Take a look at the photo of Drockafooker and then Clausevader - Similar appearance, eh? Evil does not fall far from the inbred tree, it seems.

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Oct 4Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Hells Bells ring loudly for the authors of the destruction of innocent unborn babies, the victims of the fake jab, the promoters of trannie insanity and the fools who think they will not pay the ultimate price of the damnation of their eternal souls. All looks rosy and openly pleasing but the time comes when each of us has to prepare to meet thy God as He stands in the background after determination of the exact time of the deaths of each of us and moves His hand away from us. Death is the victor for a moment but the reality of the sacrifice of Jesus the Son of the living God for whosoever will chose to come steals victory from hell and death for those who humbled themselves and asked for the forgiveness of the Son of the living God whose purpose was just that, savior and Redeemer.

Yet hell hath enlarged itself many times over and awaits as the destiny eternal of those whose pride prevents them from humbling themselves and acknowledging that they like me merit naught but death and hell.

Humanity has a problem and that problem is pride, the mother of all sins. The arrogance of the left knows no bounds.

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