The British vaccinated there Boer prisoners(women and children) to protect them after years of trying to exterminate them. Our controllers wanted the Gold and Diamonds the Boer had settled on.
It’s quite a bit like living in a Twilight Zone episode in todays world. How I long for my childhood carefree days when my worries were how would I enjoy my next day of an ending summer. I often think of the pain my father lived through as a child. He grew up in the depression and at one point watched his younger brother starve, get sick, and pass away when he was only 7. (My sister did a genealogy service and sure enough it showed his brother who passed). Then as a 24 year old kid volunteer to go to Germany, fight in a war, and survive a gunshot wound through his back. I remember walking home from school for lunch, he had retired. He would have my lunch all made waiting for me. I didn’t realize it then, going in the kitchen and sitting down with him smoking his cigarette, but he gave off this sense of total contentment. He had fought his war and survived. He had done his years of work and now was reaping what he had sewn. He didn’t live a long life but those years when my siblings and I were young and in school was his payment for all of his suffering. Sometimes I wonder if we will all have to go through that suffering to get to where we finally find our peace. Although I have worked hard all of my life, I as I’m sure many, have not paid in suffering the way my father paid. Maybe to fix all of this insanity we all have a payment due.
We do seem to be living in apocalyptic times – and even now most people are so stupid it's pointless and occasionally dangerous even to try to make them see it. As for your story about your dad? Struck a resonant chord in me; my dad also grew up in the depression and fought in World War II... Your dad's and my dad's lives, just like your life and my life, bought and paid for, by The Rothschild Crime Syndicate... 🙄💩
Thank God for people like your father, our fathers. Your dad made it a long way 5 years? I’m sorry for his injury. With all of the death and destruction my father saw in Europe, I never saw him expose bad affects from the horrific things he went through. I did see him get mad a couple of times but just because us kids caused it. I don’t think I could be so strong. He had trained in the Carolina’s and then Florida with a group of men before being shipped off. He told my sister one night the 50 of them went out on a mission and by morning 49 of his friends had been killed, he was the only one left. He was given a field promotion to second sergeant. He always said he never wanted any of his 3 boys to carry a rifle into war. He also had some medals including his Purple Heart. I thank your father for his service! BTW what does Captain stand for? If you don’t mind me asking…
It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. The Christian non-violent thing is certainly problematic. The next fall-back would be noncompliance, as you mention. Furthermore, the more parallel we can be, the better too. "come of out her my people" surely implies BEING somewhere else.
I remember reading about an early cult of "Christians" in the Roman Empire who insisted on being beaten to death, because they thought that this would get them into heaven.
They would accost strangers on the road and threaten to kill them unless the strangers agreed to beat them to death.
This cult did not last long. Transgenderism is similar.
Its all demonic, we're in a spiritual war that we can still win.
There's no guarantee of success. We MUST win. The alternative is unbearable.
The British vaccinated there Boer prisoners(women and children) to protect them after years of trying to exterminate them. Our controllers wanted the Gold and Diamonds the Boer had settled on.
It’s quite a bit like living in a Twilight Zone episode in todays world. How I long for my childhood carefree days when my worries were how would I enjoy my next day of an ending summer. I often think of the pain my father lived through as a child. He grew up in the depression and at one point watched his younger brother starve, get sick, and pass away when he was only 7. (My sister did a genealogy service and sure enough it showed his brother who passed). Then as a 24 year old kid volunteer to go to Germany, fight in a war, and survive a gunshot wound through his back. I remember walking home from school for lunch, he had retired. He would have my lunch all made waiting for me. I didn’t realize it then, going in the kitchen and sitting down with him smoking his cigarette, but he gave off this sense of total contentment. He had fought his war and survived. He had done his years of work and now was reaping what he had sewn. He didn’t live a long life but those years when my siblings and I were young and in school was his payment for all of his suffering. Sometimes I wonder if we will all have to go through that suffering to get to where we finally find our peace. Although I have worked hard all of my life, I as I’m sure many, have not paid in suffering the way my father paid. Maybe to fix all of this insanity we all have a payment due.
We do seem to be living in apocalyptic times – and even now most people are so stupid it's pointless and occasionally dangerous even to try to make them see it. As for your story about your dad? Struck a resonant chord in me; my dad also grew up in the depression and fought in World War II... Your dad's and my dad's lives, just like your life and my life, bought and paid for, by The Rothschild Crime Syndicate... 🙄💩
Thus, this may interest you: "My Dad's Medals" -
Thank God for people like your father, our fathers. Your dad made it a long way 5 years? I’m sorry for his injury. With all of the death and destruction my father saw in Europe, I never saw him expose bad affects from the horrific things he went through. I did see him get mad a couple of times but just because us kids caused it. I don’t think I could be so strong. He had trained in the Carolina’s and then Florida with a group of men before being shipped off. He told my sister one night the 50 of them went out on a mission and by morning 49 of his friends had been killed, he was the only one left. He was given a field promotion to second sergeant. He always said he never wanted any of his 3 boys to carry a rifle into war. He also had some medals including his Purple Heart. I thank your father for his service! BTW what does Captain stand for? If you don’t mind me asking…
It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. The Christian non-violent thing is certainly problematic. The next fall-back would be noncompliance, as you mention. Furthermore, the more parallel we can be, the better too. "come of out her my people" surely implies BEING somewhere else.
I remember reading about an early cult of "Christians" in the Roman Empire who insisted on being beaten to death, because they thought that this would get them into heaven.
They would accost strangers on the road and threaten to kill them unless the strangers agreed to beat them to death.
This cult did not last long. Transgenderism is similar.
First I've ever heard of them..