BREAKING: Trump Announces “US Will Take Over Gaza Strip and We Will Do a Job With It, Too!” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft of “The Gateway Pundit”
“Un-Silent” made this comment on my previous post:
“Have you seen this?”
I replied:
“Sounds like something The Babylon Bee or The Onion would publish. Let me read it.
Just finished reading it... ‘Course with all those Neo-cons and Zionist chickenhawks filling his cabinet and his Jewish son-in-law has made similar noises.. what’s going to happen to the poor slobs still somehow alive in that Hellhole? Guess they’re even more shit-out-of-luck than they already were... 😥”
Thus I attach Jim Hoft’s article from The Gateway Pundit. Kafka couldn’t make this shit up.
Jesus wept…
Capt. Roy Harkness
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President Donald Trump held a press conference Tuesday night with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from Israel.
During the press conference President Trump announced an unexpected and absolutely shocking development.
The US will take over the Gaza Strip and redevelop it. [😱]
President Trump: The US will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it, too. We’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous, unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site, level the site, and get rid of the destroyed buildings, level it out, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area. Do a real job, do something different. Just can’t go back. If you, it’s going to end up the same way it has for 100 years.
Via POTUS on X.
I would like to quote something which might ring a bell for all Americans:
"You knew I was a snake when you took me in!" - For once, Trump was telling the unvarnished truth.
Trump is round the bend, he very clearly just means for Jews alone to live in Gaza after just sending a huge shipment of 2,000 bombs to Israel to drop on the remnants of the huddling Gazan refugees in their tent cities and "clean them out".
Trump officially 'converted' (from being a crypto-Jew) in 2017 to Chabad Lubavitcher world domination death cult.
Trump is an absurdly grandiose posturing megalomaniac psychopath who just gets a buzz out of being in the media headlights as much as possible, feeling like 'the king of the world' with his silver crown. Mind you, we have yet to see who will get the gold rabbinical crown awarded.
"I am a Jew" fake Christian Boris Johnson said he knew he was going to be king of the world when he was a little boy, or maybe Prince William instead will be 'chosen' for that role and get that rabbinical gold crown with his very conveniently Jewish wife and their three royal Jew sproglets who will then be the new totally Jewish royal family on the throne?
Trump said about Syria, about their oil: "We may just take it", but exactly who is this 'we', really?
When the US and coalition forces went into into Iraq, a little known fact is that they repaired a damaged oil pipeline running through Iraq from Mosul to Kirkuk and then extended that all the way into Israel.
The Daily Telegraph printed a tiny paragraph or two around that time decades ago that I read saying that supplies of oil from the conquered Iraq to Israel henceforth were going to be unlimited and entirely free (only for Israel, nobody else is to get any of this war booty, only Israel, which points a finger yet again at who was really responsible for 9/11), on an indefinite basis, i.e. perpetual armed robbery with US troops stationed there to guard the oil pipeline and well heads.
Meanwhile the cancer rate in Iraq burgeoned massively from the effects of dioxin-producing burn pits, DU and GM seedstocks forced on Iraqi farmers at gunpoint according to a report at the time.
Monsanto (now another company 'name', all Jew Fink Blackrock and Vanguard no doubt), literally forced Jewish GM black magic toxic fake food seedstock on the Iraqi farmers after destroying their own grain research facility at Abu Ghraib along with their grain stocks that were genuinely ideally suited to their own soil and climate, having been selectively developed there over several thousand years.
The demonically-possessed invaders told the farmers that their Iraqi seed stock was no good and told them they were to receive 'help' in the form of these GM seed stocks, with any further use of their own stock prevented militarily.
Abu Ghraib then of course became the location of a new Manchurian Candidate processing centre.
GM fake foods are well-established as causing cancer in animal livestock ('they' won't tell us what GM fake foods do to Gentile livestock), and who knows if the Iraqis even got given some specially tweaked and particularly toxic seedstock? - this is a distinct possibility seeing as Iraqi farmers were literally forced at gunpoint to plant Monsanto GM crop seeds from that time on and prevented from planting their usual normal seedstock by that all having being destroyed purposely by US military thugs acting exactly like Israeli IDF terrorist forces.
I know a medical team personally who visit Iraq every year to provide free help out of their own pockets and they tell me they hardly ever see a normal child in Iraq, they are almost all injured, psychologically severely traumatized, defective in or ill in some way, this is entirely a Jewish-planned Biblical extermination event as in Deuteronomy 20:16.
But ask the snotty 'British' (Jewish) Israeli satellite government representatives, they say Iraq has never had it so good since they were 'liberated'. Iraq was 'liberated' on the basis of Agent Curveball's testimony about WMD's in Iraq that he later even admitted he made up, he was most surely a trained crypto-Jewish Israeli plant posing as an Iraqi defector.
