Collect for the First Sunday in Advent
“Almighty God, give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty, to judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, now and ever. Amen.”
— Archbishop Thomas Cranmer The Book of Common Prayer first published January, 1549
Admittedly the first sunday in Advent is usually the last sunday in November or the first sunday in December, but as a prelude to Edward Curtain’s meditation which follows it seems appropriate. I first found the latter on Lew Rockwell on December 21, I was going to post it then.. Alas, “One thing drives out another” to quote a character from Tolkien… 🙄 A quick scan on and found it again this evening, and so on Christmas Eve with 20 minutes to go before Christmas Day, seems a good thing to finish off my day with; beyond that, what Mr. Curtain writes, speaks for itself..
My best wishes to all my readers for a peaceful and blessed Christmas...
Capt. Roy Harkness
Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem. He grew up in Nazareth and was executed as a criminal in Jerusalem. It is because of him that we celebrate Christmas. But it is in spite of him that what we celebrate is the opposite of what he stood for.
The different stories of his birth, told by Mathew and Luke in the New Testament, which are the bases for Christmas, are not filled with sugar plum fairies and sleighs filled with useless, unnecessary consumer goods. There’s nothing about a Jolly Old St. Nicholas or baked ham or candy canes. No gifts to return in a frenzied rush that replicates their purchase. No credit card bills that come due in the new year. No “Jingle Bell Rock” with Brenda Lee or “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby.
Just a poor child’s birth to fulfill a prophecy that out of life would come death and out of death would come life. That hope was improbable but possible with faith.
These birth narratives, which tell of a nativity that concludes with the grown child’s suffering, public crucifixion, death, and Resurrection – a story that lives on with the suffering of so many innocents – are, as Gary Wills puts it in What the Gospels Meant, “... far from feel-good stories. They tell of a family outcast and exiled, hunted and rejected. They tell of children killed, of a sword to pierce the mother’s heart, of a judgment on the nations.” They are stories of rejection, massacre, and a desperate flight from death at an early age. They are not what most people now consider to be the essence of Christmas since a radical Palestinian Jew’s story has been almost totally erased by the glitz and greed of getting and spending to fuel an economy geared for war and killing.
Mathew and Luke’s birth narratives are replicated again and again throughout history, presently and most conspicuously in Gaza and the West Bank, as the massacre of the innocents continues under today’s King Herod, Benjamin Netanyahu, the client king of Washington, not Rome, while U.S. politicians, including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who claims to be a defender of children and opposed to U.S. war policies, support this genocide with rhetorical justifications that the Trappist monk Thomas Merton called the unspeakable:
It is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said; the void that gets into the language of public and official declarations at the very moment when they are pronounced, and makes them ring dead with the hollowness of the abyss. It is the void out of which Eichmann drew the punctilious exactitude of his obedience . . .
To the shock of so many of Kennedy’s early supporters, he claims, among other unspeakable assertions, that the Israelis have been the innocent victims of the Palestinians for 75 years, and they “could flatten Gaza” if they chose to, but instead have kindly used high-tech explosives “to avoid civilian casualties”; that they are not committing genocide intentionally. Indeed, his defense of the indefensible Israeli war crimes is widely shared by the compromised political leadership of both parties in Washinton, D.C., a place Kennedy is hoping to reach as the top of the heap, but he is contradicting all his talk about spiritual renewal and healing the divide, and it is especially galling and hypocritical as we try to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace.
While the genocide of Palestinians is being documented every ongoing day now, the Gospel stories are different in that they were written after the fact and were not based on eyewitness testimony but are narratives of deep symbolic faith significance, historically wrong in places, but told to signify religious truths of the early Christian faith community.
Once there was a mother and father with their child on the run to safety in Egypt; today there are millions of Palestinian refugees on a bombed-out unarmed road of flight to nowhere but a dead-end.
A few days ago my wife and I were caring for our son’s two dogs. Down the hill as night came on, the town set off fireworks – those bombs bursting in air (Oh how lovely is war!) – to celebrate and encourage people to buy holiday gifts, what can only fairly be described as acquisitive consumer madness that many realize yet have accepted as an essential part of the Christmas message. As the fireworks exploded loudly, the dogs started to quake uncontrollably and we had to hold them tight to comfort them.
Yes, they are animals, but sentient animals with deep feelings; and yes, they are not children in Gaza quivering in fear as the Israelis bomb them night and day in savage attacks. But as we held those frightened dogs, feeling their hearts beat fast as they gasped for breath, the visceral sense of what those Palestinians must be feeling, as they hold their trembling children who are butchered as useless objects, overwhelmed me. As they are “thinned out,” as Netanyahu is reported to have said, I felt sick at heart to be living safely in a country that finances and supports such slaughter. A country in which buying and selling is the real religion, people have become commodities, and Christmas has become the celebration of such grotesqueries.
