WEF Doctor Warns ‘Bird Flu’ Will Kill 52% of Humans
Demands mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Rollout Before Trump Sworn In. By Frank Bergman
How many more times are these shithead psychopaths going to cry “WOLF!” before people start to “get it”? Seems to me I’ve been hearing variations of the “Bird Flu” wheeze in the Lying Whore Media on-and-off since at least the late 1980s…🤔 What came of it? Nothing… 🙄 Meanwhile my personal track record of the mRNA “Covid” Lethal Injections at this point? 10 deaths. 40 permanent, debilitating injuries.
By-the way? I’ve heard other things said by Dr. Leanna Wen that are just as criminally irresponsible and WEF / WHO-serving. Personally I think this lying bitch ought to be strung up naked by her ankles and left to twist in the wind. After she’s been tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.
“We have outbreaks in poultry in all 50 states.” ⁉️ 🤪🤣🤪🤣🤪🤣 … 💩
Yeah, sure we have.
Nahh, shaddup Leana! 🙄
PS: A sort of addendum.. while this cartoon by Ben Garrison has absolutely nothing to do with Leana Wen on the face of it, being about suspected Chinese spy Christine Fang...
Nonetheless it seems somehow, to my labyrinthine mind, utterly appropriate 🤔:
(Much later: Well of course it does: It depicts a Chinese woman as a deceitful poisonous snake!)
PPS… I discovered “Pseudonymph” quoted part of my article, viz:
Thus I add the following:
For anyone who thinks that quote is extreme if not crazy? November 14, 2021 I was forced to walk away from my job, rather than take an injection of an experimental drug I knew in February to be deadly dangerous. Eventually 8 months and about $37,500 lost. Next day on CFAX Radio I got to listen to British Columbia’s Minister of Health, Adrian Dix, openly state he wished he had the power to forcibly inject vaccine refusers or to arrest and imprison us. We were literally at Stage 5 of Genocide Progression. I was denied the right to go to restaurants, movies, concerts, theatre, sporting events; Hell, I couldn’t even attend a reception sponsored by my church! — unless I displayed the British Columbia government’s despicable Yellow Star Vaccine Passport App on my cell phone.
I was also denied Unemployment Insurance, Welfare, and admittance to hospital Emergency care. I was barred from travel by air, rail or ship, and I was restricted to staying within my particular provincial “Health Zone.” I couldn’t get on a city bus or go out in public unless I wore an asinine, useless bloody mask. Straight out of Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany, take your pick. All of this was totally illegal, in direct violation of Canada’s gossamer constitution, six major Federal statutes and portions of International Law. Didn’t matter: The psycho-brained bastards in charge of the Province and Country did it anyway. And the same nakedly illegal moves and intimidation was going on everywhere in The West.
All this, for a phantom pathogen which — if it ever existed and I very much have my doubts — had a mortality rate of 0.003%. The lying cocksuckers who did all this, did everything in their power to foment panic and hysteria in the face of a completely contrived non-event? They’re still in power. They’ve not been arrested. They’ll likely never be held to account… and only on Substack and a very few other uncensored places online and by word of mouth, am I hearing stories of the consequences of the Lethal Injection that are absolutely blood-curdling… for those of us who were courageous enough to refuse it!
The Vaccinated of course, are already having their blood curdled for them…
Why the entire West is not in open, violent, bloody revolt and searching out and lynching all our despicable politicians wherever they may be hiding, is beyond my comprehension… and this murderous bitch — she’s down there with the likes of Elizabeth Bathory — continues to spew her deceitful, diabolical filth on the Mainstream Lying Whore Media… And it seems nothing happens to her in consequence.
That said?
My best wishes for a healthy, prosperous, safe and secure New Year, to all of you who maintained or at least recovered your senses during this insanity, despite what these demons may have prepared for us…
Capt. Roy Harkness
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A doctor and former health official has claimed that an outbreak of “bird flu” will kill 52 percent of the population and called on the Biden administration to begin rolling out a mass vaccination campaign before President Donald Trump is sworn in next month.
Former Baltimore health commissioner Dr. Leana Wen, who serves as one of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Young Global Leaders,” [Capt. Roy Harkness: That just by itself should be a Death Penalty Offence. 🤔] is calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue an emergency authorization to rapidly rollout out mRNA “vaccines” for “bird flu.”
Wen is urging President Biden to use his executive authority to order the FDA to authorize the “vaccine” and expand rapid testing for “bird flu.”
