Jun 24Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

posting this is an act of courage.

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Someone's got to start saying it. 🤔 As Mike Adams warned, as go the Palestinians, so go we all.

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Mike Adams still heavily attacks the National Socialists though for some perverse reason, despite his apparent otherwise seemingly miraculous turnaround to now openly criticize Judaism, AND Zionism AND Israel.

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They remain very much the "poster child" for all that is evil and terrible in the world...🙄 Never mind Nazi Germany is getting on for a century ago and whatever flavour of Marxism you care to mention is far worse.

Also Mike is at pains to differentiate between "Zionism" and "Judaism", a nicety of distinction that more and more is becoming lost on me..🤔

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Some of Mike Adams' more recent articles have actually criticised Judaism alongside Zionism. Chief Commonwalth Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis in the UK has stated that Zionisn is an essential aspect of Judaism and is inseperable from it, and that is of course an accurate statement of his, as making aliyah by any name, Zionism or other, has long been the Jewish intent, even before the days of Theodor Herzl, but only for a portion of the Jews so they can maintain a nation that can be used as an untouchable criminal base from which international criminal enterprises can be organized and conducted safely without fear of arrest or imprisonment of those really in charge, as Israel has no extradition treaty with any other nation of course and even the Israeli police have stated how many serious Jewish criminals are living in Israel having skipped there from abroad to safety to avoid facing arrest and imprisonment, even murderers, rapists and robbers, who now walk around free in Israel.

The entire talmudic financial structure of Judaism requires that an essentially parasitic usurious banking system be maintained in the lands of Gentiles to effectively enslave them and to relieve them of their hard-earned wealth, which is something only Jews remaining in Gentile lands can do.

The spirit of National Socialism is not dead, many people still have the understanding and sentiment of the essential cultural and spiritual benefit intended, the alternative is submitting sheeplike to the planned total physical annihilation of all Gentiles in the entire world intended under the effectively still present Jewish Bolshevism, there is no if's or but's about it, but of course, as you observe, there is just no active mainstream NS political party allowed anywhere at present by Jewish-controlled law, though I and many others wish that that would change, as any NS government in any nation would quickly stymy any planned continuation of corrupt and harmful Jewish influences and forbid any further genocidally intended activities of the Jews, and they would not like to be stopped from enjoying their little bloodfest involving the intended total extermination of all Gentiles on the entire planet. I don't seem to see anyone else intending killing all Gentiles on the planet but the Jews.

The NSDAP party program booklet, a copy of which I possess in hard copy form states that the NSDAP government at that time in Germany is only a temporary emergency style of government in any case, and is not intended to be for all time, and is certainly not intended to be in effect throughout the envisaged Thousand Year Reich, and that the NSDAP will be dissolved when the German people have been made safe from any existential threats against them, so the NSDAP is intended there merely to ensure the creation of the circumstances and conditions in which a Thousand Year Reich of peace and security for the German nation might be permitted to flourish safely.

Dangers facing the German people at that time were numerous, starvation, unemployment, mass inflation, unjustifiable demands from Alllied nations for 'war reparations' for a war that Germany never even planned or started in the first place, in fact recorded history is that Germany was actually the last nation involved to mobilize military forces as the Kaiser was extremely reluctant to go to war.

Other threats facing the German people are mentioned in the 1921-22 Encyclopaedia Britannica, the genocidal attacks on German civilians at that time living on former German lands ceded to Poland under the so-called Versailles 'Treaty', as often Jewish agitator-led mobs would frequently attack German civilians then forced to live on now Polish land and rape, kill or castrate them or simply disposess them of everything and throw them off their land and force them over the border, and Hitler tried to negotiate with Poland in gentlemanly fashion by offering very generous and reasonable terms to the Polish governemt for them to have that sort of behaviour stopped but was insanely refused on several occasions, as Poland was secretly acting in cahoots with the British government involving France and Belgium in intending for war to be forced on Germany again.

I fail to see that NS Germany at that time was bad at all or that it can justifiably be compared with Marxism in such as way as to infer that NS Germany was bad but that Marxism was worse. Of course Marxism was totally evil, but it was nothiung like NS in Germany.

If present day administrations in America or England were to be criticized on account of the vast numbers of their real war crimes and real crimes even against the people in the nations they control, the accusations justifiably listed would surely be hundreds of times greater even than anything NS Germany could ever even be falsely accused of.

