You nailed it right on the head Roy. Candace Owens has done some shows on YT about this, she's really done her research.

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You may enjoy what I just re-posted and added to, a bit... 😘


Well.. "Enjoy" is probably not the right word under the circumstances. I do what I can to wake the Blue-pilled Pinheads up.. 🤔

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Thank you, but credit where credit is due: Kevin Barrett wrote it, not me. I merely reposted it.😘

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We must remember, there are five important distinctions to be made. There are Zionists; there are Jews; there are False Jews ( khazarians ); there are citizens of the nation-state of Israel; and there are actual Israelites, descendants of the OTHER ten tribes of Jacob who are not Jews, who today number in the hundreds of millions. These categories should not be confused. The globalist regime uses confusion to divide and deceive.

Those who claim to be Zionists have usurped the name of Zion, the City of David in the Biblical scriptures, that was in Jerusalem. The nation-state of Israel is NOT the "Israel" referred to in the Bible, but is a construct of the cabal.

We must also remember that the "religion" of islam is based on rape and murder of anyone who is not a muslim.

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Your last comment is possibly a bit extreme... 🤔 I've known a few Muslims in my life, even a couple of ex-Muslims... They just seemed like people..

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Make your next article on the origin of Hamas,, Isis, the Taliban, Abu Sayyaf, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram to name a few of many Islamic terrorist organizations entrenched world wide whose aim is to spread the word of Mohammed, "Islam", all over the world. They have created a "jihadist" movement which follows a vicious and cruel doctrine. People all over the world have suffered their cruelty, women and children especially. Refer to the country of Afghanistan today. Listen to what the people, especially the women have to say. It's beyond tragic. So when you discuss the atrocities of the Zionists please do not isolate their atrocities as part of Jewish culture. At least they do not supplant terror groups in countries all over the world to kill and destroy in the name of Judaism. I follow your posts and I smell an anti Semitic flavor to your work. No one group of people has a monopoly on genocide, rape and torture. Unfortunate but true. If you want to make your writing about Zionist atrocities perpetrated by "the poor suffering Jews" as you put it, then do not fail to point the horrors other countries such as Iran and the United States are responsible for.

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Why don’t you write said article? The article I reposted isn’t mine, it’s Kevin Barrett’s, an American academic who converted to Islam. Regarding the terrorist groups you mentioned, I can tell you with a fair degree of certainty that “Hamas” is a creature of the Israeli intelligence agency “Mossad”, and "The Taliban" and "al-Qaeda" are creations of The CIA. BTW: Have you ever read "Nineteen Eighty Four" or "Brave New World"? If not, high time you did... 🤔

Meanwhile you accuse me of the phantasm of "antisemitism"? Let me assure you, for any gentile to do an investigation of jewish history and Judaism is inevitably to come to some very disturbing conclusions – which I personally have been aware of since I was 16 years old (I'm now 65): First girl I was ever in love with was Jewish, her dad was a Rabbi, her parents Czechoslovakian Jews who were interred by the Nazis.


🔴 "Jewish Religion, Jewish History The Weight of 3,000 Years" by Israel Shahak (good Irish name that...) is an excellent primer to cut your teeth on; it's direct and to the point, and I'll also leave you links to these articles by secular jew, Ron Unz:

🔴 "American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion" https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/

🔴 "American Pravda: Jews and Nazis" - https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-jews-and-nazis/

🔴 American Pravda: The ADL in American Society - https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-adl-in-american-society/

🔴 "Major Articles on Jews, Nazis, and Israel" - https://www.unz.com/page/jews-nazis-and-israel-articles/

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the "anti semite" slur doesn't work as well as it used to. Jews have overplayed their hand.

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Asha Logos made reference at some point to "The Masters of the Overplayed Hand"; I think I reposted it here: https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/our-fight-against-the-malevolent

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Call me anything you like. Just don't call me late for dinner!

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