The Left has been by and large unhelpful as a transition into modernity b/c it sought to divorce society from its past. All this does is cause people to lose contact with their past & all of the beauty & benevolent emotions that flow from that past. The Left still controls much of the polemic we use to understand the world, & yet it's awash now in ugliness, amorality as a 'good', conflict, a strange privileging of the 'other', & an endless deceit expressed in open criminality. This cannot be maintained as it denies basic human needs for moral clarity, beauty, respect for the past, etc.

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CS Lewis and EF Schumacher render chilling analysis into the consequences of so-called "Leftist" or "Progressive" thinking in their respective books "The Abolition of Man" and "A Guide for the Perplexed"

Both books are an impactful read, and brilliantly short at 88 and 125 pages.

07:46... Ah... the second ambulance siren of the day. Heard 10 yesterday... 🤔

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The damned corrupt CYSTem prefers those with no moral compass and a go along to get along attitude.

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Remember who you are and from where you came and act accordingly.

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Seems to me Asha Logos said that, more than occasionally... Along with:

"Remember that your every word and action has ripple effects beyond our understanding into eternity."

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Asha Logos did say that in the video. there should be quotes which I neglected to provide. Not because of theft but just because the sentiments are universal, I've seen the words before and I was too lazy for proper attribution.

I like your quote very much.

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I'm adopting the latter as a guidestone.

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