Wow wow wow Roy, this guy is so frighteningly entertaining and I have no doubt that the connections he makes are true. Will I ever trust authority again? No!

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Congratulations, Dr. Noncomplier! 😘

Wish there was some way I could append an "applause" .gif, but this link will have to do...


Oh, and thank you so much! 🥰

PS Feel free to copy the YouTube link to your own substack if you've not downloaded "yt-dlp" yet...🤔

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Wowza! Sv40, Cutter, blue light, on and on. I had heard bits and pieces of this, but Kruse tied so much together.

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He bears repeated viewing and I'm sure everything he's said is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Yes, this is an amazing interview. And he has known about so much for so long the Sceptical part of me wonders if he’s actually one of “them“

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That's a disturbing thought. 😳

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