Sep 3Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

only recently caught up with the crimes, first Juri Lina 's Scorpion, then No one Dare call it conspiracy. Some Substackers put me on the track. Now reading what I can find, recently subscribed to Helena Glass. Downloaded 3 books yesterday to read this winter.

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Sep 4Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

You might feel a little less concerned about nuclear armageddon after grinding on some of this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18SQRQRUjuGsDx4H0bvXNxK02vVht2sXCJUS_fU9eifg/edit

But of course your mental mileage may vary...

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Thank you for this.. I'd heard a similar story from Jeff Berwick, pointing out if the cities had been incinerated and irradiated, how did the cameras and film manage to survive?

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Yeah, and that just scratches the surface. And if nukes are indeed fake, the main take away here is that the major state actors have much cozier relationships than what the MATRIX presents to us.

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Greetings Capt Harkness,

Isn't it way beyond this?

I don't think you can generalise into saying all are bad.

I know a few good kikes.

And I also know a few good men. 

Tom Cruise's woman left him because he was in a few good men.

The Zim dollar has been replaced by the Zig (a new Zim currency based on a gold reserves held by the Zim central bank). Perhaps they should've called it ZOG. Zig/Zog is doing pretty well and hyperinflation's back has been broken.

Me and Uruguayan mate cashed up a few hundred US dollars - on our trip to Rio de Janeiro in 1992 -  into the smallest denomination banknotes of the then hyperinflation ridden Brazilian currency called the Cruzeiro. We were Cruzeiro millionaires. We chucked the money onto the bed and swallow dived into it.

Later we got ourselves two local Carioca girls and partied up a storm for a few days and nights until the cupboards, the bed and our joint nutsacks were all bare. The Carioca samba love simultaneously ran out and we were left nursing our fractured masculine egos.

We cannot get away from the use of money. Hindsight is twenty-twenty.

Not all niggas are pimps.

Not all ragheads are terrorists. 

Not all gooks are sweatshop owners.

I think it's a case of bad people at the top of the food chain.

And I blame Uncle Schmuel squarely - kikes and non kikes for so many 20th century ills, wars, and engineered plots and plans. 

I cannot believe that a tiny percentage of hooked nosed kikes run the ENTIRE show.

There is in fact an entire world of 6.7BN people outside of the West.

Here's an excellent black comedy animation (created by now dead UK comedy genius Harry Thompson) which sums up the real status quo with Uncle Schmuel at the very apex of everything that's diabolical in our modern era:


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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Author

I don't know what to tell you Barry... I've known quite a few Jews over the course of my life, and all of them – with maybe two or three exceptions, but I think that's just because they were assholes, had nothing to do with their ancestry – decent, kind, compassionate people.

Then you watch something like "The Checkist" or read about what the Bolsheviks did – and plenty of Jews were caught up in that insanity, read Ayn Rand's "We the Living." And never mind Gaza! I also recall something I read somewhere, wish I'd hung onto it, where the rabbi of some synagogue in America took it upon himself to begin Talmud instruction to the ladies of the synagogue, who apparently were utterly horrified at what they were learning, constantly asking him "It can't all be as bad as this!" ... alas, he assured them it was ... 😳

I'm like Gandalf the Grey, I'm finding things out: "And a nasty dangerous business it was!" he reported...

"I think it's a case of bad people at the top of the food chain"? Think that's what I'm trying to say.. 🤔

"Perhaps they should have called it ZOG"?😝.. Worthy of Douglas Adams.😘

PS At some point in Jeff Berwick's linked peroration he makes the interesting case that the world population of 8.5 Billion? It's just another fib...

A la prochaine!

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Yes, they used the fake Jews and all of that goes back to biblical times. Constructed this group to cover up their sins. These entities are the most antisemitic of all. That's why they are fine with sacrificing Israelis .....all for their goals. The list doesn't reveal how these people were enslaved by the system, some happy to join in and many feeling their lives and their family's lives were at risk if they did not cooperate. All of that not worth focusing on at all. We're meant to do what we can within our community to turn this dark into good, shine light on it all and fearlessly.

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