She argues that the plan needs to be ushered in before President Trump takes office. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Yeah, I’ll bet it does…🙄]
In an appearance on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” Sunday, Wen claimed that the Biden admin should take steps to prepare for a possible animal-to-human outbreak of avian influenza (H5N1). [Capt. Roy Harkness: A progression from birds… to mammals… to humans? 🤣 Even I know, with my lousy music degree, inter-species disease transmission almost never happens, and three jumps? Tell me another one Leana...🙄]
“Dr. Wen, is bird flu in humans super dangerous?” host Major Garrett asked.
Wen responded by claiming that “the mortality rate is 52%,” according to “World Health Organization estimates.” [Capt. Roy Harkness: The World Health Organization?🤣 Well, doesn’t that tell you all you need to know! 🤬 Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! 🥳]
She made the call following reports that a patient in Louisiana contracted the virus earlier this month.
“It’s one more sign that the drumbeat of bird flu coming closer to humans is becoming a major threat,” Wen said.
“So, we’ve already seen this year that there have been a number of mammalian species close to humans that now have bird flu outbreaks.
“We have outbreaks in poultry in all 50 states. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Sure we have.😜]
“16 states have outbreaks in cattle.
“In California, in the last 30 days, there have been more than 300 herds that tested positive, and now we have 66 cases of bird flu in humans, and this is almost certainly a significant undercount because we have not been doing nearly enough testing.” [Capt. Roy Harkness: Using the PCR Test no doubt? That its inventor, Kary Mullis, said should never be used as a diagnostic tool? Or maybe it was the even more bogus Rapid Antigen Test? Next, maybe you’d like to sell me a bridge in Brooklyn Leana? 💩]
“So, we really don’t know the extent of bird flu that’s out there in humans,” she continued. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Try “non-existent” Leana?]
“But this particular case, it’s someone who is severely ill. [Capt. Roy Harkness: If you had any honesty Leana you’d admit they were severely ill with “Influenza A” or Influenza B” — just like all the people since 2020 that caught what they were told was “Covid”❗]
“But not only that, researchers have isolated the virus in this individual who is sick in Louisiana, and they found that this particular strain of the virus appears to have acquired mutations that make it more likely to bind to airway receptors.” [Capt. Roy Harkness: Again, if you had any honesty Leana, you should know, you should admit, that no virus has ever been isolated and that “Virology” is a fraud on a level with “Phrenology”.]
Wen continued by arguing that the Biden admin needs to expand rapid testing for the virus and order the FDA to quickly approve the H5N1 mRNA “vaccine” for public use to prevent another pandemic. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Quickly approve another mRNA vaccine hard on the heels of the previous cataclysm? 😱 Immunologist Delores Cahill has stated publicly that everyone who has had so much as ONE dose of the “Covid” mRNA “Vaccine” will die, within 5 years…]
“I feel like we should have learned our lesson from Covid that just because we aren’t testing, it doesn’t mean that the virus isn’t there,” she said. [Capt. Roy Harkness: That’s because the “virus” isn’t there. According to Sam and Mark Bailey MD and Christine Massey MSc, “viruses” don’t in fact, exist: They’re a fabrication of the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate.]
“It just means that we aren’t looking for it. [Capt. Roy Harkness: See comment above.]
“We should be having rapid tests, home tests, available to all farm workers, to their families, for the clinicians taking care of them, so that we aren’t waiting for public labs and CDC labs to tell us what’s bird flu or not.” [Capt. Roy Harkness: Um… The test are completely fraudulent Leana. You’d probably be horrified how many ordinary schmucks like me know this.😜]
Wen stressed that the FDA must approve the H5N1 vaccine so that 5 million doses of it can be quickly administered to the “vulnerable” population before Trump takes office. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Forgive them not, O Lord: They know what they are doing.🕳☠⚰️🪦]
“And the second very important thing is this is not like the beginning of Covid, where we were dealing with a new virus, we didn’t have a vaccine,” Wen explained. [Capt. Roy Harkness: In the words of the Poofy Judges of Monty Python: “Oh Ah! Silly Me!” And all this time I thought Covid was just a monstrous criminal fraud!]
“There actually is a vaccine developed already against H5N1.” [Capt. Roy Harkness: I’ll bet there is!]
