Waiting for Clarity On the Brink of Oblivion
By Kevin Flaherty, first posted on-line November 6, 2006
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
I’ve been following Kevin Flaherty and his website Cryptogon for at least 20 years now, probably more like 25. As I mentioned above, he first posted this article November 2006 in the days leading up to the American mid-term election. I can’t remember now who “won” that time, if it was Bush-the-Son or Obombya or Hitlery or whomever and frankly, I don’t care: One loathsome intestinal parasite in The White House / 24 Sussex Drive / 10 Downing Street / 42 Whereverthef*** is pretty much interchangeable with any other. You know it, I know it. Meanwhile “The Totalitarian Tiptoe” as David Icke so aptly described it continues and Kevin’s homily from 2006 bears repeating ― before it disappears altogether as Search Engines grow ever more compromised ― which is why I find more and more I use the Russian search engine Yandex for research... Also this and the item I will post tomorrow make a good pair of bookends for everything we’ve been through since the Fraudemic was announced in March 2020; and all the politicians across the world acted in concert, locking us in, locking us down, shutting down businesses, breaking up protests, making arrests for any kind of observant
on-line comment… and doing all they could to foment panic and hysteria… For the sake of a variety of cold virus which if it ever existed and I very much have my doubts was allegedly endemic to bats! (Tell me another one..🙄)
When has there ever been such unanimity of action world-wide from our so-called “leaders”? Over such a grotesque, risible, and patently-obvious fraud?
Thus I quote a comment made to an earlier post and my response:
Holly Rock: Is it possible to get a compilation of “celebrities” who refused to comply? I can’t think of any besides maybe Eric Clapton or Roger Waters, but would they go on the record or are they all too corrupted by the almighty dollar? It’s all so dystopian and wicked, keep smiling man.
Skupe: Though not an actor or singer, Hirsh Singh, a 2024 US (R) Presidential candidate from Zoo Jersey and a PUREBLOOD who supported DJT will be at the R convention July 2024.
Capt. Roy Harkness: …I commend to your attention Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion; first posted online November 2006... 🙄
Holly Rock: Thank you and I just got my passport so the question is ― where to go and when? I still want to be hopeful or have some kind of plan and maybe a comrade, and with everyone around me in complete denial it’s beyond exhausting being the “nutter” going on 4 years now.
Capt. Roy Harkness: I can’t give you useful advice on that score. Kevin Flaherty who issued that advice relocated to New Zealand and look what happened there. Jeff Berwick and Max Igan (who literally escaped arrest and indefinite imprisonment in Australia by the skin of his teeth) now make their homes in Mexico and Jeff frequently goes on about how safe and government-free it is there.. Except I think of that bizarre Category 5 hurricane that came from no-where and hit Acapulco: Had to be the “weather weapon” (A Cat-5 hurricane and no rain?🤔). I think Jeff’s friend Doug Casey is now living in Uruguay or pehaps it’s someone else. Someone else I chatted with on Substack was relocating to Tanzania. On the other hand Latin American countries are not known for their stability and as for anywhere in Africa? 😱
IF... and that’s a very big IF... I had something like 20 million dollars, and a useful skilled trade, and spoke Spanish fluently, I might be looking at Ecuador – it’s about the stablest country in South America I think, but the Deep State is constantly sticking their noses where they don’t belong, look what’s happened in 2014 in Ukraine, or what happened earlier this century in Venezuela, or the trash job Henry Kissinger in his prime did to Chile back in the early 1970s. Not to mention as Gringos we’d stick out like sore thumbs and Gringos don’t enjoy much affection in Latin America, nor do I blame them.
So the best advice I can give you is: “Do your homework, make sure you have at least a plan “B” and if you move to some other country, be prepared for ANYTHING”. At this point, Holly Rock, we’re all “Jews in Nazi Germany” and we’re going to have to make our stand, where we are. If you’re American probably your best bet is the Reddest state you can find, but myself, living in Canada? I’m pretty much fucked, wherever I would choose to go... Which is pretty much just Alberta... 🤔
In the meantime I guess, pray to all that’s Good and Holy humanity will come to its bloody senses, because from what I’ve heard, 2024 courtesy of The Globalists will be the Year from Hell.”