I keep thinking of the difference between human beings and things; life and death; money and power; acquisitiveness and poverty; and, as Norman O. Brown puts it in Life Against Death, “an economy driven by a pure sense of guilt, unmitigated by any sense of redemption.”
In his classic study, Brown makes clear that it is erroneous to think that the secular and the sacred are exclusive opposites, as if the secular has replaced the “irrational” beliefs of religion with clean science and logical thinking; has banished irrational superstitions with abstract, objective, quantitative, and impersonal thinking. On the contrary, he argues that the whole modern secular money complex – the spirit of capitalism – is rooted in the psychology of guilt and the secular sacred. He writes:
The psychological realities here are best grasped in terms of theology, and were already grasped by Luther. Modern secularism, and its companion Protestantism, do not usher in an era in which human consciousness is liberated from supernatural manifestations; the essence of the Protestant (or capitalist) era is that the power over this world has passed from God to God’s negation, God’s ape, the Devil. And already Luther had seen in money the essence of the secular, and therefore of the demonic. The money complex is the demonic, and the demonic is God’s ape; the money complex is therefore the heir to and substitute for the religious complex, an attempt to find God in things.
Things, just like money, beyond a certain minimum necessary for a simple life of use, do not, as everyone knows, bring happiness. This is because they are dead – excrement – the Devil’s favorite toy.
Take all those useless and superfluous objects people exchange during the holiday season. The disposable gifts that are purchased to ease the guilt of giving and receiving. Or such “objects” as an autograph of a famous person, an art work such as Andy Warhol’s Shot Sage Blue Marilyn that sold at auction last year for $195 million, Babe Ruth’s bat, Princess Diana’s evening dress ($1,148 million at auction), antlers over a fireplace and trophies of all sorts – the examples are manifold – they serve to confer on their owners a sacred prestige (etymology = deception, illusion) that is pure magic. Like vast piles of money, they are talismanic protectors against death. Their magical properties are irrational and rarely acknowledged, for to do so would reveal the absurdity of their acquisition and the pathetic nihilistic core of their owners. They are outward signs of inward barrenness, yet for those who possess these useless objects they are magic ordure.
The more expensive the objects the more social power they mystically confer, since the message is that the owner can always give it up for a pot of gold but doesn’t have to since they are sitting on a lot more gold, which is really a pot of shit. In other words, wealth, its possession and the avid desire for it, signifies power over people and that power includes using them in many ways, including their labor, and killing them if one chooses, quickly or slowly, overtly or deviously, directly or indirectly, for some people are useless objects, inferior people.
Such power is central to politics and warfare, as a quick glance at the wealth of war-promoting politicians will reveal.
It is central to the widespread thinking today that the world is filled with useless people who must be disposed of one way or the other.
It is a fundamental tenet of the World Economic Forum, the Gates-Rockefeller et al. crowd, and the racist eugenics promoters today and yesterday.
It is behind the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) biological weapons gain-of-function research, the Covid-19 propaganda, and the CIA’s and Defense Department’s distribution of the mRNA countermeasures (“vaccines”).
It is central to the hideously obscene profits of the medical military-industrial complex and the world-wide arms industry.
It is central to the genocide taking place in Gaza. For the Israeli rulers, the problem is that the Palestinians exist, so they must be exterminated.
It’s still the same old story told differently down through the ages.
Hitler enacted it against the Jews.
Once long ago, it was a Palestinian Jewish boy born in a manger destined to make trouble for the rulers of the empire who had to be eliminated one way or another. Today that child of God is any Palestinian child, destined, we are told by the rulers of Israel, to grow into a terrorist animal.
Christmas is about a birth, the birth of a boy who would become a man who sided with the outcasts, the poor, the forsaken, the gentle, and the peacemakers. His birth and life was a rebuke to the powerful and the rich who lord it over the innocent, the killers, those who profit at the expense of others, who amass wealth and useless possessions to parade their power, a show of power which, unknown to their self-obsessed minds, is a sign of their spiritual nullity.
I have nothing against Santa. I once sat on his lap and he seemed nice to my four year-old mind. He was fat and jolly. He told me I would get what I wanted for Christmas. But he forgot to tell me what Christmas was really about.
That is what I want. To remember.
Fucking hell brother Roy, talk about a cock wrinkling downer - remind me not to invite you to my dinner party : ))
Well, yes everything Mr Curtain says has merit and is correct.
However, there is one thing he omits. I'll explain quickly by way of the below example.
I recently watch a doccie on the Irish potato famine.
It was narrated by Liam Neeson who has a fabulous voice.
I could not believe how so many people died - poor people - and ultimately nothing was done about it by the Brit overlords in Westminster.
Eventually, the Irish potato famine fatigue set in.
And nobody gave a fuck anymore in the UK, especially not the upper classes and landed gentry.
The same will happen with the Palestinians.
The very same happened in Rwanda - and the numbers were fucking massive - when the Hutu poorer majority rose up against the Tutsi more successful minority, and summarily executed their own brothers and sisters with machetes. Brutal, gruesome, Old Testament type violence.
