The covertly jackbooted Nobility don't blame the Jews for no reason. The Landgrave of Hesse Kassel enslaved his subjects and rented them as mercenaries. Remember the Hessians in America? He assigned his Court Jews, of whom Rothschild was one, to do the dirty work of charging interest, collecting taxes, etc. As a result he was the richest man in Europe prior to Napoleon forcing him to flee while the Rothschilds saved his fortune for him. The practice of using select Jews as front men is a long standing strategy for Royals and Nobility to divert the people from their own depredations.
In addition, Islam is tyranny pure and simple and also the highest degree of Masonry as proven by its own documents. The world LEFT hates Israel and embraces Islam.
I don't claim to know the full picture. I was simply trying to communicate that your video is too single minded in fingering Israel and the Jews. There is a whole Globalist ruling class / conspiracy to consider. Also, Israel is Nationalist and therefore problematic to globalism.
Yes, but it is a tool of the ruling class / conspiracy and would not be allowed to be so powerful if it did not serve their purpose. Appeasing Islam in the interests of Global One World tyranny is a thing! Islamics, per the Koran are Globalists and also the highest order of Masonry.
Slick, but no mention of the problems with Islam re: Gaza.
I'd be interested to read your thoughts... 🤔
The covertly jackbooted Nobility don't blame the Jews for no reason. The Landgrave of Hesse Kassel enslaved his subjects and rented them as mercenaries. Remember the Hessians in America? He assigned his Court Jews, of whom Rothschild was one, to do the dirty work of charging interest, collecting taxes, etc. As a result he was the richest man in Europe prior to Napoleon forcing him to flee while the Rothschilds saved his fortune for him. The practice of using select Jews as front men is a long standing strategy for Royals and Nobility to divert the people from their own depredations.
In addition, Islam is tyranny pure and simple and also the highest degree of Masonry as proven by its own documents. The world LEFT hates Israel and embraces Islam.
"The world LEFT"... is not very clever... 🤔
I don't claim to know the full picture. I was simply trying to communicate that your video is too single minded in fingering Israel and the Jews. There is a whole Globalist ruling class / conspiracy to consider. Also, Israel is Nationalist and therefore problematic to globalism.
It's not my vision. I merely reposted Steve's podcast. Also I'm aware it's not just Israel, nor is it a "problem" for Globalism.
Yes, but it is a tool of the ruling class / conspiracy and would not be allowed to be so powerful if it did not serve their purpose. Appeasing Islam in the interests of Global One World tyranny is a thing! Islamics, per the Koran are Globalists and also the highest order of Masonry.
Are you trying to say it's Islam behind Jews behavior?
Does that divert or excuse the Jews from their behavior?
Your guess is as good as mine.
That question was directed at LLoyd Miller.
No problem.