Fucking hell brother Roy, talk about a cock wrinkling downer - remind me not to invite you to my dinner party : ))
Well, yes everything Mr Curtain says has merit and is correct.
However, there is one thing he omits. I'll explain quickly by way of the below example.
I recently watch a doccie on the Irish potato famine.
It was narrated by Liam Neeson who has a fabulous voice.
I could not believe how so many people died - poor people - and ultimately nothing was done about it by the Brit overlords in Westminster.
Eventually, the Irish potato famine fatigue set in.
And nobody gave a fuck anymore in the UK, especially not the upper classes and landed gentry.
The same will happen with the Palestinians.
The very same happened in Rwanda - and the numbers were fucking massive - when the Hutu poorer majority rose up against the Tutsi more successful minority, and summarily executed their own brothers and sisters with machetes. Brutal, gruesome, Old Testament type violence.
Around 800,000 Tutsis died; around 400,000 Tutsi women were raped.
How many Americans know about this? How many even know about where Rwanda is?
I am sure you know about this to a certain degree - after all, you do not live on the African continent, and it does not concern you. You may have seen the Hollywood production of Hotel Rwanda. So distorted it was that the alleged hero of the "Hotel" sanctuary turned out in the real world to be one of the big Kahunas in masterminding the genocide. But hey, it was a feature film and not a doccie - so director's licence I say.
My point is - Gaza and the death and wholesale murder of innocent Palestinians will fade into general fatigue, just like the Irish potato famine did, just like the Tutsi genocide did, or perhaps, more accurately for the west, it never even appeared on the radar.
All the marches and protests and social media posts on Gaza will eventually end - just like they did with covid-topia. The keyboard warrior outraged will move onto the next gig.
"Hey bro, did you like see what's going on with the Japanese in Lima - it's a bloodbath; all the Jap sushi restaurants have been burned to the ground as an underground protest by the indigenous Quechua; hey bro, let's go to the rally in downtown Omaha. I hear the free Salmon Nigiri they’re handing out will be killer."
Others will say: "hey, I do not live in Israel, so what do I care about ragheads or fucking killer Kikes?"
The South African apartheid govt did big business with Israel during the anti-SA sanctions era; SA did business with many other nations as well, the UK and the US as well, just it was hidden. It's all lip-service media campaigns run by the feel-good dialogue merchants these days.
Justice does not exist, it never did. I can say this as a lawyer with 24 years of skin in the game.
I am now getting to the point of fatigue with the alleged “alternative” media - which actually is mainstream inverted - the opposite side of the same coin; the negative of a photograph. They say the same bloody thing:
"the cabal"; "the powers that be"; "the Rothschild Khazarian mafia"...etc., etc.
I don't give a fuck for any of those people in that excellent cartoon of you posted in the homo/bisexual Roman blood bath scene - where all the alleged cabal are enjoying themselves: Gates with GMO tits; tranny former FLOTUS Mrs Barack Obama; Trump sitting all alone nursing a glass of vino del self-pity; Biden with his come covered vanilla ice-cream; Netanyahu with his al-Qassam Brigades fighter rent-boy; Soros getting his feet tickled by horse fucker now King Charles; the media getting sodomised (an inaccuracy in my view – which error is unforgivable at this level or art).
This constant refrain leads to powerlessness on the part of the populace and the subshite crew including your pal Cuntstler who is just another bloke looking for followers and cash.
Where do you lie Roy?
Why did you start your blog?
People say to me - "Barry, why don't you start a blog on subshite?"
I say: "no fucking ways – I don't care about whether people like me or not; I’m not looking for followers; do not measure my success in this world of keyboard warriors. I am just here to practice my writing."
So, to tie the room together with the rug - as Jeff Lebowski in the "Big Lebowski" feature film said - if we look at religion - what was Christianity exactly? Who exactly wrote the New Testament? How many different post facto authors were there?
It was codified by Constantine as a political manoeuvre for Rome. And a very clever one. It was one of the best edit jobs ever. All the bad shit hit the Roman edit suite's cutting room floor and a nice story was put together.
