄

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Dowd was in Maui and used to work for Black Rock and Wall Street….

Did not hear him speak out much about the grotesque incinerating of

Hawaiians in their homes and streets with the DEWs. Do they die right away or does it take seconds or minutes to combust with Directed Energy with/without tortuous agony? So Opra, Zuckerbucks snd Ellison etc . the Chinese etc can have more of their Lahaina area waterfront land.

Directorate of DEWs on Maui if I am not mistaken.

The last American Vagabond and other uncensored Internet sites.

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Thnx much for linx. Shall peruse them in a bit.

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I was already subscribed to one, but I subscribed to the other one as well

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Marathon, as in sex with a homeless woman from Detroit, organic broccoli covered in cram jam and some Ludwig Van?


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"a homeless woman from Detroit"? I'd like to believe my standards are a bit higher than that... 🤢🤮

Naw... 6 nights of Graveyards in the Subhanger substituting for our departed Tranny, Diana of the Disjuncted Dinky...🔪😱 Seems the Transgendered of Justine's Woke Canuckistan get a $16,500 "Medical Pension" from the Federal Government, can earn up to $14,500 working for a living above that, but soon as it's a nickle over, his pension – along apparently with his wanker – is cut off entirely. So within 4 days of cut-off, so to speak, he (I'll be damned if I'll call these twisted de-balled freaks "she") abruptly quit. No warning. On the 6th night, home that morning, to bed, up 6 hours later and 4 nights of afternoon shifts in The Kiosk on the flight deck of the gently disintegrating HMCS Caligulary... 2 days off, and back to my regular cycle..

Many thanks for the Ludwig lick, but JS Bach is altogether more my speed:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McDHJApZUBs 😘

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Hey Barry...

Apropos of nothing at all.. 65 likes, 121 comments, 17 reposts. Most successful post I've ever done.. Just wish I'd written it... 🙄💩

Cheers, Roy...

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to me it seems a bit early to discount the depopulation agenda because of the injections. We know that millions have already died and millions are seriously injured with heart trouble, immunity problems and many more.

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Yes, Wilson, perhaps it's indeed way too early to say - thalidomide took ten years plus to manifest birth defects in newborns, but there was no depopulation agenda in the creation of thalidomide.

All I'm saying is, if the stats (lies of course) are that 5.5BN got the jab - let's round it down to 2BN souls of partial fact then, if say 50 million are dead, it's only 2.5% of the injected.

So there's got to be an easier way to depopulate than the covid injection slurry.

But yes, the 97.5% of the remaining injected have the ticking time bomb.

We'll have to wait and see.

The alleged freedom movement is a cult.

And with all cults you inevitably die on a hill in Guyana staring at a fuckwit psychopath false prophet called Jim Jones

Best to you.


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Here's another one for you "Leading Harvard Researchers Link Covid Shots to Sudden Deaths Surge" - https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/leading-harvard-researchers-link

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And the best to you.

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I don't discount the idea, not even a little bit.

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Neither do I. I was responding to this comment.

"He, like many others on the fake freedom movement, has made many dystopian predictions. Along with those prophesying depopulation on account of the covid injections, which simply hasn't happened."

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According to The Covid Blog, 1 billion are already dead. Amazing how if you aren't told about something, you don't know about it... 🤔

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the fluvid scamdemic was a military psy-op run by the Anglo-American-Jewish axis of terror; the point of which was to rapidly erect arbitrary and lawless control structures just to see what the numbers will look like when they get down to business..... and that, according to the Gates demon, "will get your attention"....update, Hotez says to expect it on the 21st of January. exactly. Like when do we start seeing this trash taken out?

Are you suggesting that Dowd, an actuary and statistician is like so many that are scampering to cross the street before the wrecking crew arrives, seeking shelter amongst those they have recently dehumanised and brutalised? I don't see Dowd that way, mostly because I traced his data and I see no fraud there. Such commentary strips attention from where it should be looking. End the UN now. Drag the AGW cult science-sluts into the street and have them eat crickets before the peasants give 'em what's coming

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It’s arrived and it is cloaked in virtue. Hell, they’ll twist themselves into pro Democracy, Constitutionalists if it will keep them in power while they vacuum all the riches they can and take as much control as they can through our government and military system. We know who’s on board. A bunch of Dumbass bureaucratic minions who participate in this Evil because they think this makes them “important” as they fail upward.

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Indeed. I wrote of the situation up here in Canuckistan: "Canada is a House on Fire" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/canada-is-a-house-on-fire... Hope you're looking forward to the new Harris Administration on November 5... 😱

"Remember, Remember, the 5th of November" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/remember-remember-the-fifth-of-november

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Yeah, they won’t hand over their power to Trump, no matter what. We’re on the Titanic, courtesy of the Cabal.