Karl Marx printed these words in an 1849 edition of his political journal: "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust". I cannot see that NS Germany can be seen as bad at all in any way for acting to prevent that imminent physical threat becoming a reality in Germany, and the actions of Hitler's forces actually prevented mass bloodshed in Europe by preventing Stalin's forces sweeping over most of Europe at that time and killing scores or hundreds of millions there just as the Jewish-led Bolsheviks were already in the process of killing 66 million in Russia itself according to Solzhenitsyn.

The NSDAP party program states that if ever any further existential state of emergency ever faces Germany again at some point years in the future, then in such instances a further temporary NSDAP-style emergency administration can be implemented again if ever required and maintained only until such a time as normal conditions are restored once again, at which point in time any such NSDAP-style administration can then be dissolved again.

The NS party program is quite specific, and while leaders of former 'Allied' nations still under Jewish control like America, England and Russia make a constant habit of mind-wiping and forever confusing the captive slave populations of Gentiles in the nations they control by constrantly doing the very opposite of what they say they are going to do, the German NS government kept things pretty straightforward and open and honest between themselves and the people and keep please keep bearing in mind that war was forced on Germany quite unnecessarily and unjustifiably in both WWI and in WWII, in reality only to remove the only power in Europe strong enough at that time to oppose and prevent a Rothschild-planned Russian Jewish-Bolshevik invasion and mass seizure of European territories.

But the NSDAP government was not bad towards the German people as you may think, as David Lloyd George visiting NSDAP Germany from England reported that he had never seen the German people so happy and possessing such a sense of renewal and self-confidence, and however you might criticize National Socialism from what you have been told about it from state sources, and I know propaganda against NS is particularly strong in America just like it is in Russia, surely you would not say that war really needed to be forced on Germany and that millions of Germans really deserved to be slaughtered in Germany as they were and even burned alive and mass-raped to death by Allied soldiers. In reality this was just Jewish bloodlust against The Second Rome, and rabbis openly express their intent in video speeches for all white people even in America, not only in Europe, to be physically exterminated as Amalek, The Second Rome.

If Russia or America or England were ever to be held to account for their real war crimes, and then militarily invaded and treated like Germany was treated using the same types of justifications (though this time the crimes would not be made up like alleged crimes by Germany were made up), then Russia, England and America would surely be turned to a pile of ashes.

Vindictive Jewish propaganda conjures images of jack-booted stormtroopers goose-stepping down every street for ever, always aggressively demanding 'Show me your papers', and of course arbitrarily smashing people's faces in with rifle butts for ever and ever. In reality this was mere projection, being all the stuff that Jewish Bolsheviks were really doing in Russia and really wanted to do all over the world at that time, including imposing a worldwide death penalty for antisemitism in every nation of the world after WWII, a plan which the Kremlin later dropped as impractical at that time, adopting using the more familiar alternative corrosive methods we see today instead being used to bring down 'Amalek' in the Gentile nations.

Only the Axis power nations along with Germany stood to prevent the Jewish Bolsheviks spreading their lethal influence further, how sad it is for all Gentiles that they were defeated by a power that fully intends to exterminate all of Gentile humanity.

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Jun 26Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Well, that was good. Just a point, maybe people are wary of the socialist part of national socialists?

the reaction to the debasement and degradation of the weimar republic and the treaty of Versailles wasn't surprising. The massive jewish propaganda since has been very effective. I see the same things playing out here. I have also seen what jews say in their own words about the goyim.

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The distinction is lost here as well. the comparison might be the number of muslims who won't condemn or speak against jihadists.

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from what I've read Mike thinks all the trouble in the world is because of an emerging 4th Reich. Which makes zero sense.

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Mike Adams is a very intelligent and obviously a very calculating and manipulative man, but a huge part of his business empire must almost inevitably be connected to people like Jewish lawyers, Jewish accountants, Jewish banks etc, and even Jewish-owned supplier companies to get the makings for his products, and even some Jewish floor staff and managerial staff, so he does not want some Jewish sayan finishing his business by slipping some lead or arsenic in some of his organic products and then tipping off the FDA to ruin him, so he tries to play safe by still really serving and pleasing the Jews by wrongly naming National Socialism as the ultimate enemy, which is an absolutely disgusting and dishonest and actually criminally manipulative tactic to use to ensure his own self-preservation when I recall some of the foul things he has dishonestly accused the NSDAP of being responsible for in Germany.