So many feature films and novels have been saved by the editor. Does the editor ever get an award in the Academy awards, the Golden Globes or the Baftas? No never.
My point is this in conclusion - religion is politics, is money, is control, is govt, is brainwash.
We need only look at the Crusades and the Conquistadors.
How many indigenous Latin American people were killed by the Conquistadors?
All in the name of Christianity, but actually in the name of plunder of natural resources.
I read a note somewhere that Europeans killed around 200 million indigenous people in the Americas since Vespucci sailed and found the pot of gold.
How many black Africans died at the hands of the Slave Trade gig? 2 million or more perhaps.
The point Roy is this - the Jesus story - I like it. I like all the lessons of the New Testament as they are represented in the holy book.
How much of it is true - well I say not much really.
As with the Old Testament of the liar kikes.
Islam - don't get me started - just read the Satanic verses by Rushdie. But hey, he just wrote it because he knew he needed a fatwa in order to become a bestseller.
Man is an animal - he always has been. Books and allegories and lessons of the cloth are there for "instruction" and "control" - no different now to mass media distraction/power by the alleged "cabal".
So, what is the answer?
I say it's whether your heart is pure and whether or not you have a soul.
Are you a good father, brother, friend, lover, husband?
Are you generous with your means if you have them?
Or, if you don't, do you do the very best you can?
Do you love your children or your wife, or your mistress, or even yourself unconditionally?
Do you have empathy?
Not sympathy.
Or, are you just a fake and phoney cunt just like the rest of the great pretenders - whether as part of the alleged "cabal" or just Mrs Jones, the slut next door.
Wow... Seem to have touched a nerve, haven't I? I didn't think Edward's piece was THAT much of a downer... And as I was reading your reply thought of Douglas Adams' comment:
"And then one Thursday, nearly 2,000 years after one man was nailed to a tree for saying "Wouldn't it be great if people were nice to each other for a change?" (and that my friend, truly IS the message from Jesus, forget about Paul's message ABOUT Jesus which matters not at all), a girl sitting on her own in a small café in Rickmansworth suddenly realized what it was that had been going wrong all this time, and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. This time it was right, it would work, and no one would have to get nailed to anything. Sadly however, before she could get to a telephone to tell anyone about it, the Earth was unexpectedly demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass and so the idea was lost forever.
This is not her story."
The Nazi Holocaust, oh my... let's see now..
💣The Muslim holocaust against the Hindus, something like 800 million souls over a period of about 400 years..
💣The (purported) White holocaust against the American Indians, some say 250 million between 1492 and 1896. (Actually it was our diseases that mostly did it.)
💣Henry VIII's democide against the people of England, something like 70,000 over the course of his reign.
💣The genocide of the Beothuck Indians of Newfoundland; the English colonial government put out a bounty for each of them killed..
💣The Iroquois genocide of the Hurons.
💣The Irish potato famine, 2.0 - 2.5 million people 1844 - 1846.
💣The Turkish genocide of the Armenians in 1918; 2 million people.
💣World War I, 20 million soldiers immolated.
💣Russia between 1917 - 1923, the Bolsheviks murdered something like 10 million people, Russian output declined 90%.
💣The Holodomor in Ukraine, something between 6 - 10 million people.
💣The Gulag, anywhere between 25 to 46 million people.
💣"The Holocaust"... I'm busy reading Arthur Butz "The Hoax of the 20th Century". Lots of dry amusement there, the "Holocaust Deniers" are castigated and ridiculed where they're not imprisoned. What they're actually saying? "It wasn't 6 million.. It was only 1.5 to 4 million and there was no organized genocide against the Jews. 3 million weren't killed at Auschwitz, it was only 10 - 30,000 (🙄💩)" Some improvement, eh? What great bunch of misunderstood guys the Nazis were.. 😐
💣The Japanese genocide against the Chinese between I guess 1936 - 1945. During "The Rape of Nanjing" the Gauleiter of Nanjing, John Rebbe, wrote to Adolf Hitler asking for his intervention, meanwhile Abwehr reports of Japanese atrocities made Hitler wince.