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Trump/Harris it's all Uniparty.

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War is peace.

Slavery is freedom.

Ignorance is strength.

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We would live in a peaceful world if it were not being controlled by a death cult. I have no idea why these people- IF they are actually human- believe they have the right to be here and we do not. I don't hang out with them, nor would I want to. I've researched the who/what/why/when/ where/how of this prison planet for about a decade. I hear so many saying there's a grand awakening- not where I live! I believe we've been through these cycles for millennia. Will we break free? I've no idea, but I hope so. I never lose hope, but I've lost interest in trying to wake others. It's an exercise in futility.

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Oh I hear you... We live in a reality so grotesque Franz Kafka and HP Lovecraft working together couldn't make it up. The Rothschild Crime Syndicate I heard a few years ago holds 500 TRILLION dollars, half humanity's liquid wealth – and they're no-where near the pinnacle of the iceberg of depravity that controls our planet... and every last damned (literally) one of them, up to their eyeballs in black magick, devil worship, child sacrifice and adenochrome consumption. Not merely revolting, but ridiculous! ... but a nasty surprise is waiting for them on The Other Side ...

About the only advice I can offer which you're probably doing, get fit, get prepped, do what you can to help those around you in need, try and alert those who seem like they'll listen – but be careful with that!

And I'd like to conclude with "Place your faith in God and in Christ" ... but after a lifetime of bitter disappointment I find that in itself, a challenge... 🙄

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Well, I wasn't going to go into detail....you did it for me. I'm never sure how deep some have gone, and I do not wish to shock the 'newbies'! Yes, I'm doing all that. I don't push too hard with the trying to get others to understand. I figure when the house of cards comes down, they're going to remember me warning them. Probably best to keep to myself at this point!

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The truth is so whacko of course no-one will believe you... 🙄

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Yes, that's why I try to stick with 'normie' topics. I lose people with easily proven subjects. You start getting into death cult territory, well, it's too much for them!

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I agree with every single point. What is happening is disgusting and disheartening. And that is putting it mildly.

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As Jesus Christ the Righteous of all people advised in times such as ours: "Arm yourselves. Flee the cities."

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How right he is but we already knew this, we've been living a nightmare since 2020 thats only gotten worse with time. I have readied myself for whats coming and I pray its enough, its been a 4 year plus slog but hopefully it'll buy us the time we need.

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Hannahleigh, most people I know, 99%, have doubled down into la la land. It appears as if they are lost. How did you know 'it' was a satanic plot?

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Whether or not they want actual feudalism, I think their idea is that no one should be outside the system. In it everyone has his place and is expected to do as told. One world wide corporation, or perhaps kingdom. Of course, all of this independence of thought and action must go. Rather than everything not specifically banned being all right, everything is banned unless it is specifically allowed.


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Brave words. Yet Denethor's words before he immolated himself grow ever more cogent: "Go then and labour in healing! Go forth and Fight! Vanity. For a little space you may triumph on the field, for a day. But against the Power that now arises there is no victory."

What are any of us to do in the face of overwhelming odds? What I experienced at the hands of my fellow human beings over the course of the Fraudemic was astounding and appalling.

"How It Will Go Down: Diversity Edition" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LYD2OCageU&t=56s

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DIEverSHITty is the enemy of all that is good.

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And I still see people who call themselves conservative, using words like founder, instead of founding fathers. Not you but let us please remember to not use government words because every time we do that the government wins.

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The Bible makes clear (2nd Thess 2, e.g.) that fake virtue finds its most fertile market where folks have rejected the true kind, found only in Jesus Christ.

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"Zion hears the watchmen’s voices, / With gladness all her heart rejoices.." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btF0qRNcSuc

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lovely! brings back lots of old memories!

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Democide. He forgot democide. Mass casualties of war, iatrogenesis, genocides, abortion, infertility, psychogenic illness, economic destitution and ultimately depopulation can no longer be ruled out as happenstance corollaries. It’s a Third World War against a Fourth Reich using Fifth Generation Warfare.

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Five European countries start the electronic passport next month, including a vaxx' passport so it seems. Belgium, Germany, Greece, Portugal and Latvia have the honor of starting the first step into total oblivion. I wonder what the consequences are if you want to travel there? What happens if there is a leak, like happened twice already this year at AT&T. And it also happened in hospitals before. A whole countries medical info out in the open? Next thing they will force banks to put your finances on it and then when you want to pay your groceries, either it spits out your medical info, or more probably, all your money is gone!

