“If one were to be honest on this 60th anniversary of the raising of the Maple Leaf flag and its replacement of the Red Ensign: That signaled the death spiral of the nation of Canada. And it was the Trudeau regime and his associated ilk that drove the final nails into the nation’s coffin lid.”
— Black Pigeon Speaks
Not sure if BPS is speaking of the present “Trudeau regime” or that of his putative father. 🙄 I also note with some astonishment that, yes, today is indeed the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Canadian “Red Maple Leaf” flag; I can still remember (barely) the event of February 15, 1965, when I was 5. And listening to “Black Pidgeon Speak’s” presentation? I’m at a loss to think of any argument to make against it. I used to be a “Canadian Patriot”; but after 9 years of Justin Castreau (and his regime is pretty much just the icing on a noxious cake), union with America can’t happen soon enough, or fast enough. We used to be comparable to America in terms of quality-of-life. Now, we’re poorer than Mississippi, the poorest state in the union. Castreau having signed the monstrous “UN Compact on Migration” in 2017 we’re now buried alive under illegal migrants, every last one of whom is costing us before interest payments, $50,000/year tax free; and that’s just for a start. I recall the story of Robert Hoogland, who wound up in prison for attempting to prevent his confused teenaged daughter from “transitioning” IOW being irreversibly surgically mutilated. But if you speak out against The Woke Agenda you’re risking at a minimum a $250,000 fine plus court costs, and if Castreau gets his “On-Line Harms Act” passed you could be looking at life imprisonment.
The sad truth, as we await Anschluss V.2.0? Canada is moribund. It’s beyond healing.
To say the least, America doesn’t enjoy a great reputation internationally, and thanks to the same diabolical Globalist agenda being implemented by Castreau’s Liberals they’re also in pretty rough shape; but if we were part of the union? My taxes would probably drop by half, I’d be eligible for Social Security = U$1,200/month instead of Canada’s pitiful “Old Age Supplement” of Cdn $650 and unlike the gossamer “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” we’d have the (still slender, alas) protections of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments.
In conclusion I have to add I do like BPS’s reinterpretation of the Chinese flag on his “Air Welfare State” Boeing 747…
PS One last thing… BPS refers to Justin Castreau as a “twink”.. had to look up the definition on-line… “Twink is gay slang for a man who is usually (but not always) in his late teens to twenties whose traits may include a slim to average physique, a youthful appearance, and little or no body hair.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twink)
Yeah. About sums him up. Doesn’t seem too flattering somehow…🤔
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