In conclusion what can I add to this? Think back to events of 2022 and 2023 gentle readers... 🤔 I think the only thing that brought a stop worldwide to the Covid insanity was The Trucker’s Protest here in Canada. But I also think of the ensing ugly exercise in intimidation courtesy of Justine Castreau and Kunᛋᛋtia Freeloader resulting in The Truckers slinking home and complying.. 😥
Sure the restrictions were largely lifted. Sure, Justin Castreau’s credibility by now is largely and permanently shot to shit. But the criminals at the helms of all our nations are still in power, they’ve not been held to account and I fear they never will. What’s happened since, off the top of my head? The continued destruction of supply lines worldwide, the Nordstream Pipeline explosion, the chemical fire in East Palestine, OH, the purported wildfire in Maui, the “uncontrolled” forest fires in North America, the destruction of farms in Sri Lanka leading to the government being overthrown, the forcible expropriation of farms (and ensuing massive protests) in the Netherlands – many of which have been in the same families for centuries – the nonsensical efforts to reduce “Nitrogen Pollution” and to ban CO2 altogether – never mind Nitrogen comprises over 70% of the Earth’s atmosphere and CO2 is vital to all plant life, concomitant to the bullshit crescendo over bogus “Climate Change”... Meanwhile I’ve gathered in largely forgotten Ukraine 15 – 16 million Ukrainians have now taken flight or been killed and the slaughter in Occupied Palestine continues apace with threats of America to start a ground war in Yemen which is the only nation supporting the Palestinians.
Meanwhile The Covid Fraudemic? It ain’t over folks, till The Fat Lady sings, and that smirking basilisk Bill Gates has promised us we’ll take the next Fraudemic seriously. Northern Truth Seeker has just alerted me to an article in The Washington Post as to “the new JN.1 variant”🤪; but if those douchebags think I’m wasting good money for their lying filth they can think again.
What all of us have to learn if we don’t already understand this, is that all these things are part of a coordinated agenda, primarily aimed towards the massive reduction in the human population but also the enslavement of the remnant. At this point there is nowhere we can fly to, there is nowhere we can hide. Sooner or later, as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn grasped far too late and Dietrich Bonhoeffer understood what was actually on the line, we all will have to make a stand to put an end to this. And like Solzhenitsysn and Bonhoeffer, the price we could pay may be hidously high.
Quite possibly, be our lives.
What will it take, to wake humanity up? 🙄😱 💣🕳 ... 💩
Capt. Roy Harkness
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People are now terrified about the events unfolding inside the U.S.
Panic is setting in, and for some silly reason, people think this upcoming election holds the key to the future.
Guys, wake the Fuck up. This Republican/Democrat thing is beyond embarrassing.
Please understand: There are no political solutions to the problems the U.S. is facing. The outcome of this election is meaningless, one way or the other. The more you keep grasping for glimmers of hope within the political system, the worse off you will be.
The appearance of choice, as a mechanism of control, has served the elite well for several decades in the U.S. Appearances broke down after the 2000 Presidential election. And the 2004 Presidential election... Excuse me while I spit out the window just thinking about the candidates. Never mind the endemic vote fraud.
Will a big Democratic win calm people down? Maybe that’s what They’ll allow. It might ease the panic, so the ship of fools can sail on for another few months. If They were smart, that’s what They'd do. Hell, maybe it’ll be Hillary in 2008, with the ability to designate any American as an enemy combatant... Sure. Tell me another one.

But then again, maybe not. Maybe it’s time to rub your noses in the Freedom.
I hate to be making so many Magic 8 Ball references lately, but that’s what the U.S. political system has become. Believe in that thing and it will give you the answers you’re looking for. You’re totally doomed and clueless, but your belief in the Magic 8 Ball is somehow comforting. By all means, vote.
Jeff Wells recently wrote:
“American politics isn’t just theatre; it’s dinner theatre, on par with a Medieval Times franchise. It can put on a decent show: The way the white and black knights joust you’d think they meant it, and that the guy who falls off his horse really gets hurt and the champion wins something of meaning. Voters are “treated like royalty” – every man a king! – But their crowns are made of tissue paper. And while the menu is all you can eat, all you can order is bullshit.”
So, let’s dispense with the bullshit about U.S. elections.
What varies, with the passage of time, is the number of people who get it. As more people get it, the more dangerous the situation becomes. The Machine will destroy itself rather than lose control. As the appearance of choice fails to serve as an effective mechanism of control, more overt mechanisms of control, which have been under construction for years, will be used.
