Not in a million years. Powerful people like Trudeau will never see a second of jail time. Give it up.

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It has been known to happen. Usually takes a revolution first though... 🤔

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We, the people, will need to exact our own justice.

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Sep 10Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Sad but true

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We can hope.

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Hopes, dreams, prayers and good ole fashioned positivity in thought can and will work wonders for us!

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Sep 10Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

“Prison?” That’s too good for him

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Indeed. But I'll take what I can get.

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Nope. Execute them all. It is murder we are talking about here.

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Public and televised if I had any "say" in it... 🤔

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

One of his first acts was to bribe the media especially CBC (Cockroaches and Bigoted Criminals) The real stories about his jaded past are censored.

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Scaffolding in town square is a nice idea - Like a tree at Christmas time.

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We can light him up with 5,000 volts while we're at it...🤔

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Awe Roy, now you are just having too much fun! lol

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Absolutely….and that image doesn’t even look like him. What version is that I wonder?

Turdo 2.0?

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

His criminality, bigotry and stalinist stoogery is making him haggard and will take him down. Another son of Satan as was his father.

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Yeah Fidel was a real SOB...

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The morals of its mother would gag the proverbial maggot in their debauchery.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Margaret is a textbook "borderline." Justin takes after her in that respect.

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

If you need any ID to know it is him, in real life, the rank stench of its hypocrisy will verify for you. Smell is similar to a three day old road kill skunk.

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Arrest the LPC, NPP, Bloc and Greens including all the ASSministrations, try, and hang the murdering bastards!!!!

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

He was weak...

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Sep 10Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

These fiends deserve more than prison - waste of money guarding them. The gallows or guillotine would be more appropriate. #NeverForget #NoAmnesty

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Guillotine. Not part of the Anglo-Saxon culture I suppose, OTOH unlike hanging or possibly the gas chamber or the electric chair, no ambiguity, no possibility of faking it. "The Lethal Injection" would be entirely appropriate.. but too easy to fake..

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Remember that guillotine was introduced as humane execution method. Instantaneous extinction. Unlike the strangulation of hanging.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

The story goes the head --and consciousness -- survived for a few seconds after severance... 😱

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King Charles I met a crude cousin of the guillotine, did he not?

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"The axeman." No gadgetry at all, just brute muscle and a sharp blade -- if the recipient was lucky...

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Light 'em up, guillotine is too fast and compassionate, just thinking of all the poor kids born with half their faces and bodies missing due to the jab, or made blind or deaf for life, and people who have both hands and feet cut off due to sepsis casued by the jab and by COVID itself, COVID being entirely caused by the jab itself of course or shedding from it combined with EMF activation. One of the nearly 1,300 'side-effects' that Pfizer was made to reveal to a court hearing was that the jab causes COVID PNEUMONIA.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Oh, I know... I know... 🤔🙄💩

And "Burning at the Stake" is far too quick anyway: The slowest, most agonizing death penalty humanity has ever devised is too quick for these monsters and in the end, they'll attain the totally undeserved mercy of death. Hell and damnation, is too good for them. Eternity in The Lake of Fire, is too good for them. But there they remain, in their positions of power and authority. They'll never be apprehended. They'll never be held to account. To the contrary, they'll be showered with awards and honors, they sleep like babies at night untroubled by the faintest whisper of conscience and eventually they will pass peacefully in their sleep, in their own beds, in their own rooms in their mansions... of old age...

Kinda makes you wonder about the goodness and wisdom of God, doesn't it? Or if he's even paying any attention...🥱

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Sep 19Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

LOL, he won’t even get a scolding…

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As I've said elsewhere of such people; Justin Castreau undoubtedly sleeps like a baby at night, untroubled by the faintest whisper of conscience. He'll be showered with awards and honors for what he's done, and eventually die peacefully of old age in his sleep, in his own bed, in his own room, in his own mansion...

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Sep 13Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I don’t think he would do well in prison. He has a feminine air about him. But the boys in prison would welcome him with open arms 🥴🤣🤣🤣

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I'm more than happy for them to enjoy themselves...

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Sep 12Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Never say never. Just like we said never again when it came to the Nazi's. Well when we do not learn from history we will repeat. I do not comply, I do comply to remove all Evil from this planet.

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Sep 12Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Trudeau will never be prosecuted. He should be but it’ll never happen.

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Hopefully he'll get the kind of rough justice the Italian Partisans meted out to Mussolini and his girlfriend...

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The usurping commie Jews killed Mussolini though, not 'the Italian people' themselves as commonly implied, supposed or stated. And Trudeau is undoubtedly the son of the Jewish Castro and looks like a clone of him (I do not know if his mother was a Jew as well, but maybe she was, anyway, if a Jew is a Cohen tribal member their Jewishness is not passed down matrilineally like other Jews, but patrilineally.

