Jun 12Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Sad. Your story reminds me of a family who homesteaders on Kodiak, AK called the Malmbergs. They had ~6 children... all super successful today. I believe they built their ramshackle home on land they believed they owned. Unfortunately they were off by a few feet or yards, whatever. They crossed onto tribal land. The father was evicted from the land he raised his kids. This was out in the middle of nowhere... a dispute over land no one except a few Kodiak bears would care. They tried trading land to no avail. I worked nearby during summers to pay my way through college. This eviction happened long after that time but I remember old man malmberg, a mechanic, at the facility we were employed. Theirs is a remarkable story. All their kids were homeschooled and are to my knowledge successful.They have a daughter who’s a lawyer today in LA who grew up like Robinson Crusoe. I mean as primitive as can be. She actually fought the tribe and tried to win this land dispute for her father. But fighting natives to the land is not very easy. This sort of thing sucks. And I see more and more of this. You are not alone. Sadly. Was there any kind of ‘at will’ disclosure at the purchase this could happen?

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Jun 13Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I am not the Lyn in this substack. I don't spell my name that way.

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I did specify "My cousin Lyn"...

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Jun 13Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I know. But, somebody is emailing me from substack saying it's me?

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Sorry about that.

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Oh, that's not your fault :-)

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Jun 12Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

I truly am sorry you are going thru such shit. My husband just told me this morning he has to retire by the end of 2026 for his pension from work, we laughed because he'll be 71 and happy to go, that means he's worked at his job 51 years. I really wish we could do something to help you but you must be close to retirement too.

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I can't afford to retire... But have a look at this street scene in Vancouver I just sent to someone else: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMPeIIHpIdk. I'm one of the lucky ones, and so are you: We have roofs over our heads, and food in our refrigerators, and plumbing and toilets that (sort-of) work...

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Jun 12Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Australian people voted NO to "The Voice", a national bill which would give Aboriginals a silent committee veto on every single piece of legislation that our Trotskyist Prime Minister, Anthony Stalineasy, or our State Premiers contemplated. Except that little detail, a gift from our PM, was hidden, until it wasn't.

The chattering class was SHOCKED 😲.

(Anthony Albanese was President of The Trotsky Club, at Sydney University, with his proud nickname, "Trots"). How is Just in Turdgo treating y'all btw?

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"How is Just in Turdgo treating y'all btw?" What does "Oh, FUCK" suggest to you? 🙄 I refer to him as "Justine Castreau", how anyone cannot see who his real daddy is astonishing, and as one commentator online said and I concur: "If I had a division of 10,000 men under my command, would I march on Ottawa and take the little bastard out? You're damned right I would!" Why the entire West is not in open, violent, bloody revolt is simply incomprehensible to me.

This vignette from Vancouver, on the mainland just opposite to me in Victoria, illustrates the situation in Canada quite nicely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMPeIIHpIdk

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Captain, what a state we are in - in Canada. Looking at the You Tube link here is disgusting how far down we have fallen.

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Jun 12Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

Hi Roy,

It's a personal taste thing; however, do you really want to put yourself so intimately out there over the internet?

Especially on substack.

I know I wouldn't.

Best to you.


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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

I didn't think I was being all that... revelatory... 🤔 Also I am trying to, somehow.. wake people up, as to the reality of our situation(s). What are you referring to specifically in that post? It's already been online for years now: https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/09/23/expulsion-dispossession-and-confiscation/

Your further comments would be most appreciated.

PS You should take the time to listen to Mike Adams in conversation with Steve Quayle: "The Sum of All Fears is Here "https://www.brighteon.com/9f2be9d4-1600-4002-a836-f3605746d3cc. Do I think they're "over the top" at this point? I do not.

Looking forward to hearing from you... Please don't spare my feelings / let me know if you think I'm being hopelessly naive... 🙄

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Shame on you! You never mention Jesus in your life. You Entitled PITY PARTY Bratt.



BE REBORN.They* will hate you. You will be murdered 2024 because you are a Christian.

Get over yourself!

Yea Roy, I repented 7.7.1996. A river of tears of shame- remorse - I abandoned Jesus - LOST JESUS IN MY LIFE, LOST MY PROTECTION and Courage TO DIE FOR JESUS. I DONT POUT ROY. IM NEVER A VICTIM. I TRUST "IMPOSSIBLE"! That's why I lost everything like JOB. READ JOB, KJV Bible.

He had "Divine Content". He had Jesus in his life all day.


You are so deaf- blind & Spiritually Ignorant!

Read! KJV Bible!

Ephesians ch 6*.

Matthew ch 24 "as in the days of Noah"- stubborn stoooopid sheep like YOU Roy.

