Sep 6Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I saw that report a few days ago. Most people are assuming that the root cause is vaccine injury but I think it is more likely to be electro-magnetic radiation because those influencers are addicted to their smart phones.


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That certainly won't help. I've got a vicious case of tinnitus I-m sure is because of all the electronics around me.

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Sep 7Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I always put my phone on speaker phone when I make or receive calls - which didn't work out very well for me when this really hilarious woman I know prank called me with a high pitched when Harry met Sally 'oh yes oh yes oh my goodness'' just as I exited a court hearing.

But it never caused myocarditis or turbo cancer; just acute shock and excess laughter.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Author

Obviously she didn't prank call you hard enough.. Maybe you'll keel over on the next one!😘


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That's something I would do & have done, in the back row of a movie theater. Thanx for the memories. lol

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Invest in a bit of copper fabric - Use it to line a box (faraday cage) to contain your cell and unplug all other equipment, during resting hours. When absolutely necessary, place recharge unit in the furthest room of your house for charging while resting.

Since making my phone box more than ten years ago, it has saved me many sleepless nights, among other items.

Also, make the purchase of a cage for your smart meter - I spent a considerable amount on the one I am using - Prior to that I used the same copper mesh, as my faraday cage and it appears to be making a huge difference. BTW: I keep them both on my meter to this day - Cannot hurt to use a dbl condom for such matters, you know.

Tinnitus: Ginko Biloba and red Asian Ginseng, can help to reduce this pressure. noise. Also the above prescribed will make a notable difference.

One last bit of advice I have to offer; Take a rest period from your machines, as often as possible - As they effect, not only the ears, but the eyes and can interrupt the sleep cycle. This also goes for other dirty electricity in the home or surrounding area.

Hope this is of some relief for you.

Blessings ~

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Foot or entire body soak with Epsom salt- This works as a grounding effect and also balances your + - ions. Best remedy I know of, seriously - I use it for many anomalies. You may also give Ginger tea or candied ginger a go - I love the candied variety for head and stomach ache. My dogs even take it when they have tummy ache. Works wonders!

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P.S. If you are in a location that you may slip off your shoes and walk about bare of foot - Then DO it! I highly recommend Grass over dirt. But, dirt will be okay for your grounding.

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Sep 7Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Could try castor oil behind the ears. I've heard it works.

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Sep 6Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Dr. Bryan Ardia Show talks about this. He also talks about how to cure it. His wife suffered from it and was cured in a short time.

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Have you tried the nicotine patches per Dr. Ardis?

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Sep 6Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

It is, unquestionably a major piece if not more so of illnesses and deaths. I trust what Ardis says and the German company tasked with filtering city water systems in this country called Carus needs to be looked at. All of their weapons working in concert aren't they. They can go stuff it! They are already defeated and they know it. Sad there have and will be so many lost. They see their karma coming at them. It is unstoppable and divinely written.

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Sep 6Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

They are more immersed in it like that concert where young people died, Travis Scott concert. These studios are riddled and were long before covid. So are concert venues. It is a combination from what I see. None of this accidental. None of this accidental.

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Francis, you quite possibly, may be correct on this thought.

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Sep 7Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

they said in the vaccinated animal trials they all died when reintroduced to the the virus

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That's right. And they did.🐾😵☠️🪦

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Sep 6Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Asswipe FITH leftist loons have infiltrated every part of society and the bureauCRAPcy. They are full of beans.

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Good on you - For the report. Thanks!

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You're welcome!... I guess... 🙄

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