Around 800,000 Tutsis died; around 400,000 Tutsi women were raped.
How many Americans know about this? How many even know about where Rwanda is?
I am sure you know about this to a certain degree - after all, you do not live on the African continent, and it does not concern you. You may have seen the Hollywood production of Hotel Rwanda. So distorted it was that the alleged hero of the "Hotel" sanctuary turned out in the real world to be one of the big Kahunas in masterminding the genocide. But hey, it was a feature film and not a doccie - so director's licence I say.
My point is - Gaza and the death and wholesale murder of innocent Palestinians will fade into general fatigue, just like the Irish potato famine did, just like the Tutsi genocide did, or perhaps, more accurately for the west, it never even appeared on the radar.
All the marches and protests and social media posts on Gaza will eventually end - just like they did with covid-topia. The keyboard warrior outraged will move onto the next gig.
"Hey bro, did you like see what's going on with the Japanese in Lima - it's a bloodbath; all the Jap sushi restaurants have been burned to the ground as an underground protest by the indigenous Quechua; hey bro, let's go to the rally in downtown Omaha. I hear the free Salmon Nigiri they’re handing out will be killer."
Others will say: "hey, I do not live in Israel, so what do I care about ragheads or fucking killer Kikes?"
The South African apartheid govt did big business with Israel during the anti-SA sanctions era; SA did business with many other nations as well, the UK and the US as well, just it was hidden. It's all lip-service media campaigns run by the feel-good dialogue merchants these days.
Justice does not exist, it never did. I can say this as a lawyer with 24 years of skin in the game.
I am now getting to the point of fatigue with the alleged “alternative” media - which actually is mainstream inverted - the opposite side of the same coin; the negative of a photograph. They say the same bloody thing:
"the cabal"; "the powers that be"; "the Rothschild Khazarian mafia"...etc., etc.
I don't give a fuck for any of those people in that excellent cartoon of you posted in the homo/bisexual Roman blood bath scene - where all the alleged cabal are enjoying themselves: Gates with GMO tits; tranny former FLOTUS Mrs Barack Obama; Trump sitting all alone nursing a glass of vino del self-pity; Biden with his come covered vanilla ice-cream; Netanyahu with his al-Qassam Brigades fighter rent-boy; Soros getting his feet tickled by horse fucker now King Charles; the media getting sodomised (an inaccuracy in my view – which error is unforgivable at this level or art).
This constant refrain leads to powerlessness on the part of the populace and the subshite crew including your pal Cuntstler who is just another bloke looking for followers and cash.
Where do you lie Roy?
Why did you start your blog?
People say to me - "Barry, why don't you start a blog on subshite?"
I say: "no fucking ways – I don't care about whether people like me or not; I’m not looking for followers; do not measure my success in this world of keyboard warriors. I am just here to practice my writing."
So, to tie the room together with the rug - as Jeff Lebowski in the "Big Lebowski" feature film said - if we look at religion - what was Christianity exactly? Who exactly wrote the New Testament? How many different post facto authors were there?
It was codified by Constantine as a political manoeuvre for Rome. And a very clever one. It was one of the best edit jobs ever. All the bad shit hit the Roman edit suite's cutting room floor and a nice story was put together.
So many feature films and novels have been saved by the editor. Does the editor ever get an award in the Academy awards, the Golden Globes or the Baftas? No never.
My point is this in conclusion - religion is politics, is money, is control, is govt, is brainwash.
We need only look at the Crusades and the Conquistadors.
How many indigenous Latin American people were killed by the Conquistadors?
All in the name of Christianity, but actually in the name of plunder of natural resources.
I read a note somewhere that Europeans killed around 200 million indigenous people in the Americas since Vespucci sailed and found the pot of gold.
How many black Africans died at the hands of the Slave Trade gig? 2 million or more perhaps.
The point Roy is this - the Jesus story - I like it. I like all the lessons of the New Testament as they are represented in the holy book.
How much of it is true - well I say not much really.
As with the Old Testament of the liar kikes.
Islam - don't get me started - just read the Satanic verses by Rushdie. But hey, he just wrote it because he knew he needed a fatwa in order to become a bestseller.
Man is an animal - he always has been. Books and allegories and lessons of the cloth are there for "instruction" and "control" - no different now to mass media distraction/power by the alleged "cabal".
So, what is the answer?
I say it's whether your heart is pure and whether or not you have a soul.
Are you a good father, brother, friend, lover, husband?
Are you generous with your means if you have them?
Or, if you don't, do you do the very best you can?
Do you love your children or your wife, or your mistress, or even yourself unconditionally?
Do you have empathy?
Not sympathy.
Or, are you just a fake and phoney cunt just like the rest of the great pretenders - whether as part of the alleged "cabal" or just Mrs Jones, the slut next door.
Merry Xmas Roy - I do like you very much.
You have empathy.
And you have class and sophistication.
Much love,
Barry xxx
Thank you Roy and Merry Christmas, may we all find peace.