It had quite obviously been the Jews themselves responsible for the things Adams mentioned in the previous Weimar Republic decadent Jewish-run era in Germany and not the NSDAP at all, as the NSDAP had in truth done the very opposite of what Adams nastily accused them of and the NSDAP had actually reversed the harmful social policies that the Jews had initiated.

I am absolutely sure that a man as intelligent as he is is neither really dumb enough to be a retarded Christian (appearing as being a Christian is surely merely a business ploy to draw in 'patriotic Christian' types to buy his stuff - and who really does all that work for him, he must have somebody doing most of that stuff for him in reality, or his own head would simply blow to bits.

Adams cannot really be dumb enough to not realize that the Jews started WWI and WWII and that Germany was nothing to do with starting either, as the Rothschilds were behind both WWI and the Bolshevik 'Revolution' (Jewish takeover) in Russia and wanted Gerrmany swept out of the way as it was the only nation big enough to stop the simultaneosly planned Russian Bolshevic advance right over Europe to fully enslave all of that for the Jews too by the same genocidally bloodthirsty methods as the Jews had been using in Russia itself already, many scores and even hundreds of millions of Gentiles would have been slaughtered in Europe by Stalin had not Germany stopped the hijacked Russian armed forces invading all of Europe.

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Really excellent reply. I remember Mike claimed black or native ancestry as well. I suppose he is very vulnerable to sabotage. Which should mean stay silent and conduct business. That he hasn't and speaks what he must know isn't true isn't a high character reference.

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It is very dangerous to speak out Wilson. Consider Julian Assange, just released after 10 years illegal captivity. Consider Edward Snowden. Consider the January 6th protestors. On reflection I'm amazed he'd spoken out against "the Zionists"...

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Gentile peoples in nations all around the world just cannot seem to understand that ALL Gentiles in the entire world are fully intended by the Jews (who now effectively dominate political affairs worldwide) to be physically exterminated permanently by one means or another exactly as the Gazan Muslims and Christians are stated by the Jews as being intended to be exterminated right now, that is the Jewish religion, that every single last Gentile on the entire planet is to be physically exterminated and sent to hell.

Though a few cowardly and devious numbskulls or one origin or another would proffer the 'intelligent' and 'spiritually aware' comment no doubt that surely, not ALL Jews are bad, the Jewish religion very clearly and unambiguously says in the Zohar, with Torah verses in Deuteronomy also being used to back up what is stated on this issue in the Zohar by rabbis speaking on this, that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally exterminated and sent to hell, end of. Anyone calling themselves Jewish who pretends the Jewish religion says anything different (I have spoken in person with quite a few) is lethally treacherous lying scum acting as a devious agent covering for their more active terrorist agents who of course, will be your average politician, media agent, even your doctor. Our Gentile nations are physically under attack, the entire planet is physically under attack by this hostile 'alien' people.

Boiling frog syndrome in Gentile peoples of all affected nations is fully confirmed by their failure to throw their heavily infiltrated hostile Jewish-dominated military occupation governments that are effectively Israeli NWO satellite governments out onto the streets, and/or dangle them on the end of a rope.

All we see in the media from Russia to every other nation in the world are ever more intensified competitions involving how each politician in every party can 'combat anti-Semitism' better. All such false politicians infiltrated into our governments are in reality hostile foreign power military agents here on military business, to attack our societies, undermining and degrading them and making them more vulnerable to further planned forms of attack.

Such malignant false politicians are actually criminally insane terrorists and should actually be physically executed under law as hostile foreign power military occupation agents who are on our soil under false pretenses with deadly intent. They deal death to us, they hijack our nations to deal death to others in a criminal terrorist manner, the death penalty should be dealt to them to stop all this unnecessary killing of the human race.

Their WEF agenda, COVID agenda, and UN/WHO Noahide Law agenda all show clearly that we are all being set up to be literally executed, this is NOT eugenics as most useless commenters state it to be, the actual reality is entirely dysgenic, the very reverse of eugenic, entirely harmful and damaging and actually entirely exterminatory in intent, no actual genetic improvement in the slightest is intended for any enslaved Gentile by the Jewish monsters behind all this military agenda of genocidal mass killing in all Jewish-controlled nations of the world.

And the solution is simple, but boiling frog syndrome stops people acting appropriately to stop this now as they cannot ever quite see how they are in fact already being sterilized and disabled and murdered and how their line is being ended in the nations being used to supply weapons to commit these atrocities in Gaza in a hotter and more open manner.