💣 World War II. 65 million people, 3% of the world's population.
💣The People's Republic of China. At least 70 million people (The 100 Flowers, The Great Leap Forward, the (several) famines, the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Square...)
💣Occupied Palestine. 2.5 million Palestinians since 1948.
💣Democratic Kampuchea, 1979 - 1980. Only 2 million – but 40% of that country's population, courtesy of the Sorbonne-educated French "Post-modernist" inculcated Pol Pot.
💣Rwanda (unlike most North Americans I bet I can even find it – eventually – on a map! 🤔🙄😘 ) 800,000 at least.
I'm probably missing quite a few, probably got some dates and numbers wrong with that list, but you get the picture: Genocide is Standard Operating Procedure. And you're probably going to be right. No-one is going to remember the Palestinians. No-one is going to give a shit. 🕳😥
And alas I'm not that great of a guy.. I'm 64 years old, I've made more hidous mistakes in life than enough, I'm weary, I'm chubby and out of shape, I make my living as a security guard with The Corps of Commissionaires, I'm supporting myself, my wife, my vaccine-injured stepdaughter and our cat on Cdn $19.25/hour = $16.01/hour after theft. Slim pickins' indeed; and it wasn't till the tender age of 55 in 2014 that I finally "got it" that the traditional values of honor, integrity and giving a shit, are what matters.
Guess that's it for now, have a blessed Christmas even if it's not "your" holiday as such, and take good care of that Irish-Catholic (?🤔 Think that's what you told me) wife of yours. I'll leave you with this wee ditty from John and Yoko which even now 40 years later wrings my heart.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ-RzocalTk .. I remember December 8, 1980 like it was yesterday. I was 20...
You're barking up the wrong tree. Your beef is with the Israelites, not some half-breed South African Jew/nigga/Asian mixed blooded bloke, who he himself thinks the Israelites are pieces of murderous shite.
My lengthy reply was not an indictment against Christianity, but to show the pointlessness of religion and how religion is no different to mass media and has been used as a weapon to kill. The Israelites are no different.
It was also not about a numbers game of which group killed more of the other group.
I am not sure why you keep telling me about the alleged true numbers of the kikes who died in the Nazi death camps as if to wind me up. It means nothing to me. It doesn't offend me. Perhaps this is a point for you to make to your mate Cuntstler.
I think you misread what I wrote, or perhaps you intentionally ignored the nuance - simply put - man is an animal; nobody really gives a fuck about things that do not directly concern them; they never have and never will.
I will send your best to my Irish Catholic woman. She gave up on the church when she used to hyper-ventilate as a young girl while looking at the Stations of the Cross in god's big room.
I'm not sure why I dragged in that bit about "alleged true numbers of the kikes" in, other than perhaps to be thorough.. Or maybe it's to see if the Thought Police in Justine Castreau's Democratic Republic of Canuckistan are paying attention / will drag me off to a re-education camp. No point in showing such factoids about the Holocaust to Wormtongue because he simply can't hear it, never mind understand it.. I guess what I'm trying to point out is the Jews have got the shit end of the stick only as much as the rest of us.. (ie, entirely too often) but a man of your erudition likely has already figured that out...
I's 05:02 in the morning, I'm doing my first of two graveyard shifts to fill in for Dan who wants a couple days off at Christmas... Guess about an hour and a half left, and my head is spinning but I have to stay awake... think I'll head over to YouTube and continue watching the "Dune" miniseries. That said I leave you with these versets from John Wilkes, back in the XVIIIth century:
Fucking hell brother Roy, talk about a cock wrinkling downer - remind me not to invite you to my dinner party : ))
Well, yes everything Mr Curtain says has merit and is correct.
However, there is one thing he omits. I'll explain quickly by way of the below example.
I recently watch a doccie on the Irish potato famine.
It was narrated by Liam Neeson who has a fabulous voice.
