
I can’t understand how these content creators remain on YouTube. In this piece they mock some very powerful, thoroughly execrable individuals. For example Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. During a press conference in Tel Aviv, Blinken said, “I come before you not only as the United States Secretary of State but also as a Jew.” Why wasn’t he arrested for Treason the moment he set foot again on American soil? But there he is, still in his position of Secretary of State under Poopypants Biden — and I’ll say it — doing all he can to support the genocide in Occupied Palestine...😰

The CIA-controlled and operated Wikipedia reports this about him:

It is to stick your fingers down your throat.

They mention someone named “Larry”. I’ve an inkling they’re talking about Larry Silverstein, former leaseholder of the World Trade Center. Leased them two months before 9/11 and by the most curious circumstances put down a multi-billion dollar insurance policy on them… He tried to claim $7.1 billion in the aftermath of that catastrophe, in the end settled for a measly 4.55 billion. I could retire on that kind of money…🤔 But I guess some people are just born lucky.🙄 The more cynical among us might suspect — although they’d better not say it too loudly — That Larry is at least complicit in a false flag operation that resulted in the immediate deaths of 3,000 people and the lingering deaths of many more from injuries, chemical and dust inhalation.

But the centerpiece of their approbation is Rabbi Solomon Friedman, of whom the Brave Brower’s AI states:

The hypocrisy is breathtaking. Truly breathtaking, although they also tip their hats to Al Goldstein, possibly (although I can’t say for certain) Solly’s mentor in the business. Here’s the opening sentence from the Wikipedia article about him:

One has to wonder, if The Controlled Mainstream Media allows these factoids about these individuals, one has to wonder what the truth might be.😳 It’s sort of like The Catholic Encyclopedia allowing that Pope Alexander VI (the most corrupt pope in history) “may have kept a mistress”. Given his two illegitimate children Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia (ever hear of her)? One might be inclined to suspect! Cesare went on to become a Cardinal in the church, Duke of Valentinois and a noted military leader before dying of syphilis at the age of 31. Leonardo I believe, ironically used his face as his model for his depictions of Jesus Christ.

Lucrezia gained a posthumous reputation as a femme fatale and for being a slow poisoner, but the reality of the latter is apocryphal, and in any event, I digress...

Where was I? Oh yes… “Pornographer of the Year”… Duckstreet Studios also gives passing nods to the likes of:

💣 Alan Dershsowitz - Noteworthy for his role in the defense of OJ Simpson and advocating torture as a means of extracting confessions…

💣 Vladimir Zelenskyy - How many billions has accrued to this individual during the (latest) slaughter in Ukraine since the Plutocrats shoe-horned him into the role of President of that unhappy land?

💣 Bibi Netanyahu - Together with some of the devastation Bibi is responsible for, concluding with this grey image:

The video concludes with this:


And this:

À la prochaine
Capt. Roy Harkness

PS I must issue a correction, they were actually singing about Larry Fink. In no way an improvement over Larry Silverstein 🤔; here’s a screenshot from Wikipedia’s article on him..