Nothing that is happening now should come as a surprise to any of you. The entire program has been spelled out on Cryptogon and other sites — never mind the thousands of books — for years. The collapse of the U.S. into overt fascism is following a fairly predictable series of events. While the exact timetable is more difficult to nail down, when the state begins to require citizens to obtain “CLEARANCE” in order to leave, you’ve pretty much arrived at the end of the line. And then what? What excuses will be made? When soldiers are breaking down your door, will you point your TV remote control at them and try to change the channel? Tell them you voted? Tell them you paid your taxes? Ask them to please stay away from your daughter, because she’s not a terrorist?
This has all happened before (it’s happening now, actually, in many parts of the world, especially where U.S. influence is pervasive). What’s different is that the technologies of political control have vastly increased the strength of the iron fist. The options are: get out of the way of that thing, to the best of your ability, or be crushed by the grip of it around your neck. Some might try to attack it directly, but that option should be seen as a creative form of suicide. (Oh yeah, you can attempt to join the ranks of the regime.)
This is the warning I’ve been repeating for years: You do not want to try to reach the exit as millions of other people attempt to do the same thing. Waiting for clarity is not often rewarded.
Many Cryptogon readers think that they’re going to hedge their bets, and stay put for as long as possible, before making a strategic move. I like all of you. I love some of you, as you are my family members and closest friends, but please hear me: To know what’s coming and to think that you will be able to time your exit properly is the height of folly.
It is not easy to pull off a strategic move under “normal” circumstances. Having made a strategic move, I’m in a position to speak on this matter with authority.
It’s not easy.
The path is lined with red tape and bullshit under the best of circumstances. And the window of opportunity is closing with each passing day. To think that you will be able to do it after an event, when borders are closed, or mostly closed, when internal passports may be required to travel across state lines, when the fascists must approve your exit plans, when your cash is not convertible into foreign currencies or maybe even worthless...
Friends and family, you're in a clinical state of denial.
Let’s fast forward a week, a month or a year from today; nobody knows exactly when it will happen... When you could have made it to a better place, with relative ease, you sat by and waited, wished and hoped it wouldn’t come to this. And now, the freeways are jammed, the airports are closed and soldiers are checking your “papers.” Some number of people are being loaded onto trucks, but you can’t really see past the spotlights shining at you from the checkpoint up ahead...
”Oh, God, why did I wait for it to come to this?” some of you will think as you look at your spouse and children, who will be looking back at you, wondering the same thing.
Hi Roy,
It's a bit different here in (forlorn) South Africa. More Louisiana style (see below).
Although nothing is impossible on the part of the govt.
In the west, the general populace has been pussified, so no keyboard warriors will be able to do anything other than type or scream or moan.
I remember taking a walking tour in New Orleans in 2,009 in the cemetery area near all the Hollywood film stars' fancy residences.
Our guide - who was well spoken, educated, knowledgeable, and looked like he had means - told us how he sat tight on the porch of his house after Katrina had ended and waited for the marauding brothers from the outside areas to come - African style - on a mission of pillage and theft.
Shotgun in hand, he clipped each and every brother who set foot on his property, until they left him and his property alone and rampaged and stripped the rest to floorboards and foundations.
The point I make is any call to arms ain't going to happen except in Hicksville or Skid Row. The average American will do nothing but comply. Covid is evidence of that.
So I hear you my brother, but all this foot stamping and air punching is just fake hype and wishful thinking.
They've won, so just enjoy the rest of days however long or short they might be. Intellectually what you say is appealing but Intellect and physical pushback don't live in the same home.
Happy 28 December 2023.
Much love,
I know elections are fake and so is pretty much everything else going on in the US, the House, the Senate and especially the WH, president Peters doesn't know where or who he is most days. I know shit is coming and what do we do,, they're saying by May of next year theres going to be the start of a crash like never before seen, worse than the Great Depression, but not many know about it. We are up there in age, Im 71 and my husband is 68 and still works everyday pretty much, so yes we could sell soon and I know it would go fast but then what, maybe buy an RV and travel to the mountains to hide out, who knows. I have thought of leaving the country but we'd have to go to Mexico, it's our only decent option. The question is, when will the shitstorm hit, May or later, I do believe by the end of next year we wont recognize our country because we have zero leaders in any province with balls to say "enough is enough" The WEF owns most all of them and they will bed down with any one of them if asked to, sad isn't it.