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Splintering of Babylon & Black Nobility | Conversations On The Fringe - With James Grundvig and Alexandra Bruce - 4 months ago


"Splintering Babylon" documentary (premiered Sept 12, 2024)


Splintering Babylon” is a provocative documentary that explores the controversial theory of Nazi influence in the founding of major Western institutions such as the CIA, NATO, and the United Nations [see Project (Operation) Paperclip for more on this}. The film presents a narrative that Wall Street, along with Prescott Bush—father of U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush—financially supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazi elite prior to World War II.

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"Rich and powerful people don't get together and make plans! You're a kook! You're a Conspiracy Buff!"

— George Carlin

When you start digging into so-called "Conspiracy Theory" you will quickly begin learning things that are literally reality changing. There's a reason Conspiracists call it "Taking the Red Pill"; for example the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate were directly responsible for the creation of both the League of Nations and the United Nations, or that Jewish financier Jacob Schiff bankrolled the Bolsheviks, was the man who gave the order to murder the Russian Royal Family (Wall Street and the Russian Revolution by Antony Sutton). If you continue digging you'll discover the Nazi involvement in the creation of the State of Israel (https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-jews-and-nazis/ / https://www.unz.com/page/jews-nazis-and-israel-articles/) 😳

The Rothschild Crime Syndicate besides their support of Communism worldwide and almost for centuries were instrumental in getting Adolf Hitler and the Nazis into power. As for the Bush Crime Dynasty, I highly recommend "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin (available for free online) and "Fortunate Son: George W. Bush And The Making Of An American President" by JH Hatfield. JH Hatfield came to a bad end as result of writing it.

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Yeah, I know. Been reading about the US treasonous turn-coat leaders for many years. Read Edwin Black's books years ago & they blew my socks off. Not just our vaunted political leaders were traitors & sold out our citizens & soldiers, but "our" US corps also funded & supported Nazis.

(That's why it's particularly ironic, hypocritical & deceitful that IsLobby & ADL focus on their so-called big fake of "anti-semitism"all the time when the US govt/corps actually funded Hitler in WW2. Why, it's almost as if that was the NWO plan all along - fund the killing of dissidents/gays/Jews etc to get rid of trouble-makers for big war-profiteering $.)

I knew that there was US complicity w/the other side(s) in WW2 but the scale is incredible.

The IBM corp helped provide ID punch cards to round up all the German rabble-rousers & Ford Motor made trucks etc for both the Germans & US govt etc etc. Corp complicity.

See all Black's books here at his website: Edwin Black - https://edwinblack.com/books

Edwin Black’s award-winning and bestselling books are found in some 200 editions in 40 languages in 190 countries. He has more than 2.2 million books in print, and they sell hourly. His books are IBM and The Holocaust (2001 and 2012), The Transfer Agreement (1984, 2009, and 2012), War Against the Weak (2003 and 2012, Banking on Baghdad (2004 and 2018), British Petroleum and the Redline Agreement (2011), The Farhud (2010), Financing the Flames (2013), Internal Combustion (2017 and 2018), Nazi Nexus [America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's Holocaust] (2009 and 2017), The Plan (2008), and a 1999 novel, Format C:.

(BTW - Nice Carlin quote. Digression: Saw the Saturday Night movie last weekend & it was better than we thought it would be except that none of the actors looked or really acted like the originals. The "Belushi guy" actor looked like Belushi more than some of the other actors looked like their characters & also both the Chevy Chase & George Carlin actors/ impersonators did a pretty good job mimicking their guys. In general, though, the film came across like a frenetic play & was a lost opportunity to tell the SNL origin story. We also didn't get to see Carlin's monologue from that first SNL which was a bummer.)

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