I have experienced 'doctors' in the UK deliberately literally poisoning me on a number of occasions, with almost lethal consequences, this strategy of giving effective poison as 'medicine' to gulag inmates was common under Jewish Bolshevism in Russia, and rabbis centuries ago were discovered to have instructed Jewish doctors in Gentile lands to murder very tenth Christian patient, using the other nine patients they treated each time to show other people how good a doctor they were to discourage any suspicion about what they were really up to, and this military strategy of the Jews has never stopped being used really, just the publicity about it has been increasingly suppressed in recent centuries.

The Jews are entirely responsible for the COVID poison Jew juice death jabs. They do try to finish us off one way or another for speaking out, but if you try to talk about these things, people tend to dismiss anyone talking like that due to current 'political correctness', a condition similarly experienced it seems by many trusting well-fed plumped-up animals being transported to the abattoir, as will soon be the more literal case for many people's sons and daughters now facing the deathly specter of compulsory military conscription to fight Russia so that the Jews can get them to kill each other, Jewish Chabad Lubavitcher Putin in Russia sending his trusting Gentile sheeple into the meat grinder and some Chabad Lubavitcher POTUS or other in the US sending his trusting Gentile sheeple into the meat-grinder from his 'side', Jews playing conkers with Gentile humans.

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When Gentile parents see their kids coming home in boxes, the genetic line of these parents is gone forever, their family line has been exterminated forever. Gentile parents will wish they had dragged their Jewish agent politicians out onto the streets and lynched them earlier.

So far, acceptance of the very badly mistaken "not all Jews are bad" seems to be working nicely for the Jews planted in our nations to do their dirty work, they are an army, it just does not occur to most conditioned Gentiles, and by the time Gentile people fully understand what the Jews are actually doing together as an army in many Gentile nations, it will be too late for most as they never woke up to stop the Jews in their Gentile nations in time.

The Jewish religion says that a Jew cannot heal a Gentile and that a Jew is forbidden to save the life of a Gentile. Dumbed down Gentile people should question more deeply why so many Jews with their hate-filled anti-human death cult Jewish pseudo-religion oddly seem to be fascinated with working as doctors in Gentile nations, and in politics and in the legal profession for that matter, as well as in the media, and education, as a vast proportion of 'teachers' in our schools and universities are... Jews.

Jewish politicians involve the 80% of all Labour and Conservative Party MP members in the UK who are treacherously members of 'Friends of Israel' groups. Just the same sort of situation exists in America, Canada, Mexico, Western Europe, Russia, Ukraine, etc., they are ONLY here to destroy Gentile peoples in these lands with fake medicine, fake foods and en, even with fake history to motivate Gentile peoples to war against each other, literal Jewish head-bangers getting Gentile peoples in different nations to bang their heads together as in Isaiah 19:2. Head-banging by proxy.

The Jewish politicians and doctors in our Gentile nations mass collaborate together, malevolently maintaining a wall of silence together in order to enforce entirely injurious policies intended ONLY to poison, injure, disable, sterilize and kill us, end of, theirs is an entirely malevolent military agenda against all Gentiles, against all humanity, they fully mean to literally exterminate all humanity, seeing themselves quite literally as an entirely different species in both spiritual and bodily terms and to have come from an entirely different origin to all Gentiles and all other non-Jewish souls in all other species on this planet according to the words of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson who authored the initial plans for the present arranged war in Ukraine, and is also behind the exterminatory Noahide Laws, and the Jews fully intend as very clearly stated in the Zohar to take the entire planet for all Jews alone, "Grand theft auto", nicking our spaceship, and where will all Gentile souls on this planet then be able to reincarnate? Not on this planet anymore if the Jews are not very physically challenged right now with very decisive physical force.

Yet politicians running our Gentile nations ALWAYS only want us to fight 'someone else' and NEVER the Jews, always only some other poor Gentile people in some other Gentile nation must be attacked by hijacked and enslaved goy armies for the Jews, for Israel. Strange that, isn't it? This means these politicians are ALL working ONLY for the Jewish agenda, unless any particular outspoken politicians dares to speak out against it, as some very few individuals very bravely do sometimes, but if any UK politician challenges the official stance on Judaism in the UK House of Parliament for instance, official party policy (Jewish hostile foreign power military occupation government enemy agent party policy) the official policy is for them to be banned for life from standing for election ever again and be ejected from their parties. Plainly, such hostile anti-human political institutions must be totally dissolved, in every sense of the word, otherwise, these entirely hostile foreign powers infiltrated as our present governing bodies will totally dissolve all of US in every sense of the word. We Gentiles are under actual physical military attack from within in our own nations by these heavily infiltrated Jewish NWO megalomaniacs pirating our nations.

