"Bishop Greenwood-Lee of the Anglican Diocese of British Columbia" ... why stop there?

The leaders of almost all self-proclaimed Christian churches complied and promoted shots, up to and including the Jesuit Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, who had already made his mark when he opened the 70th UN General Assembly in Sept. 2015 that launched (re-badged Agenda 21) the UNsustainable Agenda of 2030. His two private meetings with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla prior to the deployment seem quite pertinent? Ps. 'Nefarious' is as 'nefarious' does. A salutary tale that almost the entire body comprising medical psychiatry will deny or attempt to refute, together with the Rainbow church, a point well made in the film.

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I was actually using her as a typical example. Back in October 2021 and the lunacy was really getting started, my church (https://www.stlukesvictoria.ca/) – and my departed parent's church – were throwing a reception for "Bonnie", the retiring church secretary. This was just after British Columbia's Ingsoc government had banned me as a "Pureblood" from just about everything, (and dis-employment happened a month later), so I was all set to go along with my wife "Medea" ... until she pointed out to me the last paragraph of the email which I'd read on my telescreen and didn't notice to scroll down to...🙄 We all had to have taken The Lethal Injection and be carrying proof of same on our telescreens.. I wrote an email of protest to the minister who sent me some bit of shit-eating drivel in support of Greenwood-Lee's appalling, clueless, Pastoral Letter... I meant to write her something in response but of course did not.. and I haven't attended St. Luke's since.

I've gathered over the grapevine however, that Fr. Daniel's health hasn't been so good since he took his minimum quota of The Letha Injections 🤔💩

PS Curious news, the BC Liberal ("BC United) Party has just suspended its campaign and all candidates in the upcoming provincial election (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mYHOy7Asys&t=303s) so that the BC Conservative Party (https://www.conservativebc.ca/) will have a better chance of winning. I'm suddenly thinking of writing their leader, John Rustad, if after having won the provincial election, he will arrest David Eby, Adrian Dix and "Butcher Bonnie" Henry for the Crimes Against Humanity they have committed while in office .(https://covid19tracker.ca/provincevac.html?p=BC)

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I understand. Thank you. It is tricky to weave a generalisable intellectual conclusion about what we experience at the hands of all those blinded or indifferent or frankly malevolent characters that presently stalk the World. The incoherent chaos of multiple assaults however sends a clear signal that something evil this way has come.

Our trad. Latin mass community continued throughout, all Papal and Bishop edicts pointedly ignored. Open doors always, for all.

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What is truly horrifying DrLatusDextro, is that fully 95% of Blue-Pilled humanity remains in The Enemy's camp...

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" the enemy we are up against, large and small, local and global is unprincipled, lawless, low ....and murderous. "

I don't understand how this happened but it is now proven fact as far as I am concerned. The evil is so incredibly pervasive, the only thing I can figure is satanic evil has taken hold everywhere. People doing these things are demons in human suits. And good and evil are the sides.

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I'm sorry, but I couldn't read that entire letter; it made me furious. I fear a lot of our religious leaders would probably counsel us to take the mark of the beast. Our church closed down for a few weeks, then met outside for awhile, then had a separate service for those who were too paranoid to attend without wearing a mask. We still have a few people here and there who wear masks. I really, really struggle with my feelings toward some of my fellow church members.

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I draw your attention Anne, to Matthew 10:14... 🤔

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What a disgusting letter from the church. They were wrong about the experimental vaccination and they abused their authority to promulgate lies and coercion, so who are they working for? Satan evidently. "By their fruit you will know them."

Btw the Bible speaks out against female preachers. Could that be because - notwithstanding fake "equality" - females unerringly turn their workplaces into nurseries and treat their underlings like children?

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