Jun 20Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

they love to elevate human garbage. Who knows why.

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How much of my taxpayer dollar is squandered on this monumental POS... What I've noticed? How you can't leave a comment on a news posting.. Oh! for the first 24 hours maybe, sure! But by no means all the time! And if you depart from the official narrative? Instantly censored!

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And these "journalists" are just the tip of the iceberg of bleeding heart, pantywaist, namby-pambies who are the reasons society is in the mess it's in.

Bring back Chateau D'If.

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They can stick their dick into some (18+) boy's moist welcoming butthole behind closed doors to their heart's content 🙄 🤢... 'cause I'm not interested what they have to say, I know they're lying.. It's their sanctimonious, nauseating, double-dealing hypocrisy that really makes me want to stick my fingers down my throat...

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