Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness


My only Q is:

Is there not one stooge dickhead that Uncle Schmuel can put to proper work to actually effectively and successfully fucking shoot Trump?

I mean for love of god, whose limp paedo dick does Camel toe Kamala have to suck to get the gig done?

She'll even swallow for good measure.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Author

Oh there's likely dozens of them Barry. Some of them may not even have been Jewish, or had anything to do with "Uncle Schmuel."😘

But Donald and Kameltoe weren't the topics of discussion. 🤯

BTW did you know someone just took another pot-shot at him on his golf course in Florida? "Da noive a' some people!"

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Sorry Capt, I know my comments are off topic on your post.


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No big. Always good to hear from you, regardless... 🥰

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Apropos of nothing at all, but courtesy of Kevin Barrett who says The Rothschild Crime Syndicate / Bibbi Netanyahu are disciples of same, just read up on one Sabbatai Zevi... And I though Joseph Smith and Jim Jones were whackjobs... 🙄💩


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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Yes, Capt, I'm indeed referring to the latest cunt with an AK47 in his useless paws at Club Trump 19th hole of arsefudge, who couldn't kill fish in a barrel point blank with said AK47.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Author

You wouldn't think you'd NEED to aim one of those all that carefully.. Allahu-akbar and all that...😋

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

This is ONLY possible if the parents relinquish the control of their children’s education to a third party.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

The CYSTem of education has long been a lying entity of those calculating the beginning of the end and the "Satan" in the mix was screwy Dewey. Note that the CYSTem always mandated separation of church and state to keep out the Truth and the liars then imposed their own RELIGION dialectic secular humanism which was a branch of marxist moronicity that became political correctness that now has become wokist wankeristic insanity where looking at a girl the wrong way or complimenting one can result in the capital crime and accusations of being sexist, The twin accusation accused by two words, "dats racissssssss." Why these stunned dorks cannot seem to pronounce the "t" is a mystery to me.

Might have something to with a hair lip and a radar "blip" on the screen of measured insanity.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Author

"dats racissssssss." No hairlip nor insanity needed: Just generations worth of ignorance. 🤔

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

The religion of the damned CYSTem is dialectic secular humanism, also the religion of hell from hell.

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

...and as Jonathan stated the problem was parents trusting teachers who had/were becoming politicized and compartimentally recruited to the "isms" of a CYSTem that was off course to many of us but utilized as a means of indoctrinating little children from kindergarten through high school and then through univerSHITty.

Speaking of which on Saturday I met a young woman in her mid twenties who on the spot trusted me as a total stranger to give me access to her back yard to plan the removal of a dead Ash in the adjacent yard whose own was away.

She had auburn hair and told me she had an Italian heritage. I waxed long and hard on my ideas and idealistic posturing in what became a very personal and close (blame it on me) conversation. Her husband I had met there and when I finished my observational planning she followed me to the front. Both of them were about mid twenties and being as bold as I am I calculated an approach to test her positional attitude to the wokist theology.

She was attractive and was very comfortable in my presence so I asked her what university she attended and what she was taking. I then told her in my profession I had dealt mainly with women and had discovered alas that women had the nobler characteristics over men and that they also in my opinion were more intelligent.

Having said that I waited for an attack on my beliefs but it never came. So I added I would like her to tell her husband what I had said and also tell him that were I 100 years younger I would have been much interested in her. She laughed and laughed and laughed. Joy of joys I had found an intelligent gal who was not wokist but taken a chance in the mix.

She told me she, "I will take all that and would be pleased" to which I excused myself and headed to the next estimate appointment.

I am becoming more and more confident the woke wankerist wackery is dying. My last stop to see a woman who told me she was 90 was a treat of sorts. She was very astute and mobile and could have been taken easily for half that age.

I was there for half an hour but she took my estimate on the spot as did her neighbor who was away but called me later, asking if we could meet, as the price I left on a paper in the mailbox suited her fancy.

It is always enjoyable meeting with women of any age and I note they are common sense and personable. I have always had enjoyable times with them pursuing my profession.

A very notable woman a few weeks ago called me and in the discussion we had I found she had a PhD in a very involved subject that really whetted my appetite to know more of her history. She had three young boys and I was surprised at that but she gave me the job we completed the following week.

At the second visit I met her husband and when I told him as I prefer to do when I have an opinion of a woman that is very favorable I offered the reality his wife was a lovely woman and possessed a fine mind. I could see that her interest in her children was important and she was not an ordinary woman with such a dynamic intellectual aura.

A gesture she made to me by her walking over to stand beside me I felt was tacit acceptance of a rough man even as a total stranger and her brown eyes seemed to hold an immense aura of intellectuality and focus.

I have found university women are guarded and cautious but that may be because on my worst days I am unshaven and shabbily dressed in work clothes. However, I am truly impressed with the university aged gals more and more as it seems their pulses are truly not beating to the rabid wokist wankery I thought was pandemic.

I will admit I have found women fascinating and seeing a young woman with three boys who she is fixated on easily melts me especially when I catch glimpses of them looking affectionately at their children. There really is not a more warming sight to me.

Moving on to the next topic comment, I will save it to later as it is controversial (surprise) and serious and once again involves the best interests of the fairer gender. I do wonder why I did not become a womanizer yet cultivated friendships with women.

I do have a client who is a board certified psychologist I have used his free services to identify specific patterns in what I consider to be toxic people, largely leftist in minds twisted by hatred of conservatives and all that is good.

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Sep 15Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

There is not under God's sky anyone outside of Him who loves a child more than his/her mother.

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