Apr 25Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I don't believe bird flu is a real threat. The Gs and WHarmO just want us to stop eating meat, which I also won't do until my suppliers say it's real. I certainly won't take a shot for it and will continue with my C19 protocol.

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They've been crying "WOLF!!" with non-existent "Bird Flu" for 30 years at least. You'd think the f***tards that comprise 99.9% of humanity would have clued in by now. But they never do.

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Apr 25Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Shitty days to be a high IQ, non-degenerate White Man in The West! Mussolini accomplished quite a bit in his short reign, and I will bet 99.99% of us would have preferred Italy in the early 1930's, to the Nightmare of North America, 2024.

Not certain if one day the Bulgarian State Intelligence Agency will break down our door, toss my wife off a very high balcony, and torture me as the Devil's Stud to 300 pound babushkas, but I name the jew nearly every second of the day. Do it in casual conversations at the gym, and with a number of very pretty women at my two wife's yoga studio. I simply no longer care, worrying about the ludicrous consequences of offending Leftist savages is a game I have never much mastered.

Still, I watched as Chinada imprisoned The "Founders" of Diagalon, a fictitious "nation" that was never more than a s streaming spoof. Your Commies are more brazen than my former Nation's, Amerika.

The world's aggregate IQ has dropped about 25 percentage points in 125 years, as Whites have fallen from 31% to around 8% of the world's populace. Probably about 15 points in our lifetime Brother Captain. And we were already many z-scores above the norm when born.

In the interim, you have the occasional meal out, and I impregnate 27 year old Czech women, as my wife of a billion years gave me a "Hall Pass" to repopulate the Race. One benefit to marrying a Goose Stepper. \o

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Once upon a time, I was an enlightened, left-leaning, progressive, Canadian "Nationalist"... 🤔

Not any more! Good on you for passing on your genetics! If only I should be as fortunate. 'Course, I am a Pureblood, so there's hope for me yet!

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Apr 25Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

It was very, very unexpected. My wife has been the jealous sort since we met. But, after only one child together, and no male heir, as soon as she hit menopause, and met our friend Tereza (Czech expat in Bulgaria) the two of them seduced me! My first foray in to degeneracy and Brimstone Tier Sex has not been at all too bad! Tereza, 27, was preggo almost instantly! And, she is sweet, a good cook, a great Mom, and it was time for her to end her marriage anyway. Has (so far) worked out well, and the paradox is, Tereza gets jealous when I am with the wife! Whamen! I wish you luck. We need to avenge our Race, and at our age, wouldn't hurt to raise some decent young, White men with balls and anger.

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Got the "anger" part down pretty good... 😘🙄

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Apr 26Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I did see that McCullough is now pushing Tamiflu, what the heck?? I already had my doubts about him but now I am sure he is controlled op or something.

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Apr 26Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I started to wonder about him when he was pushing the monoclonal antibodies.

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Apr 27Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Yes, and he never mentions anything about detox for the nanoparticles.

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