I am not sure why any actual Gentile Italian people would have wanted Mussolini killed themselves, though the highly decorated (and often wounded) Belgian SS war hero Leon Degrelle mentioned that Mussolini's selfish drive to expand Italian empire land in African Abysinnia (this is called Ethiopia today- forcing Haile Selassie into exile), which he very unwisely never consulted Hitler on beforehand, led to a fatal diversion of Hitler's forces being necessitated to protect Italian forces and also Romanian oilfields which also then became exposed due to related military movements due to Mussolini's error, which resulted in the German advance on Russia being delayed by 2 weeks of fair weather in Russia which would have allowed the Germans to take Russia, but during this delay in Russia caused by Mussolini the winter set in and bogged down and froze Hitler's armament,. costing the Germans victory over Russia, and thus the war itself, resulting now in the Jewish NWO Chabad Lubavitcher Noahide Law program being fully set in motion combined with the similarly mass-exterminatory Jewish NWO WEF program, so really the pompous and arrogant Mussolini did deserve what he got, and he should have got it far worse, as should Trudeau.

The Jew Colon (Chistopher Columbus) used to line up a dozen Indians at a time in South America, hanging them from a pole by their wrists over a roasting fire after first cutting their feet off and slowly burning them alive, now there is an idea one could go along with to deal with Commie Trudeau.

From the internet:

The CLNAI subsequently announced, on the day after his death, that Mussolini had been executed on its orders. In any event, Longo instructed a communist partisan of the General Command, Walter Audisio, to go immediately to Dongo to carry out the order. According to Longo, he did so with the words "go and shoot him".

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Fortunately for Mussolini and his girlfriend, they were already dead when the Partisans got them...

Two questions:

1. How do you know Fidel Castro was Jewish and

2. Where did you get that factoid about Christopher Columbus roasting aboriginals over a fire? Never heard it before.

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The surname Fidel has multiple origins, including a Jewish origin as a metonymic occupational name for a fiddler:

Jewish (Ashkenazic)

From the Yiddish word fidl, which means "fiddle". This is a metonymic occupational name for a fiddler.

The surname Castro is of Iberian Christian origin, but was adopted by some Sephardic Jewish people after forced conversions in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.


20 Dec 2017 —


The Most Famous Crypto-Jew of Cuba Was…

…Fidel Castro himself, who admitted on a few occasions that his own ancestors were of Jewish descent. Patrick Symmes, in his remarkable study of Cuba, The Boys from Dolores (2008), quoted Castro’s classmates who remembered young Fidel stating that—though many young people in the 1930s were fascinated with Hitler, Franco or Mussolini—he could never do so because those leaders were anti-Semitic. And, as Fidel explained, he could not be “against the Jews” since he, Fidel, was one himself: He descended through his grandmothers from the Jews of Spanish Galicia and Canary Islands.

Somewhere in my expansive filing system I do have an image or two, understandably not of a photographic nature, but of artistic depictions of Columbus having a dozen Indians who have had their feet cut off then suspended over a roasting fire to be burned to death, however, I can only find this one at the moment of him having hands severed from the Indians, but please be assured, I have genuinely come across this information about Indians being burned to death as well by him after having had their feet cut off, for not bringing him sufficient weights of gold. Columbus was a really nasty Jewish bugger.


He had a very unpleasant effect on the people of Hispaniola for instance:


"56 years after Columbus’s first voyage, only 500 out of 300,000 Indians remained on Hispaniola"

A 'true Christian' spreading 'the faith'.

Just found this report as well which does have a picture of Indians being burned alive, though in this picture, which is different to the other image I have somewhere, the feet seem to be left on the victims, but you can get the general drift...


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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

He is a puppet, still useful, good boy, serving his masters, he can do whatever he wants, nothing can change that until his masters decide otherwise. He is well paid (or allowed to steal from us) for the dirty job he is doing; I cannot remember how many millions he has added to his budget during years of fooling and stealing from Canadians. Corrupted, arrogant, perverted criminal, spitting in our faces, doing this not for the first time. I wish he would rot in jail, or...even better, face the real anger and hate that eventually will explode from the same people he has mocked for many years. As for now...only hope is alive...barely.

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I wish I could remember where I heard it, but some commentator remarked The Globalists will eventually discard him like a used condom.

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I had dinner with a bloke last night who told me that, during lockdown, a friend of his had died from cancer. When the funeral parlour blokes came round to pick up the deceased, the cause of death on the death certificate was listed as "covid".

My mate told the bloke; "hold on, what the hell are you doing? He died from pancreatic cancer, please change the cause of death."

The funeral parlour blokes said: "no matter what we write down here, they will change it at the funeral parlour to "covid", so we are just saving time here and avoiding unnecessary paperwork."