Psalm 23 - repeat repeat repeat - aloud - again- until YOU GET ON YOUR KNEES AND REPENT. STOP YOUR PITY PARTY.

READ MATT. ch 10-- v 34.

Jesus said "I did not come to bring peace"!

YOU HAVE NO IDEA. YOU ARE GODLESS ROY. You never understood "my Testimony"!

I "FEAR NOT" ROY! Jesus said it 366 times. "you will be hated for my sake"!

READ book of Daniel!!!!

You need a good preacher.

I got my ass kicked in (35) years of Corrupt Courtrooms. "Destroy The Family and God's Creation" Agenda Roy for centuries.


Search "Last Days" - "Days Of Sorrow" "Tribulation". Roy, I have No Mercy for you.

My Testimony went right over your head,

And you continue to Pout.

Cuz you Godless Roy. You Blind & Stubborn Roy.

Why do they call The Lord Our Shepard Roy.



*GRATITUDE...to Jesus- Holy Father

*ETERNITY....The Promise

Everybody dies, Everybody BELIEVES IN GOD that day they die.

Heaven? ...OR To Hell you go Roy.

You outatime yououtatime yououtatime Roy!

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Say what?

I did the repentence / turn to Jesus thing when I was 16. Guess what difference it made? That's right: NONE.

How many "Dark Nights of the Soul" have you been through Tony? 'Cause since then I've been through DOZENS. How many times now have I been on my knees in anguish and desperation praying for any kind of intervention/surcease... on behalf even, of someone else!

And I might as well have pulled my dick out of my pants, and pissed in my face.

I'm like Fox Mulder: I want to believe. But why do I waste my time, keeping faith with a God... who will not keep faith with me?

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SERIOUSLY? Why would I waste my life visiting your newsletter or reading another word you post? Answer the question Einstien, to yourself.

You can't block me. LOL 2funnee!

I'm Free of your pathetic life and thoughts.

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SEE? You admit it. You write pages of victimhood, a pouting brat, deserving of a better life. It was YOU that had the pity party message. I have hope and Promise of Eternity in Heaven. The earth is not our "home". I have evidence of aJesus in my life every day. I'm blessed with "Divine Content". You are still The frustrated Brat & Victim with no future.

I simply tried to help you out of *the hole YOU "live" IN.* Michael Yon warns us "In One Hour"! Many wonderful Godly intelligent souls warn that USA is Babylon 2.0, headed for destruction. "You will eat bugs" - "you will own nothing" Roy. You see the suffering all around you. I don't suffer because I remain humble frugal and grateful. Gratitude to Jesus all day is the only way to live free.

You admit you live in a whole. You are so sour and hopeless. I'm free of all that. I try to warn people and inspire them to seek The Holy Father sent us. It was God who "invented" us and Love.

We are Eternal Spiritual Beings with free will to choose eternity with Jesus.

It all goes over your head. You admit you are Godless. YOU live in pain and fear.

I'm Free! I fear nothing, all day.

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Jun 14Liked by Capt. Roy Harkness

No offence Toby but you need to get off the Cross someone needs the wood.

Capt Roy is trying to inform and educate so perhaps to keep even one person from falling prey to the what the lies the educators and not go down the same path. Capt Roy deserves out respect.

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Thank you Tazweld! 😘

I am rather saddened to report I've decided to block Toby indefinitely... 😥

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you are welcome Capt Roy, I think old Toby got a weebit to much of the bath salts again. But here is how it works if we are indeed judged in the end it wont be on faith it will be on how we treated our fellow man / woman. You dont need a church to have faith, and I maybe wrong but God would want you to first have faith and belief in yourself.

No life journey is pointless I believe there are only so many souls and we either level up or level down to me you have had many hardships to bare and in the next life you will level up not saying that up is forward into the future it could be back 300 years. Who knows but i have experienced a past life some may call dejavous or a glitch in the Matrix. Being in a place or situation that you know you have experienced before but cant explain.

My Grandmother always said that when you die if you can say you had one good friend you are the richest person in the world. I don't have any friends except for my wife of 44 years but I do think she was correct.

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I told you I was blessed.

I told you Roy, you are a coward and a snake. You are all pity and fear. You hide like the snake you are Roy.

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What Cross? You mean Roy's Cross Pity Party Narcissism from hell.

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You also admit how blind you are. I'm not on any cross. I'm blessed, you ain't. HOW do you interpret my encouragement, "Hope in Jesus, Gratitude & The Promise of Heaven is some crucifixion? LOL!

You n' Roy, are clearly BOT TROLLZ of pessimism. You both admit it. I'm not offended. I merely expose Roy's FRAUD, and pointless life.

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