We all well know that the orders come from the NWO, the same villains who are behind the scamdemic and the objective is to take over all western nations whose "Hitlers" will be the current leaders.

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Can't remember who said online that Justine Castreau expects to be rewarded by The Globalists for what he's done to Canada, but they'll discard him like a used condom.

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How long has the NWO been around? From the words of Jesus, I am persuaded they were in vogue then in HIs time as He made reference to them by the one thing that sets them apart from all of us.

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As it stands, since at least the late 18th century, Adrian Weishaupt and The Illuminati. Probably a lot longer... in the article I reposted just before (https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/israeli-rapists-and-the-depravity) Kevin Barrett makes very disturbing references to the true origins of Zionism, and of course the antecedents to Sabbatean Frankism go back centuries before that. Our present problems do not spring like Pallas Athene full-grown from the forehead of Zeus!

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Remember when HE said Rich men persecute you....

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Remember the Gnostics....

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Time of Jesus...

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The Essenes (with whom Our Lord I believe was affiliated in some way) where pretty whacked-out too.

So to speak.

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And all this with no vetting. Do you think the folks who have worked hard for a decent life in other countries are the ones coming g here? No, the ones coming/sent are not their finest.

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I've gathered Venezuela has emptied its prisons to answer The West's call for illegal migrants... 🤔💩

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The newcomers are bummers, here for free gimmees" and are uneducated, unemployable useless bums at best and criminals at worst. DIEverSHITty is not our strength. Whoever thought that one up needs its head kicked up to its ass.

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Oh the c*********s behind this know EXACTLY what they're doing, Edward...

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