Over $8 billion taxpayer dollars a year to the Hell-state of Israel from the US and Canada, while our cities disintegrate into drug-addicted pestholes of homelessness. Here’s a look out my kitchen window. Care to imagine what it would like to be homeless and drug-addicted and this is your environment? Maybe you might be one of the lucky ones and have a tent.. but likely it won’t be a winterized tent. And the homeless in Victoria are fortunate: it’s only around freezing out there; in places like Edmonton or Regina it’s -40°.
Here, on the other hand, is a snapshot of Tel Aviv from Stew Peter’s Occupied:
And I just watched an IDF sniper shoot a Palestinian child in the back. I commented on a recent post by Rabbi Chananya Weismann (who immediately deleted it and blocked me) that if the IDF was a unit of the SS, they’d all be shot for cowardice: Does it get much more despicable than this?
And their justification for this demonic savagery? Going on since 1947? An alleged event in Europe getting on for 100 years ago for which there is not a shred of evidence. Meanwhile in America President Trump is working on “Antisemitism Legislation”: Any foreign student protesting Israel risks deportation; American students doing so can kiss any kind of meaningful employment goodbye. And if Justin Castreau gets his On-line Harms Act passed before he toddles off into the night, I’m risking Life Imprisonment for posting this.
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Video has emerged showing a 12-14 year old Palestinian boy, standing, unarmed, on a sidewalk in Tulkarm, West Bank, Palestine, when an Israeli sniper shoots him in the back.
The boy goes down and screams for his mama. He writhes in pain, blood pouring from his back.
The video is gut-wrenching to watch. NO ONE COMES TO HELP for several minutes because everyone is frightened of the Sniper. The poor child cries out over and over for help, but help does not come for several minutes, until passers-by in a car, stop and pick him up. Leaving only a puddle of blood on the sidewalk.
It gives you true insight into the two-legged bags of sub-human garbage in the Israeli Defense Force, and their complete willingness to murder children in cold-blood. Palestinians face these atrocities each and every day.
Here now, the video. [Viewable at top of this post.] It is NOT gory. Only a small smattering of blood visible flowing from under the boy's shirt at the base of his spine, can be seen. But his cries, his pleading for help, are heartbreaking. Gut-wrenching!
The Sniper who did this is little more than a savage pig beast; and qualifies as the lowest form of life on this planet. Lower than rodents.
This soldier is not of God. No one who is of God, could do something like this. He is absolutely Satanic - as are so many others over there, including the phony Christians OVER HERE, who back them.
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