Curveball said later that he was glad about what had happened in Iraq anyway as 'his' people (Jewspeak) had been liberated from a terrible dictator, guess whose 'people' Agent Curveball really meant.
'British' officials (who increasingly often these days expecially now seem to have suspiciously unhealthy-looking sallow yellow Jewy-looking complexions, a result of them being members of the blood-drinking 'undead'), say that the health and longevity and fertility of the Iraqi population have never been better).
GM fake food crops cause massive rates of cancer and premature death, organ failure, auto-immune disease, decreased fertility, spontaneous abortion, birth defects in animal livestock (and just the same in Gentile human victims quite obviously).
And the 'harmless' DU that British 'doctors' and other officials say was used in Iraq precisely because it is so harmless as "it just goes straight into the soil" actually contains several radioactive isotopes and is not really pure DU, which would actually be lead anyway if it was really truly depleted, as lead is what uranium turns into when it is really depleted. Even lead itself causes kidney damage, brain damage and cancer anyway, so these officials are patently lying in everyone's faces when they say DU going into the soil is perectly harmless as DU is a whole order of magnitude more toxic than mere lead.
DU emits vapourized DU when a round or shell exits the muzzle of a gun, that any soldier then inhales, and then the soldier gets lung cancer, and or damaged kidneys, and ends up on dialysis several, times a week, or has kids with a few fingers on each hand missing, I have personally spoken with a British ex-special forces soldier whose health has been destroyed through having been ordered to use DU rounds, and when I spoke to him his kidneys were so badly damaged by having inhaled DU vapour he told me that he had been having to have kidney dialysis 4 times a week to stay alive, but the COVID crisis hit then and he told me that his dialysis sessions had just been cut to once a week, with very obvious certain consequences, I have not seen him around since and I doubt if he will still be alive now if he is still restricted to just one dialysis session a week. He had become very savvy about what the British and American governments are really about and how he had been used.
The cancer rate in Iraq in 1990 was a mere 5% lifetime incidence prior to coalition invasion, and just 15 years later by 2005 it had already skyrocketed to 200%, meaning that every person in Iraq is virtually guaranteed to get cancer twice in their life, and that figure is still rising. Israel does not just take oil, it exterminates people while doing it, vastly worse than any ordinary criminal armed robber, and worse still, the Jews do not risk losing their own lives, they only use dumbed-down hypnotised goyim slave armies of controlled nations to do the dirty work for them.
DU was classed decades ago as a WMD, it was fully recognized years ago by more honest scientific evaluation to cause the integrity of any genome to be destroyed in the fullness of time with the ultimate effect that no species of life can survive and reproduce long term on any area of land on which DU has been deployed,.
The Australian journalist John Pilger who had been in Iraq during the invasion gave a speech I attended and he said he witnessed constant round-the-clock sorties of coalition miiltary aircraft taking off fully laden with DU bombs and coming back empty to be reloaded and going straight up again, he stated that every possible inhabitable area in Iraq, even as-yet uninhabited areas, were purposesly being salted with DU, this is part of the extermination agenda organized by the Jews.
BUT, Israel gets free oil in perpetuity, thanks to mind-wiped Manchurian Candidate US soldiers stationed now still in Iraq willing to offer fealty to the king of Israel by presenting gifts of free oil at his feet in perpetuity, while getting steadily sterilized themseleves of course, as DU has caused fertility rates in Iraq to drop vastly.
Well, surely, the Jews think, they can't expect a 'real human being,' a Jew to go there and do that dangerous job themselves can they? They consider that this sort of thing is obviously just for their goyim slaves to attend to on their behalf.
Looks like the crypto-Jew fake Muslim terrorist now in power in Syria will now fulfil Trump's statement about 'we' might just take all the oil in Syria with their oil too, and also give that too only to Israel for them to use or retail as they wish.
Israel simply took a couple of rigs in the sea near Israel actually belonging to another nation a few years ago after seizing them with commando units, and said they belong to Israel now, but Jews say they are the rightful owners of everything in the world anyway.
Trump stated very recently that 'most' people in Gaza are 'gone' now, so from 2.3 million Palestinians that would mean over 1.15 million Gazans are really dead now, after all, none have been taken out of Gaza as refugees, none are being evacuated. Trump kind of let that slip, as overly arrogant Jews tend to, but how else could it be when over 90% of buildings are now reduced just to rubble and dust? This leaves nowhere to shelter from the elements or to get food and water let alone shelter from tank shells, machine guns, bombs and shrapnel.
So all those that 'You knew I was a snake' Trump envisages living in Gaza will naturally be intended in reality to be only the interloping blood-sucking Jew parasite usurpers themselves, how else could it possibly be in the mind of that selfish psychopath?