Nothing will ever happen with anyone/any govt/body/etc who pushed mRNA.


And even if it did, we will all be dead and buried before the case even gets to court, never mind the decade or more it will take to run and finalise the trial.

My advice - get on with your life; or, if you believe in the illusory concept called "justice", then chase the mirage which will kill you faster than mainlining 50 vials of mRNA.

The truth is something in your heart.

If you find out your mate is a traitor, cut him loose.

If you find out your wife is a secret lesbian, invite her lover round, and let east meet west and build the Golden Gate Bridge.

Otherwise, life's too short to worry about a little dull cunt like Trudeau.

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You're a weary, cynical man Barry but I suspect you've earned it.😘

Justin Castreau may be a dull little cunt, but he's OUR dull little cunt. But you're right: Nothing will ever happen to him...

PS On a somewhat related topic, (politics, justice and revenge) have you ever watched the interesting but implausible "The Man in the High Castle"?

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Hello Capt.,

I hope you are doing well.

No, I haven't seen "The Man in the High Castle".

Do you perhaps have a link to it?


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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI8NH1421-c

It's available on Amazon Prime.. At least up here in the People's Republic of Woke Canuckistan... You may need a VPN or something..


I should have written "politics, justice – or rather the lack thereof – and revenge"

Oh, another tasteless Jewish joke for you:

Q: How can you tell when a Jewish girl has had an orgasm?

A: She drops her nail file.

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Sep 13Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Thank you Capt xx

Love the Jewish joke.

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I'm busy working up I guess a "double" substack post.. here's the basis of the second one:


Here's another tasteless one for you:

Q: What does a Jewish girl say at the height of her passion?

A: "I think I'll paint the ceiling beige..."😘


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I don't believe that the People's Voice is a credible source of information.

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I didn't use "The People's Voice." I don't see anyone commenting on my article mentioning them. But having read Lying Shittypedia's Article on them I may start using them as primary source.🤔


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They like to report "anonymous whistleblowers in the Gates Foundation" for their narratives.

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That ought to be a "massed choir" of whistleblowers... and considering what Bill Gates is capable of you can understand the anonymity.

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"The Canadian government has urgently withdrawn all Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines"

I'd be very happy if this were true, but pretty sure it's not.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Author

Hello Patrick... Just entered "Health Canada has ordered all Covid Vaccines to be returned" on the "Brave" search engine, which returned the following AI response:

"Canada Recalls COVID Vaccines

According to recent updates, Health Canada has directed all provinces to withdraw and destroy existing supplies of COVID-19 vaccines targeting the XBB.1.5 strain of COVID-19. This move is in preparation for the arrival of updated vaccines targeting the JN.1 or KP.2 strains, expected to be authorized in the coming weeks.

The decision is based on a contractual agreement between Health Canada and vaccine manufacturers, ensuring a seamless transition to the new vaccine formulations. The remaining stock of older vaccines must be cleared before the distribution of newer vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna can commence.

This development aims to streamline the vaccine supply chain and ensure that healthcare providers have access to the most effective and relevant vaccines as the pandemic evolves."

Their rationale stinks of lies, criminality and bullshit, but I hope this helps.

Capt. Roy.

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

It is. It was reported weeks ago with limited access.

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Do what you can to make this story go viral.

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The reason I'm skeptical is the extremely fascist mandates of the Canadian government.

The very idea that they would ever admit that their beloved toxxine is dangerous seems unbelievable after all they've done to kill as many people as possible.

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Any official announcement?

I need a credible link. Thanks.

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Alas, not that I'm aware of. Closest I have is the link from Dr. Makis.

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Sep 11Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I do not have it but there were media reports of Pfizer being taken off the market because of impurities in it. I know it because I told some pro vax people who were neighbors and I do not forget. I will search for it. I read it.

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At the same time astraZenica was withdrawn too so here in the link BUT it was Pfizer that I well think I read was taking its product off the market because of impurities in the jab

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This might have been it but I was sure that the article read about Pfizer removing its jab off the market voluntarily. If not the jabbers have lied before about many other things and past history is a sure indicator of future conduct.


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New patch is coming in for the fall.

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I think "patch" = "vaccination" and yes, they're coming out with another one in October. Don't take it.

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Not to worry. There is no way I will ever trust anyone in the medical establishment ever again, unless there are public hangings of Fauci, Collins, Bourla, Walensky, et al.

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No: "The Guillotine": no ambiguity, no possibility of faking it. Their executions must not only be public, but televised: Nothing less is adequate.

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I dunno, might turn the public against these extremely well-justified executions.

But we agree that executions of the top criminals in the "health" establishment which created the virus and mandated the death jabs is absolutely necessary to recover some trust in government and move on. Without those executions, the government is entirely illegitimate because it is abetting the worst crime in human history.

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