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You have got to be kidding me..😱 But of course you're not... Yhe potential for devastation is simply incredible. Did these morons stop to think what computer crackers could do with this? Obviously not.

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I know you're not kidding. But they can put a gun to my head and pull the trigger before I'll ever take another vaccination.

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Me too!

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amen to that ! a quick death is to prefer over what we see now !

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Every one should be holding hands across the world - Blessings to your heart!

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Yes. Why have we not all come together, regardless of ideology? That is our power. Look at the freedom convoy. Now they will think twice before fucking with Canada. Sorry for the swear but it is necessary.

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Very well said!

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Thanks. Totally agree with everything I read. Question. When a person is surrounded in a culture of denial, knowing that openly opposing the narrative will only isolate one from society, is it better to be a total reject or better to wait for an opening so that people will listen when they are ready? P.S. As a reject, nothing will be accomplished . It is not a situation where being rejected is a process that leads to the truth.

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I've been wrestling with this question for months, if not years... Most of the people around you are so deeply entranced I suspect it would take "cult deprogramming" to bring them to their senses. As the Fraudemic gradually intensified, more and more I came as much as possible to live like a hermit, and continue to do so: Openly resisting the insanity was risking immediate personal violence or getting fired; when the next salvo comes ("Bird Flu" for crying out loud!🙄) you could be "disappeared" into a Quarantine Camp, never to be seen or heard from again. Stefan Verstappen talks of "Grey Man" strategies and of "Community Building"; his material is still miraculously on YouTube, that might be a good place to start, as other "preppers" such as "Canadian Prepper", "MD Creekmore" or "Apartment Prepper" – there's lots of others out there. If you haven't started prepping, better do so now, there's precious little time left; besides the incendiary situation thanks to Bibi Netenyahu, Israel and the Neocons, yesterday courtesy of "Northern Truth Seeker" learned of of Bill Gate's / The WHO's stated intention to forcibly round up and mRNA inject the non-compliant:


💣 https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/bill-gates-and-who-call-for-military-to-round-up-mrna-vaccine-refusers-during-bird-flu-pandemic/

Should it come to this? My probably reckless/dangerous advice to everyone in North America? Obtain a small pistol or revolver and a concealed holster for it; practice using it till you can do so blindfolded, in the dark, and carry it with you day and night: They're out to kill you anyway, take some of the demonic bastards with you when the time comes! Hysterical and risible of me? Consider "Event 201" of November 2019. The Covid Fraudemic arrived 4 months later in March 2020. Rumour hath it the same diabolical agents are planning on a similar "Bird Flu" Scenario for October this year... 🤔

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Aye aye. Will get my blindfold tomorrow. Thank you.

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You must be American. Up here in Canuckistan if I followed my own advice I could be arrested on the spot.

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Ahhh...I love it - Canada, eh? Much a friend of the North country. I have been many times over the years. Friends remain - Hug n a moose kiss too. Lol

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FooK BillyBoob n all of the other freaks of nature - They have an affliction of their brains. It's called, Duhmassisms!

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Everything is corrupt. Woke wankers are filling the holes in the population of retirees and are the new theological dinkery taught in the school CYSTem by dingbats and in churches as kooks.

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Unfortunately, their bodies, homes, clothing, food and tankards have been filled with poison - Now we standby.

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But more problematic, so have their brains. Many people are now sheeple.

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Brains and bodies are effected by those toxic additives.

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In my complete understanding; All are corelated and must be handled with kid gloves from here on out.

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Nope. I have no use for brain washed fools and no time for their BS lies and imaginations.

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No, there must have been an mis understanding. I also have no use for them. I meant to say: Those who are effected by the poisons, toxins, etc...We now standby, as we await their awakening or demise as a result of said crazy of which they have chosen or fallen victim to.

Blessings keg

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My error. Regrets. Note for example the the injust "justice CYSTem" and bureaucrap bumblers. Criminals are coddled, pigs target freedom lovers, asswipe leftist political hacks make decisions contrary to the best interests of the people and fake leaders like turdo, ovomit, bidumb, etc are qualified as such based on their bigotry and persecution of freedom loving people.

What is happening in Britain will occur sooner or later in every western nation.

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Well said

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“Let's be clear,

the future is not just happening;

the future is built by us,

a powerful community here in this room.

We have the means to impose the state of the world” - Clown Schwab, Davos 2022.

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Where's a tactical nuke when you need one? Failing that, a Mannlicher-Carcano with a defective bolt and a non-functional toy scope mounted on it?

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He'll get one from pHarmala Harris!

"When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water." – pHarmala Harris, July 14, 2023

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Grotesque, isn't it? 🤔

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They probably should move to their bunkers RIGHT NOW.

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