This post was going to be based on an email I was writing to my confederate in forlorn South Africa, Barry V—; then the very latest presentation from Asha Logos popped up in YouTube, so I saved it, while it was still available to do so…🙄
Last night a post appeared at from Mike Whitney, Vaccination Campaign in Gaza: Polio Eradication or Transition to Bio-Warfare?
I was going to copy-and-paste the whole thing, but getting the links to work from “X/Twitter” to Substack are challenging for me at the best of times and there are several of them. Meanwhile while I was reading same on my “Precious” whilst
accompanying Medea on her drive into work in the morning, I suddenly felt — amazed I’ve not felt it before really — a nasty, knotted sense of nausea right in my solar plexus because… “A mass polio vaccination campaign in Gaza”?😳 By the people who’ve been doing their level best for 10 months now to “liquidate” the remaining Palestinian population?😱 With the thoroughly questionable “Polio Vaccine(s)” which the anonymous authors of Turtles All the Way Down devoted an entire chapter and 126 pages to deconstruct?
With the help of the World Health Organisation?💩 — I’d sooner take my chances with The Medellín Cartel, they at least were honest as to their intentions! Here’s a screenshot of Mike’s article on
Trouble is, when I got up this morning I also found these articles from Kevin Flaherty at Cryptogon:
💣“Prozac in Waterways Is Changing How Fish Behave”
Via: Guardian:
Contamination of waterways with the antidepressant Prozac is disrupting fish bodies and behaviours in ways that could threaten their long-term survival, new research has found.
As global consumption of pharmaceuticals has increased, residues have entered rivers and streams via wastewater raising concerns about the effects on ecosystems and wildlife.
Research published in the journal of Animal Ecology found low concentrations of fluoxetine – an antidepressant commonly known as Prozac – reduced the body condition and sperm vitality of male guppies over multiple generations.
💣“Canada: Taxpayer Funded Surgery to Create Vagina for “Non Binary” Ontario Resident with Penis”
Via: CTV News:
An Ontario resident has successfully secured public funding for a specialized gender-affirming surgery argued to be “experimental” by the provincial health insurer following a years-long legal battle.
The prospective patient, identified only as K.S. in documents filed with the provincial Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HSARB), was seeking coverage under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for a penile-preserving vaginoplasty, a procedure in which a vaginal cavity is surgically created while keeping the penis intact.🤮
💣 “Oregon: Taxpayer Funded $30,000 Homebuyer Grants, ‘Only for People Who Are Not American Citizens’”
Via: Daily Mail:
Oregonians have reacted angrily to a taxpayer-funded scheme that doles out $30,000 for non-legal migrants to buy homes, but excludes US citizens.
Hacienda Community Development Corporation, a Latino-led group in Portland, says in a promotion that it will give first-time home buyers up to $30,000 to get on the property ladder.
But there’s a catch, the advert adds.
The scheme is ‘only for people who are not American citizens.’
It is instead open to refugees, asylum seekers, Green Card holders, and those who arrived in the US illegally as children, the post says.
And these from Paul Craig Roberts:
💣 “The World is Devoid of Intelligent Leadership”
I am more convinced than ever that we are headed for nuclear Armageddon
As readers know, I admire Russian President Putin, but the reasons I admire him make him a failed war leader.
Putin is a product of an old conception of foreign affairs as a rational enterprise conducted by gentlemen who relied on agreement rather than on the imposition of power. Consequently, when faced with non-gentlemen, Putin finds he played his cards wrong and lacks power.
If you are stupid enough to live in a blue city, squatters can steal your home and the police will protect them, not your property
In a red city the solution is to shoot the scum dead inside your house.
Besides the above? The knot in my solar plexus arrived simultaneously with the recollection of the case in British Columbia of postal worker Robert Hoogland, imprisoned for “Contempt of Court” due to his efforts to prevent his confused teenaged daughter from “Transitioning”; ie, being irrecoverably surgically mutilated; below, from Sean Brooks, PhD “The Final Result of the LGBTQ Agenda in American Schools”:
I’d hazard this is partially-healed “female-to-male transition” surgery. Revolting, isn’t it? 🤢 And so easily avoided, according to “Black Pigeon Speaks” with a 2.0 mg daily dose of Pimozide; not that I’m a doctor, but obviously one of the few cases where taking a psychoactive medication for the rest of your life is the best solution to your problem.
The knot I felt of course, stems from the sudden epiphany that the performance humanity has been experiencing since at least March of 2020; it would seem simultaneously from our political class, our medical fraternity, the judiciary, the academy and of course our worthless, contemptible media is not due to incompetence or malfeasance; it is not criminal, it is not evil, it is demonic in origin.
Besides of course “don’t comply”, I don’t know what to suggest to do about it, beyond Jack Lewis’ admonition to flee to our prayers in nightmare terror, or to keep before us at all times the advice of Paul in his Letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 6, verses 12-13:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.”
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One last thought before I wrap up: The apparent “antisemitic” message in Asha Logos’ presentation… That is difficult, I won’t deny it. It runs like a discordant thread in all his material. All I can say at this point is, for now, “compartmentalize it” and listen to the portion of what he says that is bracing and inspirational.
Best wishes to you all…
Capt. Roy Harkness
Its all demonic, we're in a spiritual war that we can still win.
The British vaccinated there Boer prisoners(women and children) to protect them after years of trying to exterminate them. Our controllers wanted the Gold and Diamonds the Boer had settled on.