“The Biden administration has contracted with manufacturers to make almost 5 million doses of the vaccine. [Capt. Roy Harkness: The American Federal Government is in debt how much again? 30 TRILLION dollars⁉️😱
… Or is that just the interest❓…🤔]
“However, they have not asked the FDA to authorize the vaccine. [Capt. Roy Harkness: That won’t slow them down much. They released the other one with a bogus “Emergency Use” Authorization!]
“There’s research done on it,” she claimed. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Just like the research done on the “Covid” “mRNA Vaccine”? Developed in 8 months with all safety protocols suspended?]
“They could get this authorized now, and also get the vaccine out so- and to farm workers and to vulnerable people.”
Wen added that Biden needs to move quickly on these efforts. [Capt. Roy Harkness: People not dying fast enough for you Leana?]
She explained that the Trump administration may not want to authorize new “vaccines” given the massive outcry over the experimental Covid mRNA injections. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Anyone would think you’re Jewish, the way you deliberately miss the nakedly obvious.🤔]
“I think that’s the right approach because we don’t know what the Trump administration is going to be doing around bird flu,” she said. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Don’t worry Leana: They’ll push this fraud just as hard as they pushed the Lethal Injections and the Demoncrats pushed the Covid Fraud.]
“If they have people coming in with anti-vaccine stances, could they hold up vaccine authorization?
“If they don’t want to know how much bird flu is out there, could they withhold testing? [Capt. Roy Harkness: These statements are so fatuous they’re sublime…🤨]
“I mean, that’s a possibility, and I think the Biden administration in the remaining days should get testing and vaccines widely available so that at least it empowers state and local health officials and clinicians to do the right thing for their patients.” [Capt. Roy Harkness: Like arrest and indefinite confinement in Concentr—pardon me, “Quarantine Camps”?😦]
Wen was a vocal advocate of the harsh Covid measures during the pandemic.
She frequently appeared on corporate media TV shows to promote prolonged shutdowns of schools and businesses, vaccine mandates, and punishments for the unvaccinated. [Capt. Roy Harkness: Br. Alexis Bugnolo opined online and I’m more than inclined to agree, people like Leana Wen ought to be burned at the stake for what they’ve done. Literally. 🔥]
Her concerns that the Trump administration may not go along with the rushed distribution of new bird flu “vaccines” are not unwarranted.
In June, Trump’s now-nominee Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. floated the possibility that H5N1, like COVID-19, was engineered in a biological lab. [Capt. Roy Harkness: If you pay attention to the Alternative Media, you’ll learn all kinds of interesting things. Some of them are very likely even true!]
“With so much money on the table, is it conceivable that someone might deliberately release a bioengineered bird flu?” Kennedy wrote in a post on X.
“When this kind of gain-of-function research is going on, accidental or deliberate leaks are inevitable.”
Meanwhile, the FDA has already given the green light to advance a new “self-amplifying” mRNA “vaccine” for “bird flu.” [Capt Roy Harkness: Oh my sweet Christ!😱]
The new “vaccine” is being developed by Arcturus Therapeutics, a Bill Gates-funded company specializing in mRNA-based pharmaceuticals.
Last month, Arcturus quietly announced that the FDA approved the company’s Investigational New Drug (IND) application for its ARCT-2304 “vaccine.”
ARCT-2304 is a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) injection targeting the H5N1 avian influenza “bird flu” virus.
The “self-amplifying” or “replicon” mRNA shots contain the equipment needed to make more of itself once it enters cells.
The injections have been dubbed “replicon” vaccines because they are able to replicate inside the human body to produce more mRNA over time.
The new technology has provoked a worldwide backlash from experts and concerned citizens.
Japan has just approved the rollout of Covid “replicon” mRNA “vaccines” for public use.
However, Japanese citizens have been raising the alarm over fears they are being used as guinea pigs ahead of a global rollout of the injections. [Capt Roy Harkness: I am simply stunned, and speechless. 🤯]
READ MORE – Japan Sounds Alarm over ‘Unprecedented’ Surge in Deaths Among Covid-Vaxxed
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She ought to be the 1st one to take the bird flu shot then. This really looks like they are ready to start fake pandemic 2.0! And May God wake people to say no. My guts says they will fall for the BS Again. 1. People still wearing mask, babies now getting 3 mRNA before 9 months? How is that possible?
Pray I do? John 12: 40
It’s not the Bird Flu Virus…it’s the Wen Fib Virus!
Crawl back under your slimy rock Wen!
I didn’t know she came back 😡😂!Thank you Captain!