I could not believe how so many people died - poor people - and ultimately nothing was done about it by the Brit overlords in Westminster.
Eventually, the Irish potato famine fatigue set in.
And nobody gave a fuck anymore in the UK, especially not the upper classes and landed gentry.
The same will happen with the Palestinians.
The very same happened in Rwanda - and the numbers were fucking massive - when the Hutu poorer majority rose up against the Tutsi more successful minority, and summarily executed their own brothers and sisters with machetes. Brutal, gruesome, Old Testament type violence.
Around 800,000 Tutsis died; around 400,000 Tutsi women were raped.
How many Americans know about this? How many even know about where Rwanda is?
I am sure you know about this to a certain degree - after all, you do not live on the African continent, and it does not concern you. You may have seen the Hollywood production of Hotel Rwanda. So distorted it was that the alleged hero of the "Hotel" sanctuary turned out in the real world to be one of the big Kahunas in masterminding the genocide. But hey, it was a feature film and not a doccie - so director's licence I say.
My point is - Gaza and the death and wholesale murder of innocent Palestinians will fade into general fatigue, just like the Irish potato famine did, just like the Tutsi genocide did, or perhaps, more accurately for the west, it never even appeared on the radar.
All the marches and protests and social media posts on Gaza will eventually end - just like they did with covid-topia. The keyboard warrior outraged will move onto the next gig.
"Hey bro, did you like see what's going on with the Japanese in Lima - it's a bloodbath; all the Jap sushi restaurants have been burned to the ground as an underground protest by the indigenous Quechua; hey bro, let's go to the rally in downtown Omaha. I hear the free Salmon Nigiri they’re handing out will be killer."
Others will say: "hey, I do not live in Israel, so what do I care about ragheads or fucking killer Kikes?"
The South African apartheid govt did big business with Israel during the anti-SA sanctions era; SA did business with many other nations as well, the UK and the US as well, just it was hidden. It's all lip-service media campaigns run by the feel-good dialogue merchants these days.
Justice does not exist, it never did. I can say this as a lawyer with 24 years of skin in the game.
I am now getting to the point of fatigue with the alleged “alternative” media - which actually is mainstream inverted - the opposite side of the same coin; the negative of a photograph. They say the same bloody thing:
"the cabal"; "the powers that be"; "the Rothschild Khazarian mafia"...etc., etc.
I don't give a fuck for any of those people in that excellent cartoon of you posted in the homo/bisexual Roman blood bath scene - where all the alleged cabal are enjoying themselves: Gates with GMO tits; tranny former FLOTUS Mrs Barack Obama; Trump sitting all alone nursing a glass of vino del self-pity; Biden with his come covered vanilla ice-cream; Netanyahu with his al-Qassam Brigades fighter rent-boy; Soros getting his feet tickled by horse fucker now King Charles; the media getting sodomised (an inaccuracy in my view – which error is unforgivable at this level or art).
This constant refrain leads to powerlessness on the part of the populace and the subshite crew including your pal Cuntstler who is just another bloke looking for followers and cash.
Where do you lie Roy?
Why did you start your blog?
People say to me - "Barry, why don't you start a blog on subshite?"
I say: "no fucking ways – I don't care about whether people like me or not; I’m not looking for followers; do not measure my success in this world of keyboard warriors. I am just here to practice my writing."
So, to tie the room together with the rug - as Jeff Lebowski in the "Big Lebowski" feature film said - if we look at religion - what was Christianity exactly? Who exactly wrote the New Testament? How many different post facto authors were there?
It was codified by Constantine as a political manoeuvre for Rome. And a very clever one. It was one of the best edit jobs ever. All the bad shit hit the Roman edit suite's cutting room floor and a nice story was put together.
So many feature films and novels have been saved by the editor. Does the editor ever get an award in the Academy awards, the Golden Globes or the Baftas? No never.
My point is this in conclusion - religion is politics, is money, is control, is govt, is brainwash.
We need only look at the Crusades and the Conquistadors.
How many indigenous Latin American people were killed by the Conquistadors?