The Jewish law includes that a Jew can save the life of a Gentile only as a deception, effectively in order to enable a Jewish doctor to infiltrate higher by doing so by increasingly gaining trust and prestige, to rise to such a position of trust and power where they will then be able to kill far more than just one Gentile at a time. "When do we deploy the new variant?" said the Jewish-named Conservative cabinet minister for health Matt Hancock.

Matt Hancock: Leaked messages suggest plan to frighten public

5 March 2023


Matt Hancock was most definitely NOT merely talking about releasing mere 'news' of a new variant, he was clearly talking about physically releasing a new physical variant of the Jewish-designed COVID nanotech Israeli military bioweapon. That is what the words really state, that is what the words really mean, just as the words printed by Karl Marx in his 1849 foreign language political journal says this and means exactly this, though Communist agents always try to say these words mean nothing of the sort. "The chief mission of ALL OTHER RACES AND PEOPLES, large and small, is to PERISH in the revolutionary holocaust".

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Around 100 years ago., Lenin stated that to kill 9 in every 10 people in the whole world would be acceptable to effect the Communist 'revolution'.

Klaus Schwab, who attends Jewish (fake) holocaust memorial ceremonies, who actually had a Jewish mother, and has a Jewish Israeli 'chief scientific advisor', the criminally insane Noah Harari, keeps a bust of the criminally insane terrorist and mass murderer Lenin in his office, and Schwab wants to get rid of 15 out of every 16 people in the world, 7.5 billion out of 8 billion.

It is obviously really nothing to do with global warming that occurs naturally anyway due to cyclical changing positions of the Earth relative to the Sun, even though it was actually warmer 2,000 years ago in England during Roman times, when grape vines could be grown in the open air in Northern England, and even though real statistics show the Earth has actually been cooling in recent years and not warming, depending of course on what sources you read, but in reality this 'need' to 'reduce' (slaughter) billions is entirely to do with the Judaic intent expressed through Communist Bolshevism and now through its modern renamed equivalent the WEF (Israeli NWO government front organization) to exterminate all Gentiles, exactly as Marx, who as a third cousin of the Rothschild banking family was employed by them to draw up the Communist political agenda to be used to implement Judaic world domination and ultimately the total extermination of all Gentiles on the entire planet.

Rabbi Stephen Wise stated that Marxism is nothing other than Judaism, on other occasion he expressed this slightly differently, saying that Communism is nothing other than Judaism.

Jews dominate the political, legal, medical, and media industry arenas.

'Entertainment' offered by Jews very frequently as in the Jewish-dominated Hollywood for instance is weaponized by purposely first inducing mentally disabling sexual arousal and laughter, most often involving inappropriately disgusting, perverse, degrading and harmful themes during these altered states of consciousness, this enabling damaging conditioning to bypass normal mental filters, this being the most effective means being used by Jewish porno workers and 'comedians' to place Gentiles under hypnotic states of mental entrainment.

After all, we should not think that Jews with their Jewish religion that says all Gentiles are to be exterminated are really acting as ambassadors of love and REALLY trying to please us sexually out of genuine affection or love or that these hate-filled Jews really wish to share genuine good humour with us, no, they are using these psychological methods to get round us and undermine us and destroy us.

The entirely insane, malicious and piss-taking destructive political agenda to induce innocent children to undergo genital mutilation in some obviously futile attempt to change sex is entirely Jewish in origin for instance, it is a weapon to destroy the Gentiles and nothing more, it also reduces the Gentile gene pool, and provides pedo fuckmeat for the Jewish energy vampires, and the insane Jewish US government wastefully allocates one million US dollars to cover expenses of every 'transition'.

Why don't these sick fake politicians just buy someone a luxury house for a fraction of the cost instead to make these kids happy in another way rather than messing with their heads to deliberately induce mental illness like that? The suicide rate after 'transition' is high, the mental illness rate post 'transition' is high, surgery injuries are high and people wanting to change back to what they were before surgery are also high.

"Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad" as someone once wrote, except that Jewish demons in this case are the ones sending vulnerable Gentile people mad.

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