I’ve been looking for a dozen years maybe more for Barbara learner spectra‘s name she said that Europe’s going to be turned brown. Sorry there’s nothing you can do about it” in an interview.

That effing witch

I guess they want this to come to a boiling point because we saw what they did the last four years during cabbage brains term, to North America

also, what’s funny these people don’t think they’re white

I want to thank you for ending that perplexing search. I kept quoting it to Golda Meyer

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You're welcome. Someone's got to start saying it, dangerous though it is. My Rubicon moment was Oct. 7, 2023 and the hideous, unrelenting aftermath.. .

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they aren't White when it is convenient for their plans to destroy Anglo and European civilization.

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The intense immigration will continue and even become a flood. This is a globalist agenda outlined here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/ww3-the-pentagon-brief

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I read the Camp of the Saints decades ago and it was and is prophetically accurate.

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I've discovered it's getting quite hard to find and used copies are beginning to fetch premium prices... 🤔

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It is hard to find now because the damned CYSTem judges it to be "racissssssss."

They can take their damned religion of DIEverSHITty and go suck farts out of dead seagulls with turdo,

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My but I am a paragon of tolerance and peace.

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Can't honestly blame you... 🙄

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I would just like to point out that everything that’s going on in this country is part of an agenda. The people who are behind this agenda, are Talmudic Zionist Jews. These people have laid out their goals within the elder protocols of Zion, and we are watching in real time their goals being implemented and carried out. They are flooding all of the white nations on earth with dark skinned people in an effort to mongrelize everyone who is not one of them. (Serpent Seed)

The British people love their monarchy.

The British people need to wake up and realize that these Royals are Luciferian pedophiles, who are of the same bloodlines as the Nephilim Serpent Seed Hybrids of Genesis 6

They are at war with the sons of Adam, and seek to corrupt the genetics of everything under the sun.

Once people start looking at the world from a biblical perspective, things start making more sense.

Jesus said, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be once again when he returns. Genesis Chapter 6 reveals what was going on in those days. In a nutshell, the genetics of all living beings were being altered.

There are only 2 sides - The kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of Lucifer.

They’re both fighting for the souls of men.

The Serpent Seed bloodlines have been given power and dominion over this realm, and they’re all working for the kingdom of Lucifer.

The Kings of this earth all serve this Satanic Kingdom, and the Religions of this earth are all serving the same Satanic Kingdom.

They use secret societies and symbolism to reveal their true identity, but most people don’t have eyes to see.

Roman Catholicism specifically serves the kingdom of Lucifer. You can clearly see the signs of this everywhere. This false religion will be used to harvest souls for the kingdom. The same Luciferians that control Talmudic Judaism, also control Roman Catholicism, and here is one symbol to prove the connection. Do you have eyes to see?



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"Roman Catholicism specifically serves the kingdom of Lucifer. You can clearly see the signs of this everywhere. This false religion will be used to harvest souls for the kingdom. The same Luciferians that control Talmudic Judaism, also control Roman Catholicism, and here is one symbol to prove the connection. Do you have eyes to see?"


Tell that to Padre Pio, Joan of Arc, Therese of Lisieux, Catherine of Siena, Anthony of Padua, etc.

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You forgot Saint Francis of Assisi! ... and St. Joseph of Cupertino, "The Flying Monk"... but let's definitely forget Pope Francis the Talking Mule.. 🙄

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Yes, Captain, my Captain there are a great many I have forgotten and probably more that I should forget; as you have of so astutely related, here.

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Kipling, 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936, had the right idea then.


The Stranger within my gate,

He may be true or kind,

But he does not talk my talk—

I cannot feel his mind.

I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,

But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock

They may do ill or well,

But they tell the lies I am wonted to,

They are used to the lies I tell.

And we do not need interpreters

When we go to buy and sell.

The Stranger within my gates,

He may be evil or good,

But I cannot tell what powers control—

What reasons sway his mood;

Nor when the Gods of his far-off land

Shall repossess his blood. Cont.

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The U.K. and everywhere else in the Anglosphere and Europe is finished unless they stop the illegal aliens. All you have to do is read what the intent is, look at demographics, look at the repeated warnings over the last century, listen and read what jews have said and are saying along with what muslims have said and are saying. These people want White Christians dead, gone, eradicated. That couldn't be more obvious.

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The West is dead. These are the convulsions of the corpse.

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Pretty much... 🤔

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A YouTube channel called Russian review major general Constantine Petroff gives 30 lectures they’re dubbed in English. It’s worth watching Constantines lectures goes more extensive on this issue and labels more organizations along with it and yes, it is the tiny hats.

These lectures were given in 2005

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Considering 20th-century Russian history Petroff has plenty of reasons for his perspective. 25 - 66 million of them actually, depending on whose guesstimates you use... 🙄😱

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One thing he put into perspective for me as far as world population that and at the time it was 2005 that 7 billion people with 2 m² each could fit into Moscow proper

And basically that this population reduction finite resources was a bunch of BS

Another smart fellow German or Austrian stated that water, gas and oil constantly replenished by the earths core and once again there’s a recent published paper by some Russian scientist that state this exactly I will post a link to both of them that Oil is replenished and of course it’s not fossil fuels

I knew from working in the oil industry if you leave well, let’s say a third full or not tap dry. you come back 10 years later and it will be full again..

The scarcity scam,has run its course.

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The abiotic theory of oil suggests that petroleum and natural gas deposits originate from non-biological sources deep within the Earth’s mantle. This theory contrasts with the more widely accepted biogenic theory, which posits that oil is formed from the decomposition of organic matter, such as algae, plankton, and dinosaurs, over millions of years.

Proponents of the abiotic theory, like Thomas Gold and Jack Kenney, argue that hydrocarbons can be generated in the mantle and migrate to the crust, forming oil reservoirs. They point to the presence of hydrocarbons in non-sedimentary rocks as evidence for this theory.

Sounds like the abiotic theory is correct but not politically correct.

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A YouTube channel called Russian view major general Constantine Petroff gives 30 lectures they’re dubbed in English. It’s worth watching Constantines lectures goes more extensive on this issue and labels more organizations along with it and yes, it is the tiny hats.

Russian view. Not Russian review.

These lectures were given in 2005

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It’s 20 lectures by Constantine general Constantine Petrov

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Water, gas oil, constantly being created by the core of the Earth

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I started watching it and it froze to where I had to log out to stop it. I have a $13,000 computer so it isn't that.

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"Root and twig. Very odd."

– Treebeard the Ent

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I still think that nurses are underpaid and overworked while stupid jocks run around throwing a pigskin and making no definably good contribution to society.

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I just recently heard about the Kalergi Plan, was it debunked or was that sarcasm?

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Depends on who you want to believe. Personally, I have no time for "Fact Checkers" or "Debunkers"...

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The fact that they have to say that it is debunked tells me it's most likely true.

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I have the book, “Camp of the Saints”, and I also read Douglas Murray’s book, “The Strange Death of Europe”, which I read in 2017.

It’s all unfolding now.

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