Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Turdo's destiny is hell. This is not a tragedy. it is an abomination to God like all girls who go through this Satanic process.

Fact 1 - This gal was a very beautiful baby the moment she was born, a beautiful sweet pre teen girl, and then a mature teen epitomizing beauty.

Fact 2 - God created her as a baby girl and gave her a spirit the moment of her conception.

Fact 3 - Pseudo doctors butchered her and will face a greater condemnation for interfering in His plan for her.

Fact 4 - Woman was the most beautiful creation of God and the most precious.

Fact 5 -Woman is wondrously made with the nobler character traits and the ability to nuture and create life.

Fact 6 - In 1969 an all out attack started against woman here in Canuckistan when the fake father of the current slime minister legalized abortion and homosexuality.

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Somewhere I found a photo of Pierre and Fidel together, Fidel holding up baby Justin and angrily exclaiming to Pierre: "He's your kid!"

To which Pierre equally angrily replies "No he's YOUR KID!!" 😝

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I would not blame either of them for disowning the prolific liar and criminal that they both must have had a premonition of.

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Never mind politics or philosophy, Would ANYONE want to be responsible for Justin?

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

No, not even his ASSministration many of whom he has fired. They are ALL incompetent asswipes.

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If only they were JUST incompetent asswipes... 🙄

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Sep 16Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness


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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

thanks Roy for posting this. We indeed are living in DARK TIMES.

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Justin is doing the devils work but we must fight back and push the devil back to hell.

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Indeed we must.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Now just imagine what they want to do to YOU!

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Oh, I already know that: To inject me with an experimental chemotherapy agent intended to reprogram my biology at the chromosomal level. Not happening.

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Canadians are too nice. When Castreau appears in public and allows the citizens close to him, he should be loudly shouted down and called names. Non stop.

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No, he should be seized and lynched, preferably strung up by his ankles in the fashion of Mussolini, along with 99.9% of the politicians in North America!

Take a look at my corollary to what I just posted: "The War on the Masculine and Feminine" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/the-war-on-the-masculine-and-feminine

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I totally agree, 100%, but I was hesitant to say that on your Substack.

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Some of the stuff I've already posted on Substack is likely "arrest-worthy"...🤔

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

There will come a time in which people will look back at this time and be shocked from all of the sickness. These future people will say WTF! At some time those who inflict this evil will be dealt justice...either in this world or the next. Pax

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Agreed, yet at the same time it relieves society from having to deal with and interact with the offspring of this person, which certainly be at least as damaged as she was. Self selecting out of the gene pool.

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You merely underscore the horror of it...

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I am of the opinion she was brain washed as a young girl. I do not know the judgments of God but I do have a tiny comprehension of His Wrath.

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness


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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Author

In a word. Have a look at my follow-up post, "The War on The Masculine and Feminine" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/the-war-on-the-masculine-and-feminine

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Get the Fuck out! Be proud of the who that you are - Become the best you can - Belove to all, including self.

Blessings, Love & Light ~

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Hang on for my next post on the same subject in a few minutes! 😘

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Edge of my small seat, I shall await - Mostly, with baited breath and raggy fingernails. Thanx Roy.

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And here you are! 💖

"The War on the Masculine and Feminine" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/the-war-on-the-masculine-and-feminine

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Believe me - I am not unfamiliar to these phooked up practices - That discrimination, defaming, defication of who wields the power, wo or man! Without one, we have no other -

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Author

Bless you my dear friend - Love and tears for we who care.

It is seemingly, few and far in between those of us who have a concern for all living things. Even further for those who wish to share that concern of which you and I are a part. Rest easy, dream it sweet, g'night.

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So which one has the sausage? I’m so confused…

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Can you imagine having a daughter so perfect and then the next time you see her, whatever that was shows up on your soorstep? How absolutely sinister.

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About all the justification you'd need to "eat a gun"...

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So sad.

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