May 22·edited May 22Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

long ago we learned that the Jewish people were despised in european countries, because they were the money lenders. It was forbidden to lend money for a gain for christians, so whoever needed money, had to go to the Jewish bankers. They never integrate. When looking for a job, one offer was near the traditional Jewish neighborhood. I was strongly disadvized to take it. Once I was on the bus and a Jewish couple with 5 little children had to get off. The man went off, leaving his wife (and the other passengers) the job to get the 5 kids down, one a baby in a stroller. Then we saw how he went first, not even looking back. If you read the Jewish version of the old testament, it is very clear they have no compassion for anyone (as said, not even for the wife and children). I am sure there are a lot a decent people among them, but these few examples show a very sad side of them. The few Muslims I know are quite different, even though they are the ones with the bad name.

Here is today's Helena -https://helenaglass.net/2024/05/22/christians-in-palestine-bombed-by-netanyahu/

Is this the 'friend' of the US? a very weird friend for sure

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May 23Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Very interesting. If jewishness is not racial, what do you make of the rule that jewishness is passed down through the female line? A Jew must have a Jewish mother, or so I have been told. Also, how is it that so many Jews are identifiable on sight, due to physiognomy, curly hair, etc?

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I didn't write it, merely reposted it. The rule about "jewishness" being passed through the mother may be something they made up, like so many things. And you have a point, because among other things, "Tay Sachs disease" is a genetic syndrome peculiar to Ashkenazic Jews... 🤔

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May 23Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Yes, Tay Sachs seems like a strong argument for a racial component. What I do not and cannot accept is that Judaism is a religion. It tries to pass itself off as a religion, to take advantage of people’s respect for faith, but its tenets are purely self-serving nonsense. Christianity is about God; Judaism is about the Jews. Chutzpah much?

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To quote Gandalf the Grey: "I was finding things out as usual, and a nasty dangerous business it was." You may like a post I did earlier: "The Jewish Plot to Enslave Hunanity": https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/the-jewish-plot-to-enslave-humanity

I've a couple of dillies coming up... 😘

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Yes, I have read your piece on enslavement and like it very much. I have forwarded it to friends. Looking forward to your forthcoming pieces.

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on an Amtrak to Reno NV I had a conversation with someone about "climate change". I knew immediately he was a jew and not just because I learned he was from Brooklyn. And I didn't grow up or was ever around jews.

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What gave it away?

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May 27Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

attitude, speech and maybe the nose. He was in his twenties and talked kind of whiny and supercilious.

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'Course... could just be because he was from Brooklyn... 🤔

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May 28Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I should have said everything about him screamed jew. Like the caricature.

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Apropos of nothing much... 😘


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May 22Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness


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May 22Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Fucking Narrative. It's everywhere. We are hairless monkeys, we eat, drink, shit, sleep. It should be enough! But no, we all exist more in a bunch of sometimes interconnected stories, inside our crazy monkey heads. Now we design imaginary people in a digital world, the stories (or algorithms) told by bugfuck Woke Weirdos and inscrutable Asian foes (so the story goes), that rudely tell DIFFERENT stories! I liked Doug Casey today, his take on A.I. That although this New Storyline has just started, that A.I. WILL grow beyond the tattle tale phase and perhaps drag Humans awake. People of The Book: it's a pretty old tale now. Maybe we need to Wake The Fuck Up. Yeah.

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We don't have tails for crying out loud! We're hairless APES, get it right! 😘

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Yup, facts, the hardest truth! It is what it is!


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