All in the name of Christianity, but actually in the name of plunder of natural resources.
I read a note somewhere that Europeans killed around 200 million indigenous people in the Americas since Vespucci sailed and found the pot of gold.
How many black Africans died at the hands of the Slave Trade gig? 2 million or more perhaps.
The point Roy is this - the Jesus story - I like it. I like all the lessons of the New Testament as they are represented in the holy book.
How much of it is true - well I say not much really.
As with the Old Testament of the liar kikes.
Islam - don't get me started - just read the Satanic verses by Rushdie. But hey, he just wrote it because he knew he needed a fatwa in order to become a bestseller.
Man is an animal - he always has been. Books and allegories and lessons of the cloth are there for "instruction" and "control" - no different now to mass media distraction/power by the alleged "cabal".
So, what is the answer?
I say it's whether your heart is pure and whether or not you have a soul.
Are you a good father, brother, friend, lover, husband?
Are you generous with your means if you have them?
Or, if you don't, do you do the very best you can?
Do you love your children or your wife, or your mistress, or even yourself unconditionally?
Do you have empathy?
Not sympathy.
Or, are you just a fake and phoney cunt just like the rest of the great pretenders - whether as part of the alleged "cabal" or just Mrs Jones, the slut next door.
Merry Xmas Roy - I do like you very much.
You have empathy.
And you have class and sophistication.
Much love,
Barry xxx
Wow... Seem to have touched a nerve, haven't I? I didn't think Edward's piece was THAT much of a downer... And as I was reading your reply thought of Douglas Adams' comment:
"And then one Thursday, nearly 2,000 years after one man was nailed to a tree for saying "Wouldn't it be great if people were nice to each other for a change?" (and that my friend, truly IS the message from Jesus, forget about Paul's message ABOUT Jesus which matters not at all), a girl sitting on her own in a small café in Rickmansworth suddenly realized what it was that had been going wrong all this time, and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. This time it was right, it would work, and no one would have to get nailed to anything. Sadly however, before she could get to a telephone to tell anyone about it, the Earth was unexpectedly demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass and so the idea was lost forever.
This is not her story."
The Nazi Holocaust, oh my... let's see now..
💣The Muslim holocaust against the Hindus, something like 800 million souls over a period of about 400 years..
💣The (purported) White holocaust against the American Indians, some say 250 million between 1492 and 1896. (Actually it was our diseases that mostly did it.)
💣Henry VIII's democide against the people of England, something like 70,000 over the course of his reign.
💣The genocide of the Beothuck Indians of Newfoundland; the English colonial government put out a bounty for each of them killed..
💣The Iroquois genocide of the Hurons.
💣The Irish potato famine, 2.0 - 2.5 million people 1844 - 1846.
💣The Turkish genocide of the Armenians in 1918; 2 million people.
💣World War I, 20 million soldiers immolated.
💣Russia between 1917 - 1923, the Bolsheviks murdered something like 10 million people, Russian output declined 90%.
💣The Holodomor in Ukraine, something between 6 - 10 million people.
💣The Gulag, anywhere between 25 to 46 million people.
💣"The Holocaust"... I'm busy reading Arthur Butz "The Hoax of the 20th Century". Lots of dry amusement there, the "Holocaust Deniers" are castigated and ridiculed where they're not imprisoned. What they're actually saying? "It wasn't 6 million.. It was only 1.5 to 4 million and there was no organized genocide against the Jews. 3 million weren't killed at Auschwitz, it was only 10 - 30,000 (🙄💩)" Some improvement, eh? What great bunch of misunderstood guys the Nazis were.. 😐
💣The Japanese genocide against the Chinese between I guess 1936 - 1945. During "The Rape of Nanjing" the Gauleiter of Nanjing, John Rebbe, wrote to Adolf Hitler asking for his intervention, meanwhile Abwehr reports of Japanese atrocities made Hitler wince.
💣 World War II. 65 million people, 3% of the world's population.
💣The People's Republic of China. At least 70 million people (The 100 Flowers, The Great Leap Forward, the (several) famines, the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Square...)
💣Occupied Palestine. 2.5 million Palestinians since 1948.
💣Democratic Kampuchea, 1979 - 1980. Only 2 million – but 40% of that country's population, courtesy of the Sorbonne-educated French "Post-modernist" inculcated Pol Pot.
💣Rwanda (unlike most North Americans I bet I can even find it – eventually – on a map! 🤔🙄😘 ) 800,000 at least.
I'm probably missing quite a few, probably got some dates and numbers wrong with that list, but you get the picture: Genocide is Standard Operating Procedure. And you're probably going to be right. No-one is going to remember the Palestinians. No-one is going to give a shit. 🕳😥
And alas I'm not that great of a guy.. I'm 64 years old, I've made more hidous mistakes in life than enough, I'm weary, I'm chubby and out of shape, I make my living as a security guard with The Corps of Commissionaires, I'm supporting myself, my wife, my vaccine-injured stepdaughter and our cat on Cdn $19.25/hour = $16.01/hour after theft. Slim pickins' indeed; and it wasn't till the tender age of 55 in 2014 that I finally "got it" that the traditional values of honor, integrity and giving a shit, are what matters.
Guess that's it for now, have a blessed Christmas even if it's not "your" holiday as such, and take good care of that Irish-Catholic (?🤔 Think that's what you told me) wife of yours. I'll leave you with this wee ditty from John and Yoko which even now 40 years later wrings my heart.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ-RzocalTk .. I remember December 8, 1980 like it was yesterday. I was 20...
Hi Roy,
You're getting me all wrong.
You're barking up the wrong tree. Your beef is with the Israelites, not some half-breed South African Jew/nigga/Asian mixed blooded bloke, who he himself thinks the Israelites are pieces of murderous shite.
My lengthy reply was not an indictment against Christianity, but to show the pointlessness of religion and how religion is no different to mass media and has been used as a weapon to kill. The Israelites are no different.
It was also not about a numbers game of which group killed more of the other group.
I am not sure why you keep telling me about the alleged true numbers of the kikes who died in the Nazi death camps as if to wind me up. It means nothing to me. It doesn't offend me. Perhaps this is a point for you to make to your mate Cuntstler.
I think you misread what I wrote, or perhaps you intentionally ignored the nuance - simply put - man is an animal; nobody really gives a fuck about things that do not directly concern them; they never have and never will.
I will send your best to my Irish Catholic woman. She gave up on the church when she used to hyper-ventilate as a young girl while looking at the Stations of the Cross in god's big room.
Have a good evening, brother Roy.
We will speak again no doubt.
Much love,
Hello Barry, only just noticed your comment.
I'm not sure why I dragged in that bit about "alleged true numbers of the kikes" in, other than perhaps to be thorough.. Or maybe it's to see if the Thought Police in Justine Castreau's Democratic Republic of Canuckistan are paying attention / will drag me off to a re-education camp. No point in showing such factoids about the Holocaust to Wormtongue because he simply can't hear it, never mind understand it.. I guess what I'm trying to point out is the Jews have got the shit end of the stick only as much as the rest of us.. (ie, entirely too often) but a man of your erudition likely has already figured that out...
I's 05:02 in the morning, I'm doing my first of two graveyard shifts to fill in for Dan who wants a couple days off at Christmas... Guess about an hour and a half left, and my head is spinning but I have to stay awake... think I'll head over to YouTube and continue watching the "Dune" miniseries. That said I leave you with these versets from John Wilkes, back in the XVIIIth century:
"Life can little else supply
but a few good fucks,
and then, we die."
Thank you Roy and Merry Christmas, may we all find peace.
One of your best. Sobering AF but exceptional.
Thank you.. But why not contact Edward Curtain and tell him: He wrote it, I merely broadcast and agree with it.
A safe and blessed Christmas to you, Dolly Dagger.
My bad. Been cooking as reading on here. . . . Sending Yuletide joy to you Captain. x