Such an excellent article Roy! I hope your Substack gets a big following. I will re-post this on my Gab. Somehow I keep hoping, likely naïvely, that it is not simply a designed echo chamber for conservative voices. You know, gaB as in Bag? Effectively a digital concentration camp...
Thank you for your kind words.. May Don's words "go viral" (it was quoted as well on and hopefully Substack isn't just "the choir" preaching to each other. I'm on Gab, but I've not checked it in months.. My experience with Facebook (which I dumped over a year ago) left a real bad taste in my mouth.
In the meantime we must all do what we can, to get the word out. Some will wake up and listen. Most won't...
Maybe that's why it disappeared from Brian's WordPress late last night?
He's well into in his 80's. Not that tech savvy although high praise for everything he does.
It happens on Paul Alexander's posts too: He forgets to link, and attribute. (Can be confusing.)
All good.
It's the message that counts but I certainly like to credit the original writer when I post anything (in other writers' stack comments) and make it clear (by block quoting) in my own stack article, that I am quoting another writer's words.
Credit where credit is due or it's plagiarism.
I provide links and annotate, usually providing context whenever possible.
Where's the "laugh" button when I need it? LOL. Same here. At least we had the luck to be born to early for this nonsense to have detracted from our successes in life.
I now have a real grip on how Bolshevik Russia and Nazi Germany could have happened.. as if being the target of every bully in the schoolyard in elementary school wasn't enough...
Such an excellent article Roy! I hope your Substack gets a big following. I will re-post this on my Gab. Somehow I keep hoping, likely naïvely, that it is not simply a designed echo chamber for conservative voices. You know, gaB as in Bag? Effectively a digital concentration camp...
Thank you for your kind words.. May Don's words "go viral" (it was quoted as well on and hopefully Substack isn't just "the choir" preaching to each other. I'm on Gab, but I've not checked it in months.. My experience with Facebook (which I dumped over a year ago) left a real bad taste in my mouth.
In the meantime we must all do what we can, to get the word out. Some will wake up and listen. Most won't...
I don't know who Don Wilson is but he is an excellent writer and I am from Alberta.
Maybe that's why it disappeared from Brian's WordPress late last night?
He's well into in his 80's. Not that tech savvy although high praise for everything he does.
It happens on Paul Alexander's posts too: He forgets to link, and attribute. (Can be confusing.)
All good.
It's the message that counts but I certainly like to credit the original writer when I post anything (in other writers' stack comments) and make it clear (by block quoting) in my own stack article, that I am quoting another writer's words.
Credit where credit is due or it's plagiarism.
I provide links and annotate, usually providing context whenever possible.
What? You don't want to be President of Harvard?
Don't know about "Unapologetically Me" but being a WASP Male I'm disqualified just for breathing... 🤔
Where's the "laugh" button when I need it? LOL. Same here. At least we had the luck to be born to early for this nonsense to have detracted from our successes in life.
I'd say so.. 🤔🙄💩
I now have a real grip on how Bolshevik Russia and Nazi Germany could have happened.. as if being the target of every bully in the schoolyard in elementary school wasn't enough...
My thoughts exactly!!