Solid advice and I hope many read it in preparation for the retrospective penalties to come. Thanks.

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Thanks Matt!

But why not find Richard Solomon on Unz.com and thank him? ... also have a look at "Waiting for clarity on the brink of oblivion" which I reposted yesterday, and read that?


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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Capt. Roy, Did you write more about this (below) elsewhere? Would love to know more. I'm incredibly sorry you lost your home.

You wrote:

"...then my paid-for home being stolen from me because I very foolishly but unwittingly bought property on Indian land..."

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Dec 29, 2023·edited Dec 29, 2023Author

Hi Katherine:

Wrote about it here:

💣 “Expulsion, Dispossession and Confiscation..” - https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/09/23/expulsion-dispossession-and-confiscation/

💣“Psalm 22:1-2” - https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/09/

💣“Winter Deepens Behind Us” - https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/12/

Sorry if it's rather a lot.. Over the last 6 years I've sure learned some horrendous lessons about the nature of "Democracy" and "Human Rights" and "Protective Legislation" – to say nothing about the compassion, concern, and responsibility of politicians. 🤔 Thus my "about face" into the welcoming arms of the Alt-Right.

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Thank you for providing the links...which I will certainly read!

You wrote: "Over the last 6 years I've sure learned some horrendous lessons about the nature of "Democracy" and "Human Rights" and "Protective Legislation" – to say nothing about the compassion, concern, and responsibility of politicians."

Given that you've learned some crucial lessons, as you say, I look forward to learning from them as well!

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It's been bloody brutal. My paid-for home, which I bought with my inheritance; in effect my parent's last gift to me. $125,000, and POOF! All gone. So sad. "It's between you and the Songhees" said our draft-dodging and all-around monumental bastard Member of Parliament Randall Garrison... Wife and I now live in a rundown 500 square-foot rodent and insect-infested apartment, were lucky to get it. $1,510/month and 64% of my take-home. I'll never be able to recover what was taken from me. I'll never be able to afford to retire.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Capt. Roy, I really appreciate how transparent, humble, and tenacious you are. And your writing is fantastic, wholly reflective of you as a wordsmith. I read your house-related blog posts the other day (thanks for the links). What an absolute shit show! Hard to get my mind around the indignities you've suffered. Thanks for being on Substack and for blessing me and others with your convictions and insights. I also appreciate the astute comments you leave in response to the stacks of others on this platform. Happy New Year!

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Thank you for your kind words, and you're most welcome. The last 6, nearly 7 years have taught me the political spectrum from Left to Right is pretty much meaningless; all politicians are a bunch of venal self-serving psychopaths and "the law" ... is just so many words on paper, thus:

"Put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry!"